Need to Add Values to Certain Items - sql-server

I have a table that I need to add the same values to a whole bunch of items
(in a nut shell if the item doesn't have a UNIT of "CTN" I want to add the same values i have listed to them all)
I thought the following would work but it doesn't :(
Any idea what i am doing wrong ?
VALUES ('CTN','20220509','22513927','ADMIN','AU','1')
WHERE ITEMNO In '0','etc','etc','etc'

If I understand correctly you might want to use INSERT INTO ... SELECT from original table with your condition.
SELECT 'CTN','20220509','22513927','ADMIN','AU','1'
WHERE ITEMNO In ('0','etc','etc','etc')

The query you needs starts by selecting the filtered items. So it seems something like below is your starting point
select <?> from dbo.ICUNIT as icu where icu.UNIT <> 'CTN' order by ...;
Notice the use of schema name, terminators, and table aliases - all best practices. I will guess that a given "item" can have multiple rows in this table so long as ICUNIT is unique within ITEMNO. Correct? If so, the above query won't work. So let's try slightly more complicated filtering.
select distinct icu.ITEMNO
from dbo.ICUNIT as icu
where not exists (select * from dbo.ICUNIT as ctns
where ctns.ITEMNO = icu.ITEMNO -- correlating the subquery
and ctns.UNIT = 'CTN')
order by ...;
There are other ways to do that above but that is one common way. That query will produce a resultset of all ITEMNO values in your table that do not already have a row where UNIT is "CTN". If you need to filter that for specific ITEMNO values you simply adjust the WHERE clause. If that works correctly, you can use that with your insert statement to then insert the desired rows.
insert into dbo.ICUNIT (...)
select distinct icu.ITEMNO, 'CTN', '20220509', '22513927', 'ADMIN', 'AU', '1'
from ...


Select two columns using select query and then update the columns with results

In my employees table I am i have two columns area_code and BusinessPhone I stript the area code out and and put into an alias column and I did the same with the phone number. Now I need to update area_code and BusinessPhone columns with the results of what I have up into my alias columns but not sure how to do this.
This is what I have so far:
SELECT Right([BusinessPhone],3) AS Expr1, Mid([BusinessPhone],5) AS Expr2
FROM employees;
Here's how you would perform the update. I still refer to my comments since we don't know exactly what the original businessphone looks like.
UPDATE Employees
SET area_code = right([BusinessPhone],3),
businessphone = Mid([BusinessPhone],5)

Highlight Duplicate Values in a NetSuite Saved Search

I am looking for a way to highlight duplicates in a NetSuite saved search. The duplicates are in a column called "ACCOUNT" populated with text values.
NetSuite permits adding fields (columns) to the search using a stripped down version of SQL Server. It also permits conditional highlighting of entire rows using the same code. However I don't see an obvious way to compare values between rows of data.
Although duplicates can be grouped together in a summary report and identified by a count of 2 or more, I want to show duplicate lines separately and highlight each.
The closest thing I found was a clever formula that calculates a running total here:
sum/* comment */({amount})
ORDER BY {internalid}
I wonder if it's possible to sort results by the field being checked for duplicates and adapt this code to identify changes in the "ACCOUNT" field between a row and the previous row.
Any ideas? Thanks!
This post has been edited. I have left the progression as a learning experience about NetSuite.
Original - plain SQL way - not suitable for NetSuite
Does something like this meet your needs? The test data assumes looking for duplicates on id1 and id2. Note: This does not work in NetSuite as it supports limited SQL functions. See comments for links.
declare #table table (id1 int, id2 int, value int);
insert #table values
--select * from #table order by id1, id2;
select t.*,
case when dups.id1 is not null then 1 else 0 end is_dup --identify dups when there is a matching dup record
from #table t
left join ( --subquery to find duplicates
select id1, id2
from #table
group by id1, id2
having count(1) > 1
) dups
on dups.id1 = t.id1
and dups.id2 = t.id2
order by t.id1, t.id2;
First Edit - NetSuite target but in SQL.
This was a SQL test based on the example available syntax provided in the question since I do not have NetSuite to test against. This will give you a value greater than 1 on each duplicate row using a similar syntax. Note: This will give the appropriate answer but not in NetSuite.
select t.*,
sum(1) over (partition by id1, id2)
from #table t
order by t.id1, t.id2;
Second Edit - Working NetSuite version
After some back and forth here is a version that works in NetSuite:
sum/* comment */(1) OVER(PARTITION BY {name})
This will also give a value greater than 1 on any row that is a duplicate.
This works by summing the value 1 on each row included in the partition. The partition column(s) should be what you consider a duplicate. If only one column makes a duplicate (e.g. user ID) then use as above. If multiple columns make a duplicate (e.g. first name, last name, city) then use a comma-separated list in the partition. SQL will basically group the rows by the partition and add up the 1s in the sum/* comment */(1). The example provided in the question sums an actual column. By summing 1 instead we will get the value 1 when there is only 1 ID in the partition. Anything higher is a duplicate. I guess you could call this field duplicate count.

How to join two tables based on Grouping of 1 column in both the tables

I have come up a situation which is not easy to explain in sentence so i will go ahead and give the complete scenario here.
I have one result set like the below :-
It shows header_equipment_id(s) in a group of jil_equipment_id,relationship_name,cell_group.. For example 3159398,4622903 lies in one group.
The other result set is given below, This is the table where i want to update 3 columns namely Is_Applicable_Price,prc_content_rid,prc_type_name
If you notice clearly, You will find the same header_equipment_id column here. If you group it with the result found above, You will find 3 different groups for. But out of those 3 groups, one group is red, It is red because they belong to different cell_group/relationship_name.
Yellow and green are passed scenario and Red, Blue are fail.
I want to update the columns Is_Applicable_Price,prc_content_rid,prc_type_name if the Group of header_equipment_id(s) fall under the same cell_group and relationship_name.
So the final result set would look something like below -
Please help me with any inputs if possible. It's a situation where i know one single query won't work. But i will need to have multiple Temp tables for the transformation. But this is the shortest i have came across.
I am using Microsoft sql server 2012.
Please help. Even a small hint would be of great help to me. Thanks in advance.
It seems that the only thing the 2 tables have in common is that a cell_group can have a one or more rows of header_equipment_id. If we can generate a unique value based on header_equipment_id then we can join the 2 tables on this value. Note I have used a simple division , you may wish to check that this method is unique enough for your purposes.
/*create table a
(jil_equimentid int,relationship_name varchar(20),header_equipment_id int,
smart_equipment_id int,cell_group int,new_price_flag int,is_applicable_price int,prc_content_rid int,prc_type_name varchar(20))
truncate table a
insert into a values
(1282977,'default',3159398,1282977,3,1,1,106347924,'New Price'),
(1282977,'default',4622903,1262578,3,1,1,106347924,'New Price'),
(1282977,'default',1659861,1282977,6,1,1,106347925,'New Price'),
(1282977,'default',4622904,1282977,6,1,1,106347925,'New Price')
drop table t
create table t
(jil_equimentid int,relationship_name varchar(20),header_equipment_id int,
smart_equipment_id int,cell_group int,new_price_flag int,is_applicable_price int,prc_content_rid int,prc_type_name varchar(20))
truncate table t
insert into t values
(1282977,'128297711111 default',4622903,1282977,1,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711211 default',3159398,1262578,2,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297712111 default',4622904,1282977,4,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297712211 default',1659861,1282977,5,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',3159398,1262578,1,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',4622903,1282977,1,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,3159398,1262578,2,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,4622903,1282977,2,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',1659861,1262577,3,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'128297711101 default',4622904,1282977,3,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,1659861,1262577,4,1,null,null,null),
(1282977,'default' ,4622904,1262577,4,1,null,null,null)
(SELECT a.cell_group,
sum(a.header_equipment_id / 10000000.0000) uniqueval
from a
group by a.cell_group
SELECT t.relationship_name,t.cell_group,
sum(t.header_equipment_id / 10000000.0000) uniqueval
from t
group by t.relationship_name,t.cell_group having count(*) > 1
join #tempa ta on ta.uniqueval = cte.uniqueval

SQL query join elements

I will re-write my doubt to be more easy to understand.
I have one table named SeqNumbers that have only one column of data named PossibleNumbers, that has value from 1 to 10.000.
Then I have another Table named Terminals and one of the columns have the serial numbers of the terminals. What I want is get all the SerialNumbers that not exists in the Terminals table from 1 to 10.000.
I've created the SeqNumbers table only to do this... maybe there's another solution without using it... that's fine to me.
The query I have is:
SELECT PossibleNumbers from SeqNumbers
Where PossibleNumbers NOT IN (SELECT SerialNumbers from Terminals)**
Basically I want to list ALL serial numbers of terminals that doesn't exists in the database.
This Query works fine I think... but the problem is that I don't want all results in a single column.. I want these results displayed in 4 or 5 columns.
For my purpose I can only use the results from the query like that. I cannot use programmatically methods to do that.
Hope this is more clear now... Thanks for all the help...
select x, x+1000 from tablename
Will that do it for you?
If I'm reading this right, you'd probably have to do a self join; something like:
RightValues.ColA AS ColB
FROM YourTable LeftValues
LEFT JOIN YourTable RightValues ON LeftValues.ColA = RightValues.ColA - 1000
WHERE LeftValues.ColA < 1000
Note: Use the JOIN that makes sense for you (left if you are willing to accept NULLs in ColB, inner if you only want them where both values exist)
You can use a scripting language to parse the MySQL results to format it anyway you like. Are you using PHP to access the database? If so, let me know and I can cook one up for you.
I just saw your new updated question. In this case the order of the columns will be ordered by your SELECT statement and you can also sort too. Here is an example:
SELECT Column1, Column2 FROM my_table ORDER BY Column1, Column2 ASC

SQL Server Reference a Calculated Column

I have a select statement with calculated columns and I would like to use the value of one calculated column in another. Is this possible? Here is a contrived example to show what I am trying to do.
SELECT [calcval1] = CASE Statement, [calcval2] = [calcval1] * .25
All the results of a single row from a select are atomic. That is, you can view them all as if they occur in parallel and cannot depend on each other.
If you're referring to computed columns, then you need to update the formula's input for the result to change during a select.
Think of computed columns as macros or mini-views which inject a little calculation whenever you call them.
For example, these columns will be identical, always:
-- assume that 'Calc' is a computed column equal to Salaray*.25
SELECT Calc, Salary*.25 Calc2 FROM YourTable
Also keep in mind that the persisted option doesn't change any of this. It keeps the value around which is nice for indexing, but the atomicity doesn't change.
Unfortunately not really, but a workaround that is sometimes worth it is
SELECT [calcval1], [calcval1] * .25 AS [calcval2]
FROM (SELECT [calcval1] = CASE Statement FROM whatever WHERE whatever)
Yes it's possible.
Use the WITH Statement for nested selects:
Two ways I can think of to do that. First understand that the calval1 column does not exist as far as SQL Server is concerned until the statement has run, therefore it cannot be directly used as showning your example. So you can put the calculation in there twice, once for calval1 and once as substitution for calcval1 in the calval2 calculation.
The other way is to make a derived table with calval1 in it and then calculate calval2 outside the derived table something like:
select calcval1*.25 as calval2, calval1, field1, field2
from (select casestament as cavlval1, field1, field2 from my table) a
You'll need to test both for performance.
You should use an outer apply instead of a subselect:
select V.calc,V.calc*0.25 from FOO outer apply (select case Statement as calc) V
You can't "reset" the value of a calculated column in a Select clause, if that's what you're trying to do... The value of a calculated column is based on the calculated column formulae. Which CAN include the value of another calculated column.... but you canlt reset the formulae in a Select clause... if all you want to do is "output" the value based on two calculated columns, (as the syntax in your question reads" Then the
SELECT [calcval1] = CASE Statement, [calcval2] = [calcval1] * .25
would just become a column alias in the output of the Select Clause.
or are you asking how to define the formulae for one calculated column to be based on another?
