NestJS repository integration tests using docker - database

Good evening everybody,
I'm new to NestJS (and the javascript world for that matter) and I'm seeking some help/direction regarding repository integration tests using docker.
I come from the java world and I used to use docker image to spin off a database image that I can run my integration tests against.
I searched on the web for something similar for NestJS but I could find a solution for my problem.
Could anybody please point to me to some kind of step by step tutorial that explains how to use docker to run database/repositories integration tests? is this something that can be done with NestJS? Is there a library/package that you can point me to that can help accomplish this?
Thank you all for your help.


Electron App (for production) with any database in a single file

I'm begginer in Electron ecosystem and i need make one powerfull desktop app.
I choose the electron because i'm experient with JavaScript and i really want make one software using React xD.
I have many questions and the first of my list is:
Can I put my "powerfull application" and the database (relational or not relational) in a single installer (for production) using the electron-builder?
If it's possible, may you have some tutorials to share with me?
Thank you all.

What barebone set up for developing web apps in angularjs?

I know its base on what you need, but in bare minimum what would be the best start up frameworks, task runners, plugins etc to develop real world web application? Im a noob but I think Il set it up as using:
Npm, angularjs ,jquery, expressjs, grunt, bower, bootstrap?
Then you just check which plugin you need for particular job?
Because alot of tutorials are pretty focus on just the angular side of things but never a real world development environment that could help with the job.
And follow up question is it advisable to have a dst and src folder and when youre done put everything in dst? What would be your take on this matter? Thank you
And for your question, I would suggest Angular CLI. It creates all the boilerplate to start coding in Angular, including task manager with all most all the tasks you need, CSS and boiler plates, etc.. It even has a command-line interface which would help you create components, classes, services, etc of your app from the terminal.

Guidelines to deploy a production MEAN Stack app [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Guidelines to deploy a production MEAN Stack app.
I'm beginning with Full Stack development and I'm studying news topics every week. But, it's really common to find something new that should be used in the beginning of the project.
My first glance with this gave me this kind of checklist:
Node Express API.
MongoDB running.
Angular Connecting on API.
Them, I've started to find some online solutions like Heroku, Modulus and MongoLab for Heroku. Later, Grunt, Karma, GitHub, Travis CI and lots of 'understandings' that changed my code.
I don't have a 'checklist' and I think that I will do it using Grunt in the future. So, when I create a new app, my steps are the following:
TDD: Karma on Backend, Mocha on Frontend.*
Node Express API with JWT, Mongoose, ENV variables and connecting on DB.
MongoLab setted up.
Public code should be uglified and minified. And images should be sprites.*
Angular App connecting on API.
Git Push to 'Staging'.
Travis CI run tests.
Heroku upload the build if tests pass.
*I don't know, yet, how to do that.
Well, I'm not doing anything commercial yet, but I pretend to launch some solo applications soon. And this really annoys me. I've read about 10 technical books, finished dozens of online courses and followed a lot of tutorials in the past 6 months. All about MEAN related things, but I don't feel confident yet to deploy a full production app on the cloud.
I know that there may be some subjective answers, but that answers will be objective in the end, because I do know that we have a market standard. Someone may disagree with specific tool, but will use similar tool to accomplish the same goal. Someone may not use 100%, but will use 90% or so.
So, I want to know what should be done to get things done and running in the market standard?
Answer to on hold
As I've said, answers can't be too broad because there is a market standard. Someone may use some technologies to accomplish the same goal as someone who uses another technologies. I'm looking for guidelines that can be specific, I'm not looking for specific platforms. An full answer could include agile methods and software requirements while a simpler answer can include a text editor, a version control and a integration phase. If this is not enough, I'll read the rules again and forget about this question. Thanks, anyway.
Guidelines to deploy a production MEAN Stack app.
On top of this, I like to use yeoman with angular fullstack generator with a grunt based app
TDD: Mocha with chai on Backend, Karma with jasmine on Frontend.
Node Express API with JWT, Mongoose, ENV variables and connecting on DB. With babel if you want ECMAScript 2015. I like promise too, in my case, with bluebird.
MongoLab setted up. heroku addons:create mongolab
Angular App connecting on API. I choose ui-router, and edit a little bit angular code generated, for ex., change to controllerAs instead of use scope.
Public code should be concate, uglified and minified. And images should be sprites. This and much more do it by grunt build task to make a new dist folder with a prod like app.
Regarding test, grunt test will do the work. Or grunt test:server and grunt test:client separately.
generator heroku deploy yo angular-fullstack:heroku
BTW, I do like your question, same happends to me, maybe still happens. But I don't aim to answer your question, I just want to share my experience.

Can I reuse/call existing API in Selenium-Java Framework into the Protractor Framework?

Please bear with me if this is a silly question. But thought of getting an idea.
We have a very sophisticated Selenium Webdriver-Java framework. But now some parts of our application is being implemented in AngularJS. We would like to use protractor for test automation. But we have some API in the existing framework which we would like to reuse. Is there a possibility to do so or do we need to re-write all the existing API in protractor?
Not probably the answer you are looking for. But, this can give you some hope.
Unfortunately there is no protractor java port at this moment. I use Selenium C# and my project started using some Angular recently. And, fortunately, there is a Protractor-net project done by some great people to accomplish same thing you are struggling with. I must say, if your project is big enough to leverage some time to write a java port for protractor you can follow this project easily. It's not that extensive. I am personally using it and started writing about this on my blog
Some one is trying to develop jProtractor - An angular/protractor implementation for Java Selenium API.
This is still under development(not in a position to use yet), but this could be the right tool for people who are in similar situation as me.

Gulp unbuild from salesforce org

I am actually developping an application in a salesforce environment using MavensMate and Sublime Text 3, built with Gulp, in AngularJS from Yeoman.
I managed to connect my built application to salesforce thanks to CodeScience gulp angular tutorial on youtube, and can now develop my application locally, test it, build it, and finally send it to our org.
Right now i'm asking myself a question:
How can another person unbuild the metadata and static resources that I have built with Gulp after retrieving them using MavensMate ?
Isn't there any way to do it just so that we can work on different stuff on the project at the same time ?
That would be truely awesome, I haven't found a way to do it yet but will keep this post updated if I do.
Thanks for any help you might be able to provide.
I am the Director of Engineering at CodeScience. I'm glad you've had success with the Yeoman generator for our local SFDC UI stack. We use it a great deal internally to rapidly build SPAs in Salesforce. If I understand your question correctly, you are asking how to share code from a single or multiple SPAs (single page apps) with another developer. A better solution than sharing code through the static resource would be to use a version control solution like Git and a repository host like GitHub. We all work of our own branches (managed by push/pull requests) and branching in general works very well with our local build stack for rapid prototyping. Let me know if I, our or team can help you any further.
the answer is not to unbuild the static resource, but to distribute the source code to the other developers so they can build a new minified resource.
