How to set ReactiveSearch loader position to top or bottom? - reactjs

I'm using ReactiveSearch 3.30.0.
Here's how I use the ReactiveList component in my Next.js project.
The problem is during the loading that occurs,
When I click on a filter item
When Scroll more to the bottom
the MyCustomLoader is always at the bottom.
Expected outcome for the MyCustomLoader is,
When I click on a filter item => MyCustomLoader at top
When Scroll more to the bottom => MyCustomLoader at bottom
The reason is, since my results list is long and scrollable, the loader is not shown when I click a filter item. It is actually rendered on the DOM, because I could see it when zoomed out the browser window (but is outside visible area to the user).
Related GitHub issue
Any workaround is highly appreciated. Thanks.


Storybook and Tailwind dark-mode works in Document view but not in Canvas view

After setting up the storybook-tailwind-dark-mode add-on for Storybook (by following these steps), my component is no longer displaying correctly in dark-mode in the Canvas view. The component displays correctly while in Document view and other components are displaying correctly in canvas view, so not every component has this issue.
The elements are visible for a split second before the page goes blank. When inspecting the page, I can see all of the elements are there, but they are just not visible.
The only difference to the HTML seems to be the dark class added to the body element.
Any ideas as to why the elements are no longer displayed would be greatly appreciated ⚡️
I've inspected the elements to see what could be causing the elements to not be displayed. I was expecting to see a change to display:none or an element that is in front of the other elements, causing them to be hidden, but it seems the only change is the dark class being added to body.
I've also looked at ./storybook/preview.js and ./storybook/main.js for anything suspicious but I haven't found anything that looks out of place.
There was a modal <div> that had a dark:bg-gray-800 class that was being overlayed over all of the other elements.
The modal was correctly set in light mode to show and hide according to when the modal was open/closed, but this conditional was not applied for dark mode, so the modal was always open, and hiding the other elements.

React JS : Chakra UI - Split view

I am looking for a split view in react js , i am using chakra ui for my layouts and i am not able to achive it .
Left Pane is Menu which has a fixed height (no scrolling needed)
Right Pane is the page which gets loaded every-time user selects an option in left menu.
Right pane should be scrollable.
You should give a try on the Choc-UI Layouts for achieving this:
Or here too:
On the links you will get previews of components that have a side bar on left side getting th full height of the viewport, also a sidebar and a container for your app content or other components.
This section is independent of the sidebar and navbar showed on the previews. You can access the code with the show code option on each previo (top-right location)
Try removing the navbar and modifying the width of sidebar, and you will get a split version of the layouts as you are reaching for.

Dropdown menu moves with whole page scroll

I am using the react-select package for our menu dropdowns. However, I've noticed that if a dropdown menu is open and you scroll the page down or up, the menu moves with the page. Expected behavior is that the dropdowns position should stay static. This expected behavior can be seen here on the "single" dropdown. Any ideas what could cause this issue?
wrap react-select inside the container with some height & relative position.

Rendering of MUI TextField causes unwanted vertical scrolling

I have a React App where the user can toggle between different views of the same data structure. When toggling from one view to another, the browser window sometimes automatically scrolls vertically. Instead I am expecting the window to not scroll when possible.
The CodeSandbox here reproduces the issue:
If you scroll down, then click on "CLICK TO SWITCH VIEW BELOW", you will notice that there's an automatic scroll to the top happening.
I suspect this is an issue with MUI TextField. If I change the MUI TextField to a div, the issue does not show up, so I don't think this is due to React.

Carousel with thumbnail images at the bottom

In a Codenameone app, I'm trying to develop a carousel with a thumbnail list at the bottom. I've used Tabs control to display files (of diff types like images, video, text, button etc) in carousel style in the center of a form and another Tabs control to display thumbanail images (of the first carousel files) at the bottom of the form. When a user selects a thumbnail image in the bottom carousel, corresponding component should be displayed in the first carousel.
hi.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, mainCarousel);
hi.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, bottom_tab);
bottom_tab.addSelectionListener((i1, i2) -> {
// bottom_tab.getTabComponentAt(i2).addPointerPressedListener((i) -> {
// });
But the component not getting displayed in the central carousel.
Also, I tried to capture the event addPointerPressedListener, but it's not getting fired when I select a thumbnail image.
You can't set tab components to visible/invisible to show/hide them. That won't work. I'm guessing that what you want is a horizontal list for the bottom UI similar to the answer here.
I would suggest using pointer released always. Notice that this will only get delivered to focusable components or the form. To make sure you get the event you can register a pointer release listener on the form.
