Sencha ExtJS - Display combo picker always on top of the control - extjs

So I have this specific combo that I need to display its picker always on top (just as it behaves when it is too near to the bottom of the page). As shown here:
I tried with the pickerAlign config but I wasn't able to put it on top of my control. Thanks!

Found the answer, this will do:
pickerAlign : 'b-t'
Anyway, it displays the same amount of items it would as if there was the same space on top of it that the amount beneath it.


Add additional tab within access

I'm not sure if this is possible but here goes. What I wish to do is create an additional tab within my report as I wish to add an extra text box after details.
When adding the textbox within the details tab it repeats after every grade as shown below.
If the textbox is placed in the footer it only shows at the bottom of the page shown below.
I wish the textbox to appear as shown in the image below.
Ideally I would like to add an additional tab below details within the design view to place this textbox and a page break. Shown below is the design view.
If anyone can give some light on how this can be done that would be great.
Thank you for your time
You need to switch on the Footer for the Students_StudentID section.
This is done in the Group, Sort and Total pane.

Finding empty label in Windows form

I am new to Windows Form application and trying to build a small application.
I had dragged and dropped a label on the main form.
Then I deleted its text property to empty string basically hiding the label.
Now I would like to move this label to some other location on the form but unable to do so because I cannot find it.
I checked the designer file and its there.
But I cannot find it in the form so that I can grab it and move to a different location.
Please help.
Use Document Outline. Look at the following images.
That happens to me several times, and a few weeks ago I found a way to get the empty label like this:
On the tab "Properties" just click on the arrow to show all controls and click on the label you want, this will automatically select the label on your form..

Angular ui-grid. Error in example?

I want to use ui-grid with treeView, but in example:
it working wrong.
if i click on "+" icon and then click "-" icon - last row going out from grid.
How repear this, or replace to other grid with tree (hierarhical grid with several column and row selections)? Thanks!
I think this may be the alignment issue that was fixed this morning, which occurs when you have filters. The treeView appears to be working correctly today.
If you have an issue that is different than that, could you provide a bit more detail - your description is somewhat unclear on exactly what it is that is wrong.

Popups in Pivot

I have a Pivot layout with three items. One holds news for today, the second shows news for the week and in the third one you can search by date. If there aren't news for today yet, I show a message through a popup. I use a popup because I can put it over the datatemplate list.
The problem is that if I show the popup in the pivotitem for today news, it is shown in all other pivot items, but in code is inside the first pivot item only!
How can I solve this? Would you recommend me to use something different than a popup? I could hide the popup when pivot item is changed, but I want the message to remain visible in the item that has no news.
thank you!
There are known issues with regards to performance and rotation with the Popup control. My suggestion would be to use a Grid element and toggle it's visibility as and when required. For this overlay to be shown on top of the whole pivot (and not just the current item contents) you will need to put it at the same level in the visual tree as the pivot, and declared afterwards in the XAML to ensure that it appears on top. Other than that, it's just a case of showing/hiding it based on your logic and the selected pivot item.

Alternative Content for a Selected ComboBoxItem

I need to place a ComboBox in a place where I have very limited space. Is there any way to show content for the SelectedItem in the ComboBox that is different than the content that is displayed for the item in the ComboBox's Popup?
As an example, Firefox does this with it's Site Search box in the top right of the browser. When you open the dropdown, the site names are displayed along with their respective logos, but when a site is selected, only the icon is displayed.
UPDATE: Solution found :-)
I found a solution at this site:
I just needed to modify the "DisplayImageWithText" DataTemplate to only show the field I want.
Yes, have 2 sets of data and change the display member column of the combobox - according to the position. as long as the value is the same, it will work good, and you'll get 2 displays out of the same combo-box.
