Logic Apps returns Error 404 for Get File Content while Looping in Sharepoint's parent folder - azure-logic-apps

when I run Get File Content for the parent folder it retuns the following error
If I'm doing this for the last folder placed in this parent folder it is OK.
Not working:
Could you help me?

Get file Content works only for file types but not folders and List Folder gives what all the folders that are present in the path but not the files in the nested folders. If you are trying to get the list of all files in all the folders in your share point then instead of using List Folder, you can use Get files (properties only) as it lists all the folders and files present in the path and looping through its "value" filtering "Is folder" gives us desired results. Is Folder checks if it's a 3file or a folder. Here is my logic app which filters all the files in the sharepoint using Condition connector and Is Folder property.


How to watch local directory changes in Nextjs

I would like to get the name of each folder that is added to a certain folder.
I tried chokidar but I didn't make it working. so I searched for an equivalent and I didn't find anything...
I want to choose a local folder and each time there's a new file/folder added, i get a console.log of the name of the file/folder

How to access assets in other folders in react native?

I want to access this image in my component.
I know how to add images in root directory files with './assets/image.png'
But not able to add in this iteamscomponents.js
I added this code in iteamscomponents.js
but it gives an error undefined Unable to resolve module ./assets/icons8_search_200px_3.png from components\ItemsComponent.js:
your path would be
The two dots are important, it tells the cursor to navigate one folder up. One dot means stay in the same folder.

How to test a particular jsx file within localhost?

Below is the screenshot of my working directory.
I run yarn dev command to start local host to test my site. After the local host is set up I could test every jsx file which is under pages folder by going to their respective link. Like if I want to test campaigns.jsx file I go to http://localhost:3000/campaigns and everything works file and even for any other jsx file under pages folder everything works fine.
But similarly if I want to test jsx files within components folder and go to their respective link like http://localhost:3000/topnav, I get 404 | This page could not be found. error message.
So could anyone tell me is there any possible way to test jsx files which are under components folder as I'm new to this REACT world.

Sonarqube - Exclude a set of specific files

I am using Sonar in a Angular Application for the front part.
I have many js files in my application, but i need that the Sonar ignore or exclusion my js files that ending in .spec.js, are tests unit of Angular.
I have many folders under "src/app" and inside i have many folders with the .spec.js files .
In the properties file to Sonar (sonar-project.properties), I think I can use:
But I'm not sure, in what format is the value of property.
Yes, you are correct. You can use the sonar.exclusions property to exclude source files from analysis and the sonar.test.exclusions property to exclude unit tests. You should pass a comma-delimited list of file path patterns to these properties.
I suggest you refer to this topic to learn how to specify path patterns. Say, if you need to exclude all the .spec.js files from all the src/app directories, use this pattern:
I always use */*.jsand it works for me for file in main dir. So just use * or ** to navigate inside your project dir.

VisualStudio WPF. Adding a folder into output directory

I need to create a Folder with Wallpapers. This needs to be placed into the output directory so that users can then add their own images.
So my question is:
How can i place a folder in my output directory? (this should work in debug and release)
For the second part of the question I can handle on my own, which would be to bring all the items in that folder and present it to the user to chose.
Setting items in the folder in your project (assuming you have some default wallpapers) to Build Action = Content, Copy to Output Directory = Copy Always/Copy if Newer will place them inside that same folder structure in your output directory. If you don't already have files there you could add something like a ReadMe.txt with instructions on adding images that could serve the same purpose.
Add a folder to your project and then set its Copy To Output Directory property appropriately.
