How to watch local directory changes in Nextjs - reactjs

I would like to get the name of each folder that is added to a certain folder.
I tried chokidar but I didn't make it working. so I searched for an equivalent and I didn't find anything...
I want to choose a local folder and each time there's a new file/folder added, i get a console.log of the name of the file/folder


Logic Apps returns Error 404 for Get File Content while Looping in Sharepoint's parent folder

when I run Get File Content for the parent folder it retuns the following error
If I'm doing this for the last folder placed in this parent folder it is OK.
Not working:
Could you help me?
Get file Content works only for file types but not folders and List Folder gives what all the folders that are present in the path but not the files in the nested folders. If you are trying to get the list of all files in all the folders in your share point then instead of using List Folder, you can use Get files (properties only) as it lists all the folders and files present in the path and looping through its "value" filtering "Is folder" gives us desired results. Is Folder checks if it's a 3file or a folder. Here is my logic app which filters all the files in the sharepoint using Condition connector and Is Folder property.

Capistrano 3 deploy -- copy file to release folder

I need to copy a file during deployment to the new deploy path. So I need a path like
I can't use the 'current' directory as it is pointing to the previous release (Link has not yet been updated).
There used to be a path variable for that, but apparently it no longer exists.
What is the current method of doing this?
OK, what I was looking for was the variable "release_path". I had tried that and was getting the error that it didn't exist. The problem was that I was hooking the task in before the directory in the releases folder was created. Hook it in "before :updating" and it works like a champ! Yea!

Intellij find in path not working for public/scripts in react project

I have a react project and the intellij shows the public/scripts as a different color. When I search word in project, it doesn't search from files in public/scripts.
See figure: I want to search syncHistoryWithStore, it only displays four occurrences in appSpec.js, but apparently I have this word in app.js.
Red color means that the public/scripts folder is excluded from project (navigation, search, indexing). If you select scope: Project IDE does not perform search inside it. Try selecting the scope to Directory ans select this folder directory. Then text search should work even on excluded folder.

Go Package Conflict

I am new to Go and AppEngine. I am trying to figure out how to create packages but I keep running into conflicts. My directory structure is below:
default.go -- package controllers
models.go -- package models
templates.go -- package templates
I am importing the templates package as follows import ("app/templates") inside default.go
When I do goapp serve I get this error:
Failed parsing input: app file templates.go conflicts with
same file imported from GOPATH
I have tried a bunch of things and nothing has worked so far. These are things I have tried:
Changed the templates directory to apptemplates and the corresponding file to apptemplates.go, changed package name to apptemplates. I imported it as app/apptemplates
I tried different combinations by changing the file name but not the package name, vice versa, etc. Either it does not find the file or has a conflict.
I am importing html/template in my templates.go file. So I commented out the entire file just keeping the package declaration but did not make the conflict go away
I thought may be another file is named templates.go but when I do this (at the GOPATH level) find . -name "*.go" | grep "templates.go" I only see the one file I have created.
I am confused as to how packages are created. I have changed the name to something generic so it does not look like a naming issue. Can someone please tell me how I can debug this error?
Rename the package to a non-conflicting name as in #1. Import the package using the path "apptemplates".
Packages inside of the application directory (the directory containing app.yaml) are imported with a path relative to the application directory. See Organizing Go Apps for the complete details.

How to prevent Joomla site creating unwanted folder

I have a menu link with the alias "inside" on a joomla 3.1.5 site here:
Every morning I check the site and a folder named "inside" has been created in the root dir which prevents the site from loading as it should, instead displaying a directory contents listing at
Anyone have any ideas how to prevent this please?
This is just a theory, but check the xml files of your installed modules and plugins (most likely a plugin) for this line...
and if it exists try deleting that line of code - or better still uninstall the extension - that should fix it. It's possible that a plugin requires that folder and has php code to create the folder if it doesn't exist - and so creates the folder each time it is run - i.e. when the site is loaded. The above line of xml code I have asked you to look for will go someway to helping determine if this is the case.
