setState updates asynchronously - reactjs

I am refering to the comment below from:
State Updates May Be Asynchronous
React may batch multiple setState() calls into a single update for performance.
Because this.props and this.state may be updated asynchronously, you should not rely on their values for calculating the next state.
For example, this code may fail to update the counter:
// Wrong
counter: this.state.counter + this.props.increment,
To fix it, use a second form of setState() that accepts a function rather than an object. That function will receive the previous state as the first argument, and the props at the time the update is applied as the second argument:
// Correct
this.setState((state, props) => ({
counter: state.counter + props.increment
I am not quite sure what it means. And I found the examples confusing.
So I came up with an example of my own.
If I understand the comments above correctly, then the following not correct?
const [var, set_var] = useState(false);
I am attempting to set the new state using the value of the current state.
According to the tutorial, this is not correct?

It is correct, but there are some cases where it might not work as you expect.
For example, if you use it twice
const [var, set_var] = useState(false);
would you expect it to go false->true->false ? Because it will not. It will go false->true->true because in the second call the var will not have been updated, and so it will again use !false.
Using the callback form, that will work with the current value of the variable at the moment of the callback execution it will work as expected.
set_var( prevVar => !prevVar )
set_var( prevVar => !prevVar )
this will indeed change it twice and end to false again


When to use an object in `setState` instead of using functional `setState`?

I read a lot of articles about using functional setState like that:
this.setState((state, props) => ({ counter: state.counter + props.increment }));
but when do we actually need to use it as an object like that:
this.setState({quantity: 2})
Is there a significant reason why we should use an object in setState in normal cases vs using it as a function?
The norm is to use an object, it's also less code and easier to read. The only reason u want to use a function setState is when u need to access the previous state.
consider the following example
// you have a switch state
state = {
checked: false
// .. and later in an onChange method
onChange = () => {
const {checked} = this.state;
// this is problematic because react works in an async fashion, so it could be that when this function was called checked was false, however it was only executed later when checked was actually true
this.setState({checked: !checked}
// on the other hand this form is safe, even if things were happening async, you are safe because you act on the most updated state
this.setState(prvState => {...prvState, checked: !prvState.checked})
In Javascript, a function is an object.
Therefore, technically, there is no difference between
a function being passed as the argument to setState and
an object being passed as the argument for the setState method.
However, a function may be used instead of an object for the purpose of formatting or for performing temporary calculations before updating the state attributes.
Example use cases for function in place of an object:
Rounding-off decimal places
Conversion of units (Celcius --> fahrenheit, KG to lb, etc)
Compute derived information (max, min, average, etc)

Why does the first iteration of my update to an array in state does not appear? It will only appear after the second iteration?

I have an array postArray defined in state on Main.js.
this.state ={
step: 1,
// welcome
postArray : []
I also have a function on Main.js which inserts new array element into postArray:
insertTx =() => {
// save transaction to array state
// create copy of the array
const copyPostArray = Object.assign([],this.state.postArray)
// insert one element into the array
txNumber: this.state.txNumber+"-"+this.state.accountNumber,
qNumber : this.state.qNumber,
accountNumber : this.state.accountNumber,
amount : this.state.amount
// save the values back to array state
On CashDeposit.js, postArray is being updated whenever I call InsertTx function below:
continue = e => {
//increment the txNumber
// this.props.incTxNumber();
Viewing the postArray on the console.log, it shows an empty array on first iteration. But for the second iteration, it will show the value for the first, on the third iteration will show value for the second and so on. Why does it not update current values?
setState does not happen right away. The state will always be the same values until the next render happens. If you update state, then in the same cycle reference state, you will get the old state. This would make it appear that you are one behind if you run something like:
console.log(this.state) // old values
Make sure that when you are referencing state you don't rely on a setState from another function. This is where hooks and useEffect come in handy.
The issue you're seeing is caused by the fact that setState does not set the state immediately, you can think of it like an asynchronous operation. So when you try to log the state values, you are getting old values because the state hasn't changed yet.
In order to get access to the new state value, you can pass a callback to setState as a second parameter: this.setState(newState, updatedState => console.log(updatedState))
This is because setState() does not immediately update state. You will not see the updated state until the next time render() is called. Because of how React reconciles, this is pretty fast, because React won't try to build the DOM until all the setState() calls have been shaken out. But it also means that, while you can't see the new state immediately in the console, you can rest assured that you will see it eventually, before it appears in the browser.
It does, however, mean you need to be sure you've got your initial state condition handled in your code. If you don't set up your state in your constructor, you'll have at least one go-around where you'll need to render without undefined state throwing errors, for example.

React "interval" has always the same state

I am using react 16.10 with typescript.
I have this code:
const [state, setState] = useState<State>({
test: 1
//On component mount we start our interval
useEffect(() => {
const timerID = setInterval(timer, 5000); //every 5 seconds
return function cleanup() {
//When we leave component we stop the timer
}, []);
function timer() {
if(state.test === 3){
setState({...state, test: 3}); // Next time we should have the value 3, BUT IT HAS NEVER THIS VALUE?!?!
return (
<span>The output is {state.test}</span> //First it is showing 1, after 5 seconds 3. Working great
I am changing the value of test to the number 3 in the interval "timer". setState is working fine. I can see the value in my component, seeing the number switching from 1 to 3.
But in the timer function the value is never changed. It has every time the default value of 1.
What I am doing wrong?
You need to add dependency to useEffect
//On component mount we start our interval
useEffect(() => {
const timerID = setInterval(timer, 5000); //every 5 seconds
return function cleanup() {
//When we leave component we stop the timer
}, [state.test]); // <- here add dependency
Your effect function is called only once when component is mounted and it stored timer functions reference. now when you state changes your timer function is also updated outside but not inside of useEffect.
useEffect still uses old reference when state was 1 so inside it State always going to be 1 for that referred timer function
Now when you pass state.test as dependency. when state get changed your effect will updated and it now start using new timer function which has new state.
So now, you can have updated state in your timer function. and your condition can evaluate correctly.
if any doubts please comment.
You are not doing anything wrong, your useEffect() has a completely different value in memory and without knowing this behavior about useEffect() you have nothing in there telling useEffect() to stop looking at that old value and start looking at the new value. As Hardik wrote, your useEffect() is called only once, so you still have that old value that was originally called in there and useEffect has no idea that your timer has changed since. It will be referencing that original value forever.
What you can do is completely remove the empty array as the second argument and you will notice the difference in behavior.
Using a direct reference to the variable you are using in your state as suggested by Hardik seems to be the way to go.
So again, useEffect() is not being called a second time and as a result, nothing inside it is being ran again so it all in stale reference.
One of the tips the facebook team gives to mitigate this bug:
When you have a useEffect function that references a state, props, or context values, add them to your dependency list. In other words, if you have a props called trackId, you would want to do something like this:
useEffect(() => {
}, [trackId]);
I see a couple of potential issues, first of all you need to be calling this.state and this.setState. I'd guess state is undefined but this.state won't be. You also don't need to spread your state in your setState function, this.setState({ test: 3}); is good enough, the setState function does this for you.
Secondly you need to update state for every change, it looks like you're only updating if the test value is 3, I'm surprised it's ever 3 with this implementation

When exactly do React Hook states get set?

I am trying to understand the order of execution for the following piece of code involving React Hook states:
const App = () => {
const [ searchedCountry, setSearchedCountry ] = useState('');
const [ filteredArr, setFilteredArr ] = useState([]);
const [ filteredLength, setFilteredLength ] = useState(0);
const filterCountries = (event) => {
setFilteredArr(countries.filter(country =>;
console.log("filtered arr length", filtered.length);
When filterCountries is triggered, setFilteredArr sets the state, filteredArr, to an array filtered by a query. However, when exactly does filteredArr get set?
filteredArr.length returns 0, meaning filteredArr has not been set yet, even after calling setFilteredArr.
At first, I thought by executing setFilteredArr, the component re-renders, causing execution to skip the method calls after setFilteredArr. That would explain why filteredArr.length is 0. However, the console.log is still called, meaning after a component re-renders, the order of execution is actually resumed.
What is going on? When exactly does filteredArr get set?
The thing to remember is: all your state variables are local variables. They only exist for this particular time the component rendered. So on the first render, console.log("filtered arr length", filteredArr.length); is referring to the array that exists on that first render. filteredArr will never be assigned a new array (it can't, it's a const), and unless you mutate the array (which you shouldn't), the length of that array will always be 0.
When you call setFilteredArr, this instructs react to rerender the component. React might do the rendering synchronously, or it might wait to try to batch up changes. When that 2nd render happens, you make a call to useState and get back the new value. This is assigned to a local variable named filteredArr, but this is a completely different variable than the one we had on the first render. The console.log statement in that first render, will have no way to access the variable in the second render. But the second render has access to it, so any logging you do the second time will show the second array.
setState or 'setFilteredLength' is an async operation. After you call it, it will take some time to update the state (as it is async, it will not wait for that update. It will simply execute the next line) so when it executes the console.log the value has not changed -> yet

Ramifications of React setState directly modifying prevState?

I was looking at some example react code (in the antd docs), and I noticed they have code that is equivalent to:
this.setState(prevState => { = "NewValue"; return prevState; });
This looks a bit naughty, but does it actually break anything? Since it's using the arrow function it's not breaking the ordering of changes being applied even if React batches them up in the background.
Of course setState is intended to expect a partial state so there might be performance side effects there as it might try to apply the whole state to itself.
edit: (in response to #Sulthan)
The actual code is this:
handleChange(key, index, value) {
const { data } = this.state;
data[index][key].value = value;
this.setState({ data });
n.b. data is an array, so its just being copied by reference then mutated.
It's actually completely wrong as its not even using the arrow function to get the latest state.
It comes from the editable table example here:
Your example can be also rewritten as:
this.setState(prevState => { = "NewValue"
return "NewValue";
When a function is passed to the state the important thing is not to mutate the passed parameter and return the new state. Your example fails both.
...prevState is a reference to the previous state. It should not be directly mutated. Instead, changes should be represented by building a new state object based on the input from prevState...
(from setState)
I am not sure whether it was ever possible to use setState like in your example but looking into the change log I really doubt it.
