Is there a workaround for retrieving data for more than 1000 messages using SendGrid Filter All Messages? - sendgrid-api-v3

I have a requirement of retrieving the activity for certain category of emails sent through our SendGrid account with events occurring before specific time.
For this, I first invoke the filter all messages endpoint of SendGrid to retrieve message IDs of the specific category of messages I am interested in bounding above using last_event_time parameter of the endpoint followed by retrieving activity for individual messages using the Filter message by message ID endpoint with the retrieved message ids.
The problem that I am faced with is that the filter all messages has a limit parameter with maximum value of 1000 while the number of messages for which the last_event_time is equal to a specific timestamp say '2021-10-10T10:10:10Z' can be more than 1000.
In this case, the use of timestamp to iteratively filter messages doesn't work as the response from filter all messages contains data for the same set of 1000 messages. I though of using the message ID's from the data retrieved through filter all messages to exclude data for those in subsequent calls and even tried that out but it errored out because the request uri was too long.
Not sure if I am missing something here.

You can paginate through the responses by adding limit and offset parameters to your request URL.
For example:


What is the cardinality between Message and Exchange

I am trying to understand the cardinality between Messages and Exchanges. In the following route, by the time one message makes it to the final log how many Exchanges are created?
.bean(messageTransformer, "transformMessage")
Since a Message can hold only one "in" message, I imagine there will be one Message for each end-point the message hops on. Is this true?
You can consider an Exchange as being the envelope containing the Message + some meta-data (the Properties), allowing this message to be transported between endpoints.
The javadoc says:
An Exchange is the message container holding the information during
the entire routing of a Message received by a Consumer.
So, in your example, if the timer is fired 10 times, this will result in 10 distinct exchanges of one message.

Is there a way to get the oldest UNREAD mail from a GMAIL mailbox using the REST API

Is there a way using gmail rest API to get the oldest UNREAD mail or list eg. 10 oldest UNREAD mails?
Right now i am getting all unread mails from a specific email folder by looping using nextPage until i reach the last page. There i get the last message id, which seems to refer to the oldest email. I works and the mail id's seems to be listed in order newest first and oldest last in the list.
This is the query i am using:"folderI"&includeSpamTrash=false&pageToken="nextPage"&q=is:unread
Is there a more effective way to get the oldest UNREAD mail or to get a list of say the 10 oldest UNREAD mails?
There is no direct way to do it, but you can use the the q parameter search properties Search operators you can use with Gmail to get the messages from a certain period or with a max date to get less emails to go through.

Is it possible to get recent 5 emails using the gmail -API from one specific sender

Through another question I was able to limit the number of results but I was wondering if there is a way to filter the messages and only pull them from one sender?
Thank you
You can use the query parameter (q) which supports advanced search syntax. For example, if the sender you want messages from is:, you can use:
Take into account that this will only send back the id and threadId of the emails. If you want more info about the messages you should use messages.get for each message.

Gmail REST API Thread Search not Giving Expected Results

We have built an Email Audit Application for one of our customers. The app utilizes the Gmail REST API and provides a front-end interface that allows users with permission to run audit queries based on a selected date-ranges. The date-range that is provided by the user is utilized in the Email Thread search query.
We have noticed, however, that the API is showing a discrepancy between the threads that are returned and the actual items that are in the inbox of an audited user. For example, in order to collect everything within 1 day, say 4/28, we need to expand the audit range from 4/27-4/29.
The documentation for the Gmail REST API provides no explanation nor highlighting of this behavior. Is this an issue with the API or are there additional parameters that perhaps can specify the time-zone for which we can search for these email threads?
Below you will find a snippet of code that is utilized to grab such email threads:
def GrabAllThreadIDs(user_email, after_date, before_date):
query = "in:inbox " + "after:" + after_date + " " + "before:" + before_date
# Create the Gmail Service
gmail_service = create_gmail_service(user_email)
raw_thread_response = ListThreadsMatchingQuery(gmail_service, 'me', query)
for item in raw_thread_response:
return all_ids
def ListThreadsMatchingQuery(service, user_id, query=''):
"""List all Threads of the user's mailbox matching the query.
service: Authorized Gmail API service instance.
user_id: User's email address. The special value "me"
can be used to indicate the authenticated user.
query: String used to filter messages returned.
Eg.- 'label:UNREAD' for unread messages only.
List of threads that match the criteria of the query. Note that the returned
list contains Thread IDs, you must use get with the appropriate
ID to get the details for a Thread.
response = service.users().threads().list(userId=user_id, q=query).execute()
threads = []
if 'threads' in response:
while 'nextPageToken' in response:
page_token = response['nextPageToken']
response = service.users().threads().list(userId=user_id, q=query,
return threads
except errors.HttpError, error:
print 'An error occurred: %s' % error
That is how the Advanced search is designed. after gives messages sent after 12:00 AM (or 00:00), and before gives messages before the given date. Asking for after:2015/04/28 and before:2015/04/28 would result in a non-existent timespan.
I like to use the alternate form after:<TIME_IN_SECONDS_SINCE_THE_EPOCH>. If you would like to get all the messages received on 2015/04/28 you would write after:1430172000 before:1430258399 (2015/04/28 00:00 to 2015/04/28 23:59:59)

How to restrict the answer size in javamail search method?

I am using Javamail library to fetch emails from several servers through IMAP.
I only care for the unread messages and I want to download only the 5 last received unread messages.
For filtering the messages in a folder I am using using the ft) method passing the flag SEEN with value false, just as following code shows:
FlagTerm ft = new FlagTerm(new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), false);
Message[] messages =;
I need to diminish bandwidth usage and the above method may return an arbitrarily large number of messages. I am only interested in the last 5 of them, is there a way for the IMAP server return a limited number of messages?
You can do the search over a subset of the messages, effectively setting an upper limit on the number of messages returned, but you might have to do multiple searches. There's no direct way to limit the number of results returned if you're searching all messages.
Note that the search results are relatively compact (effectively only the message number), so unless you're searching a huge number of messages I wouldn't think bandwidth would be an issue relative to fetching the content of the messages.
