How to set up my Ubuntu nodeJS server, and upload my angularJS WebSites - angularjs

Does somebody know how to set up propertly websites based on angular (auto generated with yeoman) on ubuntu server?
Here is the thing, I have a project developed in angular, I generated it with yeoman (the basic example, on yeoman codelab). I can run it and see it working on my computer with "grunt serve", but I have no idea how to upload it to my server for access it from the internet.
On my ubuntu, I have installed apache2, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, and Node (i guess I do not need apache2 for all this, but I have it anyway).
I connect with putty and the command node works fine, npm works fine too.
I am searching info, but I only found how to run a service on the node (example:node test.js) but this is not the case.
But what I want to do is to upload a website (angular) for access it from the internet...
I uploaded the "app" folder (that has the index.html, styles, controllers, views, etc) of my angular website (generated with yeoman), i uploaded it on my www directory in ubuntu, but when I access angular, or styles doesn´t work.
So, the question is: Does NODE have a "www" directory (like in apache2) where I have to upload my websites (angular websites) for access it from the internet? or I have to run it with some kind of "grunt" or "node" command?
Because i can´t run it with "node index.html", and if i access it from the internet it doesn´t work either, so... what am I doing wrong?

If you have a runnable app on local then follow these steps:
Set it up on git and host on github, bitbucket or any other git hosting and connect your server via ssh and choose/make whatever directory. (Doesnt matter which direcory, I personally prefer /var/www )
Pull that repo in that directory.
Run the app using forever or some process management tool like pm2
PS: grunt is more of a developer tool than production tool. so start your app directly using node wahtever_your_server_file_is.js in forever
Also make sure whatever port you are using to run the app is open on your server.


How to Host a React App with 3D .gltf files?

I want to ask on how can I host my react app. It is a 3d product configurator.
I tried to host it on AWS Amplify but the 3d models doesnt load
If you want to host an application on aws amplify you have to create a build version of your app (assuming that it works already without any start issues meaning that you have a functional react app created with the command npx create-react-app).
Usually your react app runs on local host and it's basically like a test/development version of your app. When you take it into aws it really wants a build version of your app. The build command will generate everything you need for this. Navigate to your react application folder and
Run the command
npm run build
This will create a folder that you can send to aws amplify.
When you go to the aws amplify site it'll ask you if you would like to build a website or host a website.
Select host and then it'll ask if you would like to push it from a repository like github. For now lets just skip it and keep the deployment as simple as possible. Deploy without git for now.
Next, we want to click on drag and drop so that you can manually select the file build folder that your npm run build command generated.
Look for the build folder that was generated and drag that folder into the aws area. You don't actually have to click the 'choose files button'. Sometimes the box glitches and won't let you drag anything outside of the box. So what you can do is just open up your directories and manually find that build file in your folders. Drag it from there to the aws zone at the bottom of the screen.
Give your AWS app a name and env name.
From there you can deploy. Once you deploy it'll give you a site address. Also before you make your build, be sure that all of the packages you need are installed. I had an issue where my axiom commands were not working because I had not installed it prior to pushing my build.
So if your project depends on a certain npm package to run your .gltf files make sure that it is installed on your application. You should see it inside the node modules folder (in your apps local directory not the aws one).
I think AWS uses the node modules folder to generate everything your project needs (But I am not 100% sure of this). But it didn't work prior to me installing the package and pushing the build folder again to aws via drag and drop.
There are better ways to do this but this is what worked for me! Hope this helps to at least get your site up and running. Also hope it helps with any package issues that might have been happening with your 3d models. This is about as far as I can take you. Good luck!

How to deploy React.js application that makes server calls to IIS?

Really new to web dev. so forgive me if this is a simple issue...
I want to host a React application on Microsoft IIS. This application makes server calls: this is the project I am trying to do
What happens when I link the build to IIS is that I'm able to type something in the form, but I'm unable to see a response from the application (the fetch call is being made but is failing and nothing is returned). When I run npm run dev in the project folder the form works as it should, so it appears that the server isn't being hosted(?).
to deploy react application in iis follow below steps:
1)run below command to build the site:
npm run build
the above command creates a build folder inside your application folder.
2)now open iis manager.right-click on the server node and select create new site.
provide site binding detailed and set the folder path of the site to the build folder which is generated by the command.

Do you need a web server to run a production build of a react app on a VPS?

I have built a react app using a truffle box that uses create-react app. I can get the app running on my local host but I can't see it on my VPS when I go to the IP address of my VPS and I run exactly the same commands and I get the same output in the terminal. I go in to my client dir and run npm start. I have tried to make a build and run the build through an http server in the client dir and the root folder of the VPS.
I run
serve -s build
All I can see is the index of the build in the browser when I try and serve the build through a webserver. When I run npm start on my localhost I can view my app but it doesn't work on my VPS. Please help me I've been struggling with this for days and its the last part of my project.
You need a webserver in any case.
When you do a local development, you do use webpack dev server (which is inside of create react app).
For the production, you need to make a production build and serve it for example by nginx. Here some details how to create production build with CRA
On your screenshot, you don't see your site, because there is no entry point in your folder. By default it should be index.html

Where to install Angular on Apache?

First of all, my question is not about how to install angular. I'm just getting started with this framework and already got a question right at the beginning.
Usually I create new web projects (HTML, PHP...) in the default web folder of the apache webserver (/var/www/). I did this with angular too under /var/www/firstAngularProject, but it seems the application itself is only accessible on its default port on the webserver root. In my case this is localhost:4200
When I try to open the path in my browser localhost/firstAngularProject I see the index structure and I think this could become a security issue.
So my question is where should I install the angular project or what is the usual way to install it?
When you run Angular using the cli command ng start (which I assume, based on you describing using localhost:4200) you're running the application using webpack-dev-server. This is undesirable since it's only meant for use during development, not for production.
In production Angular works just like any other frontend framework. You build the application with ng build --prod which produces a number of build artifact (in the /dist folder). These artifact are simply static files you make available through some webserver, in your case Apache, by copying the content of the /dist folder to /var/www (or whichever is your default web folder) and that's about it.

Yeoman angular grunt-serve vs http-serve

I've just used Yeoman to create an Angular project that looks great when I run grunt serve. But then I decided to view it by running http-server, and the page gets displayed without the formatting and without the images. Does anyone know why that is and if I'll run into this issue when I push it up to my web hosting server?
I discovered that I had to run grunt to build the project which fixes the references and places a distribution uglified version of the project in a dist folder. This ran just fine on my other server.
"Does anyone know why that is and if I'll run into this issue when I push it up to my web hosting server?"
Yes, you will run into this problem on your web hosting server.
grunt-serve serves the app used the setup on your local machine.
http-server mimics how a real web hosting server would evaluate your references.
My development routine is to use grunt-serve until I have a working version and then use http-server to test it out and see if it would work before I push it to my web hosting server. As #cdavid mentioned, running grunt build from your dist directory should be sufficient for general dependency issues.
