How to restrict the answer size in javamail search method? - jakarta-mail

I am using Javamail library to fetch emails from several servers through IMAP.
I only care for the unread messages and I want to download only the 5 last received unread messages.
For filtering the messages in a folder I am using using the ft) method passing the flag SEEN with value false, just as following code shows:
FlagTerm ft = new FlagTerm(new Flags(Flags.Flag.SEEN), false);
Message[] messages =;
I need to diminish bandwidth usage and the above method may return an arbitrarily large number of messages. I am only interested in the last 5 of them, is there a way for the IMAP server return a limited number of messages?

You can do the search over a subset of the messages, effectively setting an upper limit on the number of messages returned, but you might have to do multiple searches. There's no direct way to limit the number of results returned if you're searching all messages.
Note that the search results are relatively compact (effectively only the message number), so unless you're searching a huge number of messages I wouldn't think bandwidth would be an issue relative to fetching the content of the messages.


Is there a workaround for retrieving data for more than 1000 messages using SendGrid Filter All Messages?

I have a requirement of retrieving the activity for certain category of emails sent through our SendGrid account with events occurring before specific time.
For this, I first invoke the filter all messages endpoint of SendGrid to retrieve message IDs of the specific category of messages I am interested in bounding above using last_event_time parameter of the endpoint followed by retrieving activity for individual messages using the Filter message by message ID endpoint with the retrieved message ids.
The problem that I am faced with is that the filter all messages has a limit parameter with maximum value of 1000 while the number of messages for which the last_event_time is equal to a specific timestamp say '2021-10-10T10:10:10Z' can be more than 1000.
In this case, the use of timestamp to iteratively filter messages doesn't work as the response from filter all messages contains data for the same set of 1000 messages. I though of using the message ID's from the data retrieved through filter all messages to exclude data for those in subsequent calls and even tried that out but it errored out because the request uri was too long.
Not sure if I am missing something here.
You can paginate through the responses by adding limit and offset parameters to your request URL.
For example:

resultSizeEstimate is completely wrong

I've got a problem with the Gmail API and the resultSizeEstimate field of the messages.list method.
The value is completely wrong : if I query all of the messages of INBOX using, I got a resultSizeEstimate of 51, even if I can fetch more than 51 messages at once with maxResults.
The thing is that I've got more than 8k messages in my inbox, if I look in the Gmail GUI or using the labels.get.messagesTotal field.
That's not a problem if I want to have the total number of messages in a label since labels.get works fine, but how can I do to have the total number of messages of a specific query ? If I add a &q=... to my messages.list request, I still have a value of max results around 50, which is obviously wrong.
Thanks !
resultSizeEstimate is just that, an estimate. You should probably not use it if it has to be a very close estimate.
You can't get the total amount of results of a query. You have to list until there is no nextPageToken in the response. Then you know you have gotten every result of the query.

Understanding Datastore Get RPCs in Google App Engine

I'm using sharded counters ( in my GAE application for performance reasons, but I'm having some trouble understanding why it's so slow and how I can speed things up.
I have an API that grabs a set of 20 objects at a time and for each object, it gets a total from a counter to include in the response.
With Appstats turned on and a clear cache, I notice that getting the totals for 20 counters makes 120 RPCs by datastore_v3.Get which takes 2500ms.
This seems like quite a lot of RPC calls and quite a bit of time for reading just 20 counters. I assumed this would be faster and maybe that's where I'm wrong. Is it supposed to be faster than this?
Further Inspection
I dug into the stats a bit more, looking at these two lines in the get_count method:
all_keys = GeneralCounterShardConfig.all_keys(name)
for counter in ndb.get_multi(all_keys):
If I comment out the get_multi line, I see that there are 20 RPC calls by datastore_v3.Get totaling 185ms.
As expected, this leaves get_multi to be the culprit for 100 RPC calls by datastore_v3. Get taking upwards of 2500 ms. I verified this, but this is where I'm confused. Why does calling get_multi with 20 keys cause 100 RPC calls?
Update #1
I checked out Traces in the GAE console and saw some additional information. They show a breakdown of the RPC calls there as well - but in the sights they say to "Batch the gets to reduce the number of remote procedure calls." Not sure how to do that outside of using get_multi. Thought that did the job. Any advice here?
Update #2
Here are some screen shots that show the stats I'm looking at. The first one is my base line - the function without any counter operations. The second one is after a call to get_count for just one counter. This shows a difference of 6 datastore_v3.Get RPCs.
Base Line
After Calling get_count On One Counter
Update #3
Based on Patrick's request, I'm adding a screenshot of info from the console Trace tool.
Try splitting up the for loop that goes through each item and the actual get_multi call itself. So something like:
all_values = ndb.get_multi(all_keys)
for counter in all_values:
# Insert amazeballs codes here
I have a feeling it's one of these:
The generator pattern (yield from for loop) is causing something funky with get_multi execution paths
Perhaps the number of items you are expecting doesn't match actual result counts, which could reveal a problem with GeneralCounterShardConfig.all_keys(name)
The number of shards is set too high. I've realized that anything over 10 shards causes performance issues.
When I've dug into similar issues, one thing I've learned is that get_multi can cause multiple RPCs to be sent from your application. It looks like the default in the SDK is set to 1000 keys per get, but the batch size I've observed in production apps is much smaller: something more like 10 (going from memory).
I suspect the reason it does this is that at some batch size, it actually is better to use multiple RPCs: there is more RPC overhead for your app, but there is more Datastore parallelism. In other words: this is still probably the best way to read a lot of datastore objects.
However, if you don't need to read the absolute most current value, you can try setting the db.EVENTUAL_CONSISTENCY option, but that seems to only be available in the older db library and not in ndb. (Although it also appears to be available via the Cloud Datastore API).
If you look at the Python code in the App Engine SDK, specifically the file google/appengine/datastore/, you will see the following lines:
max_count = (Configuration.max_get_keys(config, self.__config) or
if is_read_current and txn is None:
max_egs_per_rpc = self.__get_max_entity_groups_per_rpc(config)
max_egs_per_rpc = None
pbsgen = self._generate_pb_lists(indexed_keys_by_entity_group,
base_req.ByteSize(), max_count,
max_egs_per_rpc, config)
rpcs = []
for pbs, indexes in pbsgen:
rpcs.append(make_get_call(base_req, pbs,
My understanding of this:
Set max_count from the configuration object, or 1000 as a default
If the request must read the current value, set max_gcs_per_rpc from the configuration, or 10 as a default
Split the input keys into individual RPCs, using both max_count and max_gcs_per_rpc as limits.
So, this is being done by the Python Datastore library.

Apache Camel - Make Aggregator 'flush'

I effectively want a flush, or a completionSize but for all the aggregations in the aggregator. Like a global completionSize.
Basically I want to make sure that every message that comes in a batch is aggregated and then have all the aggregations in that aggregator complete at once when the last one has been read.
e.g. 1000 messages arrive (the length is not known beforehand)
aggregate on correlation id into bins
A 300
B 400
C 300 (size of the bins is not known before hand)
I want the aggregator not to complete until the 1000th exchange is aggregated
thereupon I want all of the aggregations in the aggregator to complete at once
The CompleteSize applies to each aggregation, and not the aggregator as a whole unfortunately. So if I set CompleteSize( 1000 ) it will just never finish, since each aggregation has to exceed 1000 before it is 'complete'
I could get around it by building up a single Map object, but this is kind of sidestepping the correlation in aggregator2, that I would prefer to use ideally
so yeah, either global-complete-size or flushing, is there a way to do this intelligently?
one option is to simply add some logic to keep a global counter and set the Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS header once its reached...
Available as of Camel 2.9...You can manually complete all current aggregated exchanges by sending in a message containing the header Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS set to true. The message is considered a signal message only, the message headers/contents will not be processed otherwise.
I suggest to take a look at the Camel aggregator eip doc, and read about the different completion conditions. And as well that special message Ben refers to you can send to signal to complete all in-flight aggregates.
If you consume from a batch consumer then you can use a special completion that complets when the batch is done. For example if you pickup files or rows from a JPA database table etc. Then when all messages from the batch consumer has been processed then the aggregator can signal completion for all these aggregated messages, using the completionFromBatchConsumer option.
Also if you have a copy of the Camel in Action book, then read chapter 8, section 8.2, as its all about the aggregate EIP covered in much more details.
// If all messages are processed,
// flush the aggregation
.setHeader(Exchange.AGGREGATION_COMPLETE_ALL_GROUPS_INCLUSIVE, constant(true))

How to aggregate files in Mule ESB CE

I need to aggregate a number of csv inbound files in-memory, if necessary resequencing them, on Mule ESB CE 3.2.1.
How could I implement this kind of logics?
I tried with message-chunking-aggregator-router, but it fails on startup because xsd schema does not admit such a configuration:
<message-chunking-aggregator-router timeout="20000" failOnTimeout="false" >
<expression-message-info-mapping correlationIdExpression="#[header:correlation]"/>
I've also tried to attach mine correlation ids to inbound messages, then process them by a custom-aggregator, but I've found that Mule internally uses a key made up of:
Serializable key=event.getId()+event.getMessage().getCorrelationSequence();//EventGroup:264
The internal id is everytime different (also if correlation sequence is correct): this way, Mule does not use only correlation sequence as I expected and same message is processed many times.
Finally, I can re-write a custom aggregator, but I would like to use a more consolidated technique.
Thanks in advance,
I've tried with message-chunk-aggregator but it doesn't fit my requisite, as it admits duplicates.
I try to detail the scenario I need to cover:
Mule polls (on a SFTP location)
file 1 "" is detected and kept in memory somewhere (as an open SFTPStream, it's ok).
Some correlation info are mantained for grouping: group, sequence, group size.
file 1 "" is detected again, but cannot be inserted because would be duplicated
file 2 "" is detected, and correctly added
stated that group size has been reached, Mule routes MessageCollection with the correct set of messages
About point 2., I'm lucky enough to get info from filename and put them into MuleMessage::correlation* properties, so that subsequent components could use them.
I did, but duplicates are processed the same.
Thanks again
Here is the right router to use with Mule 3:
