I want to make a website which will give the user math problems, and then based on the responses, will suggest new math problems for the user.
I am not so sure how this can be possible, and am also not sure about how the questions will be stored and displayed.
For example, in the initial quiz, if a user gets all multiplication problems right, but got division wrong, then I want the site to display division quizzes.
So, can someone please tell how do I store a quiz and get it to display? And is it possible to display specific questions as necessary?
I want the members of an interview committee to fill out a Google Form that will help manage which questions they will each ask the candidates they are interviewing. I don't want a candidate to be asked the same question by multiple interviewers.
Step 1, they select from among 96 "competencies," e.g., "Accountability" might be a competency they believe the position requires. They can choose up to, let's say, 5 competencies.
Step 2, based on which competencies they selected, they can now choose interview questions. We have a bank of 970 potential interview questions, each one of them directly related to one of the competencies. As interviewers select questions, those questions should be eliminated as options for the other interviewers. [I found some code to support the elimination part of this step in AppScript. What I CANNOT figure out is how to make the list of questions also based on which competencies they selected in the prior step. They should be choosing from a short list, not from a list of all 970. Each competency only has a handful of questions tied to it.]
Step 3, once everyone has completed the Form, we can produce a doc or pdf so everyone on the committee can see what everyone else is asking.
Is this possible??
If I understood your question correctly, Google Forms are not suitable for your task. You can find Add-Ons and GAS example codes that can change, for example, options for some dropdown question.
The problem is those changes are reflected to all the form viewers/users, in your case interview committee. Think about it like you have a single Google Doc file, "Terms and Conditions" that you can edit and others can view. Google Form are designed with a "same for everybody" idea in mind, so you can see answer percentages right away, like you have poll on twitter.
What you can do, since you already played with GAS is to create GAS WebApp that presents different options for each user. But if you are beginner I wouldn't recommend this, you will have to be GAS + JuniorWeb developer at least. Plus, since users can work concurrently, you will have to double check if what user selected became unavailable meanwhile (after competencies are selected, while you are picking the questions someone maybe submitted one of your competencies, when you hit submit your selections are invalid, you'll have to do it again).
The simplest way is if you have a company website, to ask the website developer to make some kind of company portal (employees only, not visible to visitors). Then to create this tool you need and put it on the company portal.
I saw some solutions for "race for resources" in Google Sheets where you can have competencies listed, then one true/false checkbox column "Reserved" and one "Who Reserved" column. And the filter is set to hide Reserved=true (filters rows for everybody, "live"). Then users can "collaborate" and user is aware if something they wanted became unavailable second ago. "Who Reserved" would require GAS code to handle onEdit event. But you have a second level - questions, I have no idea how you could make this.
I've made a quiz app and it's working fine.
I have used an ArrayList to 'store' all the questions I made up myself. Right now it contains 60 questions. I eventually want to expand this to ~300 questions. It looks like this right now:
questions = new ArrayList<>();
Question question0 = new Question(R.drawable.piano, "Welke coureur verkoos een carrière als coureur boven een carrière als pianist?", "Max Verstappen", "Fernando Alonso", "Jean Alesi", "Adrian Sutil", 3);
And I have done this 60 times now. At first I thought I could use a for-loop to add all the questions like :
for (int i=0; i<questions.size(); i++){
But this is not possible, because the size of the questions is still 0 in the beginning. Now I have a lot of the same code, and I was wondering how to solve it. I could use a database, but I still have to create colums/rows and have to add all the questions. Which takes even more time, right?
I would like to get some advice on what to use and why.
Is it necessary to use a database in my case?
No. However, depending upon what you want from the quiz, a database may be the way to go. If you are just going to present a quiz, the same quiz with the same questions and answers then the App may then no need.
However, if you ventured into storing results, displaying a subset of the questions (e.g. those not attempted or those not answered correctly etc) then you are moving into the realms of the database being desirable perhaps even needed.
I could use a database, but I still have to create colums/rows and have to add all the questions.
Rows would be created by adding the questions.
Which takes even more time, right?
Perhaps not with one of the available SQLite tools, the database could be created using such a tool and then copied into the App (typically as an asset) (more work to implement copying the asset). Of course should the App develop then this could save time (if implemented well).
I have seen some references to the Auto-learn function of Watson Dialog but I can't find coverage in any of the documentation. Can you point me to a source of information on how best to use Auto-Learn?
Thank you for your feedback, we are always working to improve our documentation.
For your immediate benefit, auto-learn is a bit of a misleading name for a feature t, but the name has stuck.
Autolearn has become the "did you mean..." with four bullet points that shows when a user sends an input that has no direct matches.
A little history...at one time, we thought that if a user typed something, saw the did you mean... and clicked a link, their intial input must have meant the same thing as the one they clicked, the system should automatically remember that.
Imagine this:
"What are your credit card fees?"
Did you mean... 1. apply for a credit card 2. cancel a credit card 3. pay your bill
click apply for a credit card
The user was simply interested in that, but obviously the two DO NOT have the same meaning. So we realized thats a bad idea, the system will learn incorrectly. However, we still call it auto learn.
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.
Here is my problem: I have a large form/checklist that I would like to make digital for ease of use.
Thoughts: I would like to use existing tools that would be easy to integrate. My first option is Access 2010.
My question: I would like to enter the questions into a database and then use those entries to auto generate a form that can be used to allow the user to input the actual data into the database. An example would be I have 11 Sections of questions and under each section I have sub-sections that can contain anywhere from 1-... how many every questions we need.
Is it possible to use data stored in an Access database to generate a form with Checkboxes that can be used to input data?
Please point me in the right direction. Obviously there is the option of just creating multiple forms or one big form, but I would like this form to easily be changed etc... Less work more automation.
Depending on the requirements of your project, this may be quite possible. If you want to use Access as both the back-end and front-end, then you'll need to work within a few limitations:
Because Access combines the user interface and design interface into the same screen, it requires a certain amount of trust that the user can't or won't try to get too creative with changing the data, seeing everyone else's data, changing the design of your form because they are bored, etc. There are ways around these problems, but they can get complicated.
Will all your users be using Window's machines with Access 2010 installed and with the original default settings? If so, good. If not, there may be ways that this could still work.
(There's more, but that's all I can think of right now)
To get started, here's a broad outline:
Make a table for your questions. This table would just have the questions.
Make a form using that question table as the source. Leave the checkboxes and other answer fields unbounded. Include a 'submit' button at the bottom.
The submit button will create a sql query to insert the user's answers into a 2nd table.
If you have any specific questions, we here at SO will be glad to answer them.
In order to dynamically and easily change the number of questions in the sections, what I would do is:
In the main Questions table, add a field called Section to allocate the questions into diffferent ones, and another one Yes/No field to select those that are included (you may also exclude them by leaving the section field empty, as you wish). This will solve the problem of changing the design easily. you probaly will need an admin form in order to do this changes, to avoid touching the tables directly, but this is your decision.
Secondly, in order to allow the users to efectively answer the generated form, you have to ask yourself if you want to accumulate the answer sets, and if you are going to control who answers
In a project I'll be working on soon there will be a need to generate avatars. The generation process will be one of those where the user can select different heads, hairstyles, clothing, etc. Some items will also be unavailable at first and will have to be earned or purchased.
I already have a fair idea on how to do this, but since it is a nontrivial amount of code, it would be nice to see working examples of code. Ideally I could just take a script and integrate into my page, but just gathering ideas from other people would be good too.
I'll be working with PHP, but examples in other languages are welcome too.
Added: To clarify, I don't mean a random avatar generator (or one that generates an avatar based on some hash value). A random avatar generator is subtly different from what I have intented. In a random avatar generator the programmer-artist has a much greater say of what goes where. He can carefully pick out pieces that will not conflict with each other, and he can discard those that give him trouble.
In my case the avatar generator is more like this. The user chooses which head to use, which hairstyle to apply, which piece of clothing to use, etc. There are way more pieces there, with artists adding new ones every once in a while. It's much harder to test how pieces will or won't fit together. Sometimes more advanced blending is required (like a hat would have a part of it in front of hair, and part of it behind the hair). Etc.
[EDIT: Revised answer to updated question]
I think that it's primarily a matter of designing the parts accordingly. You have some basic forms (male, female, tall / small, etc.) for which you have stylesets (e.g. hair) designed to match and align perfectly. Solving this algorithmically instead is probably a bad choice in terms of workload and probably not necessary for non-animated figures.
However, maybe you'll need some additional alpha-channel/transparency masks or something for combining head, hair and hat.
Other than that, these parts would have to be combined layer for layer like Monster ID.
They sell a cheap and fully functional website code to make your own avatar site.