How to deploy React.js application that makes server calls to IIS? - reactjs

Really new to web dev. so forgive me if this is a simple issue...
I want to host a React application on Microsoft IIS. This application makes server calls: this is the project I am trying to do
What happens when I link the build to IIS is that I'm able to type something in the form, but I'm unable to see a response from the application (the fetch call is being made but is failing and nothing is returned). When I run npm run dev in the project folder the form works as it should, so it appears that the server isn't being hosted(?).

to deploy react application in iis follow below steps:
1)run below command to build the site:
npm run build
the above command creates a build folder inside your application folder.
2)now open iis manager.right-click on the server node and select create new site.
provide site binding detailed and set the folder path of the site to the build folder which is generated by the command.


Deploying ReactJS app from GitHub to Ubuntu via Actions

My team is working on an NodeJS app with a ReactJS frontend that needs to be deployed on our Ubuntu server. It runs fine locally and it used to run fine on the server until we added a Router/Switch structure into the App.js. Now we get 404 and 502 errors and I'm thinking of adding some GitHub action to automate the deployment process with npm run build and all. Ideally, every time we push to GitHub, the app on the server should update without someone having to tunnel in and type something manually. Can anyone suggest a ready-made YAML file for that purpose? How would we trigger it on our Ubuntu server? Would we run it under nginx (like now) or apache?

Can i host/deploy React application in iis server?

I am new to React. I have created a simple React application. I wanted to explore deployment and hosting options for React. I have worked previously in Angular and it can be deployed in IIS. can we do the same for React. Please enlighten me.
According to your description, I suggest you could follow below steps to host or publish the application to IIS.
1.Open cmd and locate your react application folder
2.Build the project to production folder.
npm run build
3.Open IIS management console and create a new web sites and use the build path as the physical path. for example: D:\ReactAppTest\my-app\build
Notice: You should pay attention to your port number.
4.Then you could use that port number to access your react application. For example: http://localhost:9965/

Deploying ReactJs app in my machine through localhost

I create a reactJs App. But for now I run this app through Intellij idea and I would like to deploy it and run permanently in my machine without turning on through Intellij idea. How I could deploy react app and run it as deployment in my machine
If you created your app with create-react-app, you should be able to start local development server from the command line. To do this, open you project's root directory in the terminal and type npm start.
If you would like to create and serve a production bundle, you should build your project with npm run build and then serve build directory with a web server. The easiest way to do this is install serve via npm (npm install -g serve) and run serve -s build
For this purpose only webservers available like Tomcat, Payara, Whildfly, etc. You can install any one of those servers and deploy your application into that. As on when you started the server your application will be accessible.
Approach 1:
You can set up the server into your IDE and simply run the project on server mode.
Approach 2:
By using your project code, create a war file with the help of any build tool like MAVEN/GRADLE, etc. Then login into the server manager(Tomcat Manager) and deploy the generated .war file in deployment section.
Note: With the 2nd approach, you can access the application as on when you start the server.

How to deploy my Laravel React project in production status

I currently now deploying my project to our server, before i do the deployment I have step to do before i send it to our server.
First on my cmd I type npm install composer.
Second on my cmd I type npm run production.
Third i check first my project to determine if the status of production of react logo on the top of browser turning to blue in which finally my project now on production.
Finally I zip my files and send it to the server.
Those are the scenario that I do before I deploy my project in production mode.
however in my case I have problem when i browse my application URL. ex. the directory of my files is shown to my application.
I read some question regarding problem about why does my site say index of and list my files
In my Root Folder i have server.php
In my Public Folder i have index.php
Why does my site look this when i open it.

How to set up my Ubuntu nodeJS server, and upload my angularJS WebSites

Does somebody know how to set up propertly websites based on angular (auto generated with yeoman) on ubuntu server?
Here is the thing, I have a project developed in angular, I generated it with yeoman (the basic example, on yeoman codelab). I can run it and see it working on my computer with "grunt serve", but I have no idea how to upload it to my server for access it from the internet.
On my ubuntu, I have installed apache2, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, and Node (i guess I do not need apache2 for all this, but I have it anyway).
I connect with putty and the command node works fine, npm works fine too.
I am searching info, but I only found how to run a service on the node (example:node test.js) but this is not the case.
But what I want to do is to upload a website (angular) for access it from the internet...
I uploaded the "app" folder (that has the index.html, styles, controllers, views, etc) of my angular website (generated with yeoman), i uploaded it on my www directory in ubuntu, but when I access angular, or styles doesn´t work.
So, the question is: Does NODE have a "www" directory (like in apache2) where I have to upload my websites (angular websites) for access it from the internet? or I have to run it with some kind of "grunt" or "node" command?
Because i can´t run it with "node index.html", and if i access it from the internet it doesn´t work either, so... what am I doing wrong?
If you have a runnable app on local then follow these steps:
Set it up on git and host on github, bitbucket or any other git hosting and connect your server via ssh and choose/make whatever directory. (Doesnt matter which direcory, I personally prefer /var/www )
Pull that repo in that directory.
Run the app using forever or some process management tool like pm2
PS: grunt is more of a developer tool than production tool. so start your app directly using node wahtever_your_server_file_is.js in forever
Also make sure whatever port you are using to run the app is open on your server.
