When to use an object in `setState` instead of using functional `setState`? - reactjs

I read a lot of articles about using functional setState like that:
this.setState((state, props) => ({ counter: state.counter + props.increment }));
but when do we actually need to use it as an object like that:
this.setState({quantity: 2})
Is there a significant reason why we should use an object in setState in normal cases vs using it as a function?

The norm is to use an object, it's also less code and easier to read. The only reason u want to use a function setState is when u need to access the previous state.
consider the following example
// you have a switch state
state = {
checked: false
// .. and later in an onChange method
onChange = () => {
const {checked} = this.state;
// this is problematic because react works in an async fashion, so it could be that when this function was called checked was false, however it was only executed later when checked was actually true
this.setState({checked: !checked}
// on the other hand this form is safe, even if things were happening async, you are safe because you act on the most updated state
this.setState(prvState => {...prvState, checked: !prvState.checked})

In Javascript, a function is an object.
Therefore, technically, there is no difference between
a function being passed as the argument to setState and
an object being passed as the argument for the setState method.
However, a function may be used instead of an object for the purpose of formatting or for performing temporary calculations before updating the state attributes.
Example use cases for function in place of an object:
Rounding-off decimal places
Conversion of units (Celcius --> fahrenheit, KG to lb, etc)
Compute derived information (max, min, average, etc)


How should I use selectors in Redux Toolkit?

I am learning Redux Toolkit. From a React POV it seems very intuitive to access whatever part of the state you need from within useSelector using an inline arrow function, and then conduct any calculations. As an example consider a cart item with its data (like item count) in redux store.
function CartItemCounter({ itemId }){
const cart = useSelector(state => state.cart);
const itemInCart = cart.items[itemId];
const count = itemInCart?.count || 0;
return <div>{itemId} - {count} nos</div>
But I'm seeing all this information saying you should define your selectors beside your slice, use createSelector and all. What is the right way, and why is it better?
The information that is out there is essentially talking about different levels of optimization while using useSelector.
What you need to understand before anything else, is how useSelector works internally.
How does useSelector work?
When you pass a function to useSelector (obviously inside a react component), it essentially hooks on to the global redux state. Whenever any change happens in any part of the global state (i.e. when dispatch() is called from any part of the app), redux will run all the functions you passed to useSelector in your app, and perform certain checks.
Redux will take the result from each function, and compare it to the value it got the last time it ran the same function.
How does it make this comparison?
It uses a reference equality for this comparison. So if redux has to think that the result of the function hasn't changed, either the value returned from the function has to be a primitive and equal.
4 === 4 // true
'itemA' === 'itemA // true
Or, the value returned must be a derived data type (arrays, objects), with the same reference. So essentially the same object.
const x = { name: 'Shashi' }
const fn1 = () => x;
const fn2 = () => x;
const fn3 = () => { name: 'Shashi' }
fn1() === fn2(); // true
fn1() === fn3(); // false, because the objects are different, with different references
In practice, redux changes the wrapping object if either a key (or key of a nested object) is changed, or you manually change the entire object using a dispatch action (This is related to the immer library integration). This is similar to how you would do in regular React.
/* See how most keys are spread in, and will hence maintain reference equality.
While certain keys like 'first', 'first.second', 'first.second[action.someId]'
are changed with new objects, and so will break reference equality */
function handwrittenReducer(state, action) {
return {
first: {
second: {
[action.someId]: {
fourth: action.someValue,
Otherwise it maintains the same objects within its state, and returns the exact same objects with the same references, when you access them. To verify this, if you access your cart twice, its literally going to be the same object.
const cart1 = useSelector(state => state.cart)
const cart2 = useSelector(state => state.cart)
cart1 === cart2; // true
What does it do with this comparison?
If the comparison returns true, i.e. the new value is the same as the old value, Redux tells that instance of useSelector to chill tf out, and not do anything. If it returns false however, it tells that component to re-render. After all, the value you are accessing from state has "changed"(according to Redux laws), so you probably want to show the new value.
With this information, we can make change the kind of function we pass to the useSelector, in order to get certain optimization benefits.
Optimization Levels
Level 0: Accessing slice data inline
const cart = useSelector(state => state.cart)
// extract the information you need from within the cart
const itemInCart = cart.items[itemId];
const count = itemInCart?.count || 0;
This is not a good way to access the data. You actually need a subset of the data from the cart, but you are fetching the whole thing, and doing the calculation outside the selector.
When you put stuff like this inline, what happens if you change the shape of your data in the future? You have to go to every place that uses useSelector and manually change it. Not so good.
More importantly, every time any part of the cart changes, the entire cart object actually changes. So Redux sees your component that asks for the cart, and thinks
The cart has changed. This component is asking for the cart. It should probably re-render.
BAM Every single instance of this component rerenders. And for what? The count of the item you're referencing probably didn't change. So ideally there shouldn't have been a re-render.
Level 1: Centralize the selector
An easy optimization is to put the selector function in a centralized location next to your slice. That way, if your data shape changes in the future, you can just change it in one place, and your whole app (wherever it uses that data) will work with the new shape.
// inside or next to the slice file
const selectCart = (state) => state.cart
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectCart)
Level 2: Access the relevant data
Since redux is comparing the results of your selector function, if you want to avoid unnecessary rerenders, you want to make sure the results have reference equality (===). So target the exact value you wish to look at, in your selector.
// extract the information you need from within the cart, *within the selector*
const count = useSelector(state => state.cart.items[itemId]?.count || 0)
// You don't have to use a one-liner, a multi-line function is better for readability
When Redux executes these functions, it keeps a record of the value returned from these selector functions, for each individual useSelector. This time the values are going to be the same for every single counter, except the one that actually changed. All those other counters that didn't actually change in value don't have to unnecessarily re-render anymore!
And if any of you folks think this is premature optimization, the answer's no. This is more along the lines of putting a dependancy array on your useEffects to avoid infinite loops.
Not forgetting the Level 1 optimization, we can also extract this function centrally
const selectItemById = (state, itemId) => (state.cart.items[itemId]?.count || 0);
function CartItemCounter({ itemId }){
// somewhere inside a react component
const count = useSelector((state) => selectCart(state, itemId))
So that solves all of our problems right?
For now, yes. But what if this selector function has to run some expensive computation.
const selectSomething = (state) => reallyExpensiveFn(state.cart)
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectSomething)
You don't want to keep running that do you?
Or what if you have no option but to return new objects from your select function. A common scenario for this case would be returning a subset of data from the state.
const selectFilteredItems = (state) => state.itemsArray.filter(checkCondition) // the filter method will always return a new array
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectFilteredItems) // re-renders every time
To solve this you would have to memoize or cache the results from the function call. Essentially you would need to make sure that if the input arguments are the same, the result will maintain reference equality with the previous result. This introduces the need to maintain some kind of cache state.
Level 3: createSelector
Fortunately, Reselect library, which is reexported with Redux Tookit, does this work for you. You can take a look at the redux toolkit for the syntax.
const selectFilteredItems = createSelector(
(state) => state.itemsArray, // the first argument accesses relevant data from global state
(itemsArray) => itemsArray.filter(checkCondition) // the second parameter conducts the transformation
// somewhere inside a react component
const cart = useSelector(selectFilteredItems) // re-renders only when needed
Here the second function is called the transformation function, and is where we put the expensive computation, or the function that returns inconsistent references as a result (filter,map etc).
The createSelector caches
a) the arguments to the transformation function
b) the result of the transformation function
of the previous call to the selectFilteredItems function. If the arguments are the same, it skips executing the transformation function, and gives you the result you got the last time it was executed.
So when useSelector looks at the result, it gets reference equality. Hence the re-render is skipped!
One little caveat here is that createSelector only caches the very previous result. This makes sense if you think about a single component. In a single component you are only concerned about differences in values and results compared to the previous render. But in practice, you are likely to share selectors across multiple components. If this happens, you have a single cache location, and multiple components using this cache. i.e. Stuff breaks.
Level 4: createSelector factory function
Since the logic for your selector is the same, what you need to do is run createSelector for each component that uses it. This creates a cache for each component, giving us the desired behaviour. In order to do this, we use a factory function.
const makeSelectFilteredItems = () => createSelector(
(state) => state.itemsArray, // the first argument accesses relevant data from global state
(itemsArray) => itemsArray.filter(checkCondition) // the second parameter conducts the transformation
// somewhere inside a react component
const selectFilteredItems = useMemo(makeSelectFilteredItems,[]); // make a new selector for each component, when it mounts
const cart = useSelector(selectFilteredItems) // re-renders only when needed
You intend to make a new selector (and by extension, cache) for each new component that mounts. So you put it inside the actual component function and not on the module scope. But this will re-run makeFilteredSelector for each render, and hence create a new selector for each render, and hence eliminate the cache. This is why you need to wrap the function in a useMemo with an empty dependency array. It runs on every mount.
And voila!
You now know where, why and how to use selectors in Redux. I personally feel that the createSelector syntaxes are slightly contrived. There is some discussion on changing cache sizes going on. But for now I feel that sticking to the docs should get you through most situations.
But I'm seeing all this information saying you should define your selectors beside your slice, use createSelector and all.
That's the way to go if you're deriving something from the state, which ends up being an expensive computation or something that's reused often throughout your app. Imagine, for example, your state.cart can contain 50.000 items and you need to sort them from most expensive item to least expensive. You don't want to re-calculate this all the time because it slows your app down. So you cache/memoize the result.
What is the right way, and why is it better?
The right way is to use memoization helpers like createSelector when/if you want to avoid expensive computation. Most people optimize prematurely, so I'd just stick to useSelector and keep it simple if in doubt.

setState updates asynchronously

I am refering to the comment below from: https://reactjs.org/docs/state-and-lifecycle.html
State Updates May Be Asynchronous
React may batch multiple setState() calls into a single update for performance.
Because this.props and this.state may be updated asynchronously, you should not rely on their values for calculating the next state.
For example, this code may fail to update the counter:
// Wrong
counter: this.state.counter + this.props.increment,
To fix it, use a second form of setState() that accepts a function rather than an object. That function will receive the previous state as the first argument, and the props at the time the update is applied as the second argument:
// Correct
this.setState((state, props) => ({
counter: state.counter + props.increment
I am not quite sure what it means. And I found the examples confusing.
So I came up with an example of my own.
If I understand the comments above correctly, then the following not correct?
const [var, set_var] = useState(false);
I am attempting to set the new state using the value of the current state.
According to the tutorial, this is not correct?
It is correct, but there are some cases where it might not work as you expect.
For example, if you use it twice
const [var, set_var] = useState(false);
would you expect it to go false->true->false ? Because it will not. It will go false->true->true because in the second call the var will not have been updated, and so it will again use !false.
Using the callback form, that will work with the current value of the variable at the moment of the callback execution it will work as expected.
set_var( prevVar => !prevVar )
set_var( prevVar => !prevVar )
this will indeed change it twice and end to false again

What is the difference between passing this.state to produce and not? Immer.js

What is the difference between:
this.setState(produce((draft) => { draft.name ='name'}
this.setState(produce(this.state, (draft) => { draft.name ='name'}
can someone explain me this?
In most cases both would act the same
produce((draft) => { draft.name ='name'}) returns a function that wraps argument with a Proxy and applies the mutation. setState allows developer to pass a function that will be called with current state.
produce(this.state, (draft) => { draft.name ='name'}) returns the result of applying mutation to a Proxy of the first argument. setState allows to pass "updated state" thus it will also work.
The first approach is preferable because of the following
If called rapidly in sequence you usually want next state to be built on top of the mutated previous state (famous counter example). And mutation function version of setState is the way to go.
It is less characters to type.

"Reselect" VS "Memoize-One" with "React and Redux"

I'm trying to use some kind of memoization in my workflow with React, and I'm searching for the best and most importantly the "easiest" solution to integrate with my workflow that includes React and Redux.
I came across many articles talking about memoization in general and some demonstrate the use of "memoize-one" and brace it as the fastest and easiest to get up and running with, and others don't even mention it and talk about "reselect".
I just want to know which is better and easiest and which should I invest in.
Both libraries return a function which accepts a given numbers of arguments and returns a value:
getA(arg1, arg2, arg3) // Returns a value
The difference lays in what happens under the hoods when the function is called.
collect provided arguments
compare arguments with the ones provided in previous call (===)
arguments are the same: return cached result
arguments are NOT the same: re-evaluate result function and return
collect provided arguments
run a set of inputSelectors function providing them with the collected arguments
collect inputSelectors return values
compare inputSelectors return values with the ones obtained in previous call (===)
values are the same: return cached result
values are NOT the same: re-evaluate result function and return
memoize-one is a value-based memoize utility: memoization is performed over the value of provided arguments.
reselect adds a further evaluation layer on top of it: memoization is NOT performed over arguments values BUT over the results of a set inputSelectors functions fed with those initial arguments.
It means that reselect selectors are easily composable since each inputSelectors can be another reselect selector.
I haven't used reselect, but memoize-one works great for me when I want to calculate something from props inside render. This is a great pattern for doing an expensive operation, like mapping a large array, on props that may change over time but also may not change on some re-renders. It ensures an expensive operation used in render is re-computed only when the inputs change. It also avoids having to use lifecycle methods like getDerivedStateFromProps (if it can be calculated from props, it probably shouldn't be on state).
import memoize from 'memoize-one'
class Example extends Component {
mapList = memoize(
(list) => list.map(item => ({text: item.text}))
render() {
// if this.props.list hasn't changed since the last render
// memoize-one will re-use the last return value from cache
const mappedList = this.mapList(this.props.list)
return (
Keep in mind, in most cases, you’ll want to attach the memoized function to a component instance vs. using a static class variable. This prevents multiple instances of a component from resetting each other’s memoized keys.
react memoization reactjs
I suggest to use reselect, since it was specifically designed to use with React/Redux. memoize-one is more like a general purpose memoization library.
It's really easy to use reselect, it just wraps your selectors:
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
const shopItemsSelector = state => state.shop.items;
// without reselect
const subtotalSelector = state => {
const items = shopItemsSelector(state);
return items.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0);
// with reselect
const subtotalSelector = createSelector(
shopItemsSelector, // list the selectors you need
items => items.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.value, 0) // the last argument is actual selector

Ramifications of React setState directly modifying prevState?

I was looking at some example react code (in the antd docs), and I noticed they have code that is equivalent to:
this.setState(prevState => { prevState.name = "NewValue"; return prevState; });
This looks a bit naughty, but does it actually break anything? Since it's using the arrow function it's not breaking the ordering of changes being applied even if React batches them up in the background.
Of course setState is intended to expect a partial state so there might be performance side effects there as it might try to apply the whole state to itself.
edit: (in response to #Sulthan)
The actual code is this:
handleChange(key, index, value) {
const { data } = this.state;
data[index][key].value = value;
this.setState({ data });
n.b. data is an array, so its just being copied by reference then mutated.
It's actually completely wrong as its not even using the arrow function to get the latest state.
It comes from the editable table example here: https://ant.design/components/table/
Your example can be also rewritten as:
this.setState(prevState => {
prevState.name = "NewValue"
return "NewValue";
When a function is passed to the state the important thing is not to mutate the passed parameter and return the new state. Your example fails both.
...prevState is a reference to the previous state. It should not be directly mutated. Instead, changes should be represented by building a new state object based on the input from prevState...
(from setState)
I am not sure whether it was ever possible to use setState like in your example but looking into the change log I really doubt it.
