Deploying an app to a local machine. What does that mean? - reactjs

I am pretty new to app development. Working on a react application now. Use VS Code as the editor. I want to know the difference between running the app using npm start( which will probably run the app on the web browser) and deploying the same app on my local machine. I do understand deploying an app needs a build of the app. However, will it still run my app if I close my VS Code. Also, if we deploy it somewhere like github, heroku, then we will get a link that can be shared with people to see my work. But I guess that is not possible if we deploy it on our local machine. then what is the use of deploying an app on a local machine? please help me understand the steps to deploy app on a local machine.


Deploy SvelteKit/Pocketbase app to Linode server

I have created sveltekit/pocketbase project that I would like to deploy to Linode to run under subdomains: for pocketbase for sveltekit
First I deployed pocketbase and I'm running it with systemd service which is working fine.
But there's problem when I want to deploy and run sveltekit app. I was following this article on how to run svelte app on linode using pm2 and caddy. But there's problem because 443 address is already in use. When I turn off the pocketbase.service I can run my svelte app.
Now I know I should probably use reverse proxy for pocketbase, but I'm new in this and a bit lost in all the information. Any tips on how could I achieve this?

Can't deploy React app in Production mode to Azure app service via VS Code

I have react app, which runs on Azure. I am using Visual Studio Code with App Service extension for its deployment to production and it works well. Unfortunately, I see (in browser React Development tools), that the react app deployed via this extension is deployed in development mode, although during the build it clearly says Creating an optimized production build...
I obviously need to deploy it in production mode.
I tried to search the internet and I only found the same issue here, which is without solution.
Does anyone knows any workaround, so I don't have to setup some pipeline from Git? Deployment via VSC is so easy, so I would really like to deploy with it...
Thanks in advance!

how to deploy react isomorphic app to any server?

I am working on a react isomorphic app in which my express server is running along with the client app now I want to deploy this app but didn't know the proper way to deploy this kind of app.
this boilerplate of my project client folder contains react app and server.js contain express server. normally we run the build command and deploy our project's build. but in this case, if I run the build command then I lose my server.
my react app is running on 3000 port while my server is running on 5000.
if anyone has the solution or gives a bit of advice.
I need to get data from google bigquery and it is not possible from the client-side so use this approach

Deploying ReactJS app from GitHub to Ubuntu via Actions

My team is working on an NodeJS app with a ReactJS frontend that needs to be deployed on our Ubuntu server. It runs fine locally and it used to run fine on the server until we added a Router/Switch structure into the App.js. Now we get 404 and 502 errors and I'm thinking of adding some GitHub action to automate the deployment process with npm run build and all. Ideally, every time we push to GitHub, the app on the server should update without someone having to tunnel in and type something manually. Can anyone suggest a ready-made YAML file for that purpose? How would we trigger it on our Ubuntu server? Would we run it under nginx (like now) or apache?

React Electron App built with asar on gitlab runner creates JavaScript errors

i will just start my question a little bit structured:
background information
I am developing a React App with Electron on my Mac.
The customer uses this app on Windows 7 and 10.
The app is packaged with asar on a gitlab runner within a docker
the dockerfile for the runner is from electronuserland/builder:base
What works?
If I start the App locally I run the npm build script and start electron -> The app works fine!
If I package the App locally (on my Mac) for Windows and copy the .exe to my VM: -> The app works fine!
What does not work?
If my pipeline get triggered by my commit the gitlab runner starts to run the buildscript and the package script (The same ones I run locally for packaging and running my app) The build is "successfully" completed and the artifacts are stored on gitlab.
Then I download the .exe from the gitlab artifacts on my Windows VM and install the software. This absolutely works fine. The app can start up and some functions are pretty good working.
But there is a problem with a package (or maybe some more, i do not know yet) It is the react-bootstrap-daterangepicker. It gives me an JS error with $this.$picker.daterangepicker is not a function
I googled a lot and found existing problems with the package, but I do not understand why it is working when i package the app locally and not with the runner.
I removed my node-modules completey on my local machine and reinstalled them, and it is still working fine.
Do you have any idea?
Where could be a difference between my local environment and the runner environment that can cause this kind of problem?
I am pretty stuck in this problem, and you would be my hero if you can help me to fix this!
Have a nice day!
electron-builder recommends using electronuserland/builder:wine to build Windows targets. I'm not sure if this would fix the problem, but could you try using this image instead?
electronuserland/builder:wine — Wine, NodeJS 10 and required system dependencies. Based on builder:10. Use this image if you need to build Windows targets.
For more information:
