How to debug React-Native (Expo) app apk bugs? - reactjs

Is there any method to catch errors and bugs in built apk?
I tries to build with expo:build and also with EAS. In first one on some screens it freezes. In EAS build app just shutting down.
In dev mode app just works fine.

1)You can use an automated error logging system like Sentry to track errors at production. If your app uses an EAS build, you can use native crash reporting in addition to tracking javascript errors with the Sentry. But if your app uses the classic build system you can track only javascript errors with the sentry.
2)If your Android app is on Google Play, you can look at the crashes section of the Google Play Console.
3)You can connect your Android device which installed apk to your computer and run adb logcat to view the logs.
4)You can use also logcat with the Android Studio to look at the error logs of your app.
More info:


App is crashing in production but not in development expo eas build

I have created a app using eas build. I uploaded the aab to play console because in development, it is working fine, I found no error. I tried using expo start --minify --no-dev. Still app is works fine and no error. When I install app from playStore and open my app, it crash. I tried in many other phones but it crash all time after showing splash screen.
my app on playstore.
Is there any solution ?

How do I run expo apps on android studio without ejecting?

I followed expo documentation, but I can't figure out how to run it on an emulator without ejecting. I've heard ejecting is risky and I can't keep making changes to the app if I eject. When I click run, it gives me Error: Module not specified, but there is no module from the dropdown list.
You can run your app on android emulator with expo app on this emulator or make expo build:android and select apk option. Then just download and install apk on any device. You don't able to run expo app in android studio like native app without ejecting. I recommend you not to use Expo at all and have a look on fast line, pure react native app is more flexible and with fast line has almost the same benefits like expo app. Development without expo is not a big deal.

How can I test and debug at chrome for Android App

I have made a simple android app using ionic and AngularJs and I run this app then it works in a a browser while I run app in Emulator then it is not working.So I want to find issue what is reason that it is not working so for this purpose I want to do testing and debugging
I have made a simple android app using Ionic and AngularJS and whenI run this app then it works in a browser while I run this app in Emulator then it is not working.
Please tell me how can I test and debug in a chrome for android app.And also tell me detail with step.
You can build the app in debug mode and then connect your computer to your Android phone that you want to test the app. After that, you install the app via the .apk that you just generated then start the app. Now that your app is running in your phone that is connected to your computer, you can debug via Google Chrome by inspecting it. Here is how to do so in details.

No instances in app engine admin console

I just deployed an app on Google App Engine and everything went fine. The app runs smoothly at < project-id > I deployed it a few more times and one time there was an error:
05:56 PM Unknown error TEMPORARY_ERROR: . Deployed Version: 5.379937995233868117
ERROR: Unknown error TEMPORARY_ERROR: . Deployed Version: 5.379937995233868117
05:56 PM Rolling back the update. This can sometimes take a while since a VM version is being rolled back.
Could not start serving the given version.
ERROR: ( Command failed with error code [1]
The app was still running and I could manage it to successfully deploy it again. But since then when I go to the admin console there is not a single instance listed. Only a small grey icon is shown with a flash. The path to the icon is '//' (I looked it up in the CSS).
The app runs on a managed VM with a custom runtime.
Can anybody help me?
I was planning to deploy a managed VM with custom runtime and was watching this Google I/O bytes video and it seems it's expected. The manged vms with custom runtimes will show under Compute Engine on your developer console (4:35 in this video). You will be able to manage your App through App Engine on developer console.

how to run sencha touch examples in iOS simulator

I installed sencha touch and sencha touch command and was able to view the examples in localhost.
But How do I run these examples in iOS simulator?
I tried below commands from with in the examples directory on iMac
from directory: touch-2.3.1/examples/kitchensink
sencha app package run packager.json
User-iMac:list-horizontal yuyutsu$ sencha app package run packager.json
Sencha Cmd v4.0.4.84
[DEBUG] Session could not be started: Error Domain=DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain Code=1 "The application that opened iOS Simulator failed to send all of the required information (sessionUUID, sdkRoot, deviceInfo)." UserInfo=0x7fe4f0d0ce40 {NSLocalizedDescription=The application that opened iOS Simulator failed to send all of the required information (sessionUUID, sdkRoot, deviceInfo)., DTiPhoneSimulatorUnderlyingErrorCodeKey=-1}
The application was successfully packaged
[ERR] stbuild exited with non-zero code : 1
or from another app, directory: touch-2.3.1/examples/list-horizontal
Also tried running sencha app build -run native.
It failed with
/Users/yuyutsu/work/Software/mobile/Sencha/touch-2.3.1/examples/kitchensink/.sencha/app/packager-impl.xml:83: /Users/yuyutsu/work/Software/mobile/Sencha/touch-2.3.1/examples/kitchensink/resources/loading does not exist
I have Xcode 5. OS X version 10.9.2. I am able to run the native XCode projects in simulator using XCode.
Any idea on how can I run the sencha examples in iOS simulator? Is there a document which has the steps?
One very easy way (if you don't need device api) is to build the webapp through Sencha CMD and navigate in iOS Simulators Safari to the index.html file. You can do "add to Homescreen" and if you click the icon on your homescreen now you get the app in fullscreen.
The big advantage is that you can do really quick builds, but it does not fit always, because it's just the webapp, not the native one.
If you need to package your app native (e.g. for Device API) you can follow this guide:
As it is running on localhost, you can simply check on simulators by using the same urls as on browser
iPhone 4
iPhone 5
Also, you can try Intel XDK, it has inbuilt iPhone simultors. It is easy to use. Simply put application and run.
Intel XDK
Or you can try packaging it in native iOS so that you can run in Xcode and see on Xcode simulator your app working. For that you can use Phonegap, refer link!/guide/cordova-section-iOSNote
Hope this helps you with your problem.
Failure to launch iOS simulator could be because of the below bug mentioned in sencha forum
"There is currently a bug open SDKTOOLS-783 where Sencha Native packager fails to locate Xcode 5.1 and thus unable to run in simulator."
I will try Phonegap/Cordova and post my observations.
