Deploying ReactJS app from GitHub to Ubuntu via Actions - reactjs

My team is working on an NodeJS app with a ReactJS frontend that needs to be deployed on our Ubuntu server. It runs fine locally and it used to run fine on the server until we added a Router/Switch structure into the App.js. Now we get 404 and 502 errors and I'm thinking of adding some GitHub action to automate the deployment process with npm run build and all. Ideally, every time we push to GitHub, the app on the server should update without someone having to tunnel in and type something manually. Can anyone suggest a ready-made YAML file for that purpose? How would we trigger it on our Ubuntu server? Would we run it under nginx (like now) or apache?


Deploy SvelteKit/Pocketbase app to Linode server

I have created sveltekit/pocketbase project that I would like to deploy to Linode to run under subdomains: for pocketbase for sveltekit
First I deployed pocketbase and I'm running it with systemd service which is working fine.
But there's problem when I want to deploy and run sveltekit app. I was following this article on how to run svelte app on linode using pm2 and caddy. But there's problem because 443 address is already in use. When I turn off the pocketbase.service I can run my svelte app.
Now I know I should probably use reverse proxy for pocketbase, but I'm new in this and a bit lost in all the information. Any tips on how could I achieve this?

Connect create-react-app to django backend without having to run build

I connected my react app that I made with create-react-app to django by passing it in as a template. I followed the steps shown here:
This works but if I want to try out a full backend server by running runserver, I have to do npm run build on the frontend app all the time. Is there a way to get it so that I could maybe connect the development components to django instead of the build components? Running the build command always takes a bit of time.

How to deploy React.js application that makes server calls to IIS?

Really new to web dev. so forgive me if this is a simple issue...
I want to host a React application on Microsoft IIS. This application makes server calls: this is the project I am trying to do
What happens when I link the build to IIS is that I'm able to type something in the form, but I'm unable to see a response from the application (the fetch call is being made but is failing and nothing is returned). When I run npm run dev in the project folder the form works as it should, so it appears that the server isn't being hosted(?).
to deploy react application in iis follow below steps:
1)run below command to build the site:
npm run build
the above command creates a build folder inside your application folder.
2)now open iis manager.right-click on the server node and select create new site.
provide site binding detailed and set the folder path of the site to the build folder which is generated by the command.

React app is not updating on web server after git pull

I have deployed a react application using this tutorial on Medium:
I am using an Ubuntu server from Digital Ocean.
It worked perfect for deploying the web app by doing "git pull" in the /var/www-folder.
However, I am not able to change the app running on the server. When I change the repo locally, git push locally and pull on the remote server, everything seems to be working fine. With "git log" I can see that the changes to the repo are actually registered. However, after running
sudo service nginx restart
The changes are not visible on the server when I go the the corresponding IP-adress..
I even tried building the project after pulling on the server.
What could the solution to this be?

Deploying working react cosmosdb app from local to Azure

So I am new with working with react and have followed this tutorial here to assist me. All runs fine following these videos and all locally, but after doing a npm run build and then pushing to Azure via a local git repo, the UI runs as expected, but whenever the UI tries to hit the Express/Node backend, it gets an error that I am not understanding how to resolve. Looking at the build scripts that runs on both, I do not see where or if I need to change an environment variable as it is already hitting the correct port on Azure. What I get is the following:
What do I need to revise for this? Since webpack with the build script in create-react-app seems to do what it needs to, I am not quite sure where things are going wrong.
