MongoDB - Match the key - arrays

I want to $match in a MongoDB, the number of documents in thousands, so looking for dynamic sol:
$doc.k equal to $ after k, $match then we have a document that contains only information that $matchs, see the expected output document. If you have any questions let me know.
"doc": {
"k": "ABC",
"v": {
"sec": 0
"info": [
"data": [
"k": "XYZ",
"v": {
"know": "alpha"
"k": "ABC",
"v": {
"know": "alpha"
The expected output document will look like this
"doc": {
"k": "ABC",
"v": {
"sec": 0
"info": [
"data": [
"k": "ABC",
"v": {
"know": "alpha"

$set - Update info field.
1.1. $map - As info is an array, need to iterate each document in the info array and return a new array.
1.1.1. $filter - Filter the document by doc.k and current iterate k value.
$set: {
info: {
$map: {
input: "$info",
in: {
data: {
$filter: {
input: "$$",
cond: {
$eq: [
Sample Mongo Playground


Join collection with array object field with another collection in MongoDB

I'm working in MongoDB and getting stuck at one aggregation case. Let me show you my collection.
First collection (data):
"_id": "8e7b3fa0-4230-448c-8f70-1d7300632834",
"data": [
"animal" : "7d44251a-b308-4deb-875a-33ef0a69fe2b",
"place": "Chennai"
"animal" : "fcfdd527-5885-48b0-a91f-03f72f78528f",
"place": "Kolkata"
Second collection (Animal):
"_id": "7d44251a-b308-4deb-875a-33ef0a69fe2b",
"name": "Dog"
"_id": "7d44251a-b308-4deb-875a-33ef0a69fe2b",
"name": "Cat"
I'm using this query:[
"$lookup": {
"from": "animal",
"localField": "data.animal",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "doc"
"$unwind": "$doc"
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"data.animal": "$",
"": 1
and it result me this
"_id": "8e7b3fa0-4230-448c-8f70-1d7300632834",
"data": [
"animal": "Dog",
"place": "Chennai"
"animal": "Dog",
"place": "Kolkata"
"_id": "8e7b3fa0-4230-448c-8f70-1d7300632834",
"data": [
"animal": "Cat",
"place": "Chennai"
"animal": "Cat",
"place": "Kolkata"
Where I'm expecting like this
"_id": "8e7b3fa0-4230-448c-8f70-1d7300632834",
"data": [
"animal": "Dog",
"place": "Chennai"
"animal": "Cat",
"place": "Kolkata"
Mongo Playground
Also sharing this question in Mongo playgroud. Thanks in advance!!
Solution 1
$unset - Deconstruct the data array into multiple documents.
$lookup - Perform join with animal collection.
$project - Decorate the output document. For data.animal field, get the first value via $first.
$group - Group by _id. Push the data document into the data array.[
"$unwind": "$data"
"$lookup": {
"from": "animal",
"localField": "data.animal",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "doc"
"$project": {
"_id": 1,
"data.animal": {
$first: "$"
"": 1
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
data: {
$push: "$data"
Demo Solution 1 # Mongo Playground
Solution 2
$set - Set data field.
2.1. $map - Iterate the data array and returns a new array.
2.1.1. $mergeObjects - Merge current iterated document with place field and the document from $first - Get the first document from the filtered doc arrays by matching the ids via $filter.
$unset - Remove _id and animals._id fields.[
"$lookup": {
"from": "animal",
"localField": "data.animal",
"foreignField": "_id",
"as": "doc"
$set: {
data: {
$map: {
input: "$data",
as: "data",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
place: "$$"
$first: {
$filter: {
input: "$doc",
cond: {
$eq: [
$unset: [
Demo Solution 2 # Mongo Playground

$in Query on Array Field Mongo db

I have a doc like this
"_id" : "oidfi",
"users": [
"_id": "q",
"tags": ["a", "b", "c"],
"age": 20
"_id": "q",
"tags": ["x", "y", "z"],
"age": 30
"type": "repo"
I want to filter the users array with several fields ( I'm able to do that with the below query )
"$match": {
"$and": [
"_id": "a506f8af6f510f616bea14715276d474d2b363f0aef10443cc0f11559b139147"
"$project": {
"users": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$users",
"as": "users",
"cond": {
"$and": [
"$gte": [
is there a way for me to add condition where I give a list of tags items and get the users who are matching at least one item from their tags array
$$user.tags.containsAny(["a", "x"])
You can do the followings in an aggregation pipeline:
$setIntersection to find out the intersection of the users.tags array and your input array i.e. ["a", "x"] in your example
$size to find the size of array in step 1
$match by the size of step 2 larger than 0
"anyTagsMatched": {
$gt: [
$size: {
"$setIntersection": [
Here is the Mongo playground for your reference.
You may have like following
"$project": {
"users": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$users",
"cond": {
"$and": [
{ "$gte": [ "$$this.age", 15 ] },
$gt: [
$size: {
"$setIntersection": [
[ "a", "x" ]
Working Mongo playground

Convert Object To array mongoDB

Document 1: Need to covert object to Arrays. I have to iterate on each element of the key and value, how I can convert from an object to Array.
"A" :{
"name" : alpha,
"Score" : 199
"B" :{
"name" : Beta,
"Score" : 122
Expected Output :
"name" :[
"score": [
You can achieve this using mongo aggregation framework.
"$addFields": {
"Data": {
"$objectToArray": "$Data"
$unwind: "$Data"
"$group": {
"_id": "_id",
"name": {
$push: "$"
"score": {
$push: "$Data.v.Score"
Mongo Playground:

Mongodb use $elemMatch into $filter

I have a document like this:
I need to return the documents and filter the nested array (lessons) where any item of subLessons into input array
"_id": {
"$oid": "6081fedbee5d133dbffb42eb"
"name": "my quiz",
"lessons": [
"_id": "460c42e1-b0b7-437e-ab63-c59cce8ced0d",
"name": "section",
"subLesson": [
"$oid": "6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cba"
"$oid": "6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cc0"
"_id": "f7b5c95f-1a68-42ca-880c-22ef3831ff03",
"name": "ffff",
"subLesson": [
"$oid": "6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cbb"
I wrote the following query but it does not work. I do not know how to use $elemMatch in $filter
"$project": {
_id: 1,
lessons: {
$filter: {
"input": "$lessons",
"as": "lesson",
"cond": {
"$$lesson.subLesson": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$in": [
I am trying to find the record such that the result looks like the following.
"_id": {
"$oid": "6081fedbee5d133dbffb42eb"
"lessons": [
"_id": "460c42e1-b0b7-437e-ab63-c59cce8ced0d",
"name": "zzzz",
"subLesson": [
"$oid": "6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cba"
"$oid": "6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cc0"
Can anyone please help out to understand how can I make this work
You can use $in directly
$project: {
lessons: {
$filter: {
input: "$lessons",
cond: {
$in: [ ObjectId("6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cba"), "$$this.subLesson" ]
Working Mongo playground
Update 1
{ "$unwind": "$lessons" },
"$match": {
"lessons.subLesson": {
$in: [ ObjectId("6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cba"), ObjectId("6081fed9ee5d133dbffb3cbb") ]
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
name: { $first: "$name" },
lessons: { $push: "$lessons" }
Mongo Playground

MongoDB get results where date is equal to max date

Assume I have the following document:
"callId": "17dac51e-125e-499e-9064-f20bd3b1a9d8",
"caller": {
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Testing",
"phoneNumber": "1231231234"
"routeHistory": [
"assignedUserId": "cfa0ffe9-c77d-4eec-87d7-4430f7772e81",
"routeDate": "2020-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"status": "routed"
"assignedUserId": "cfa0ffe9-c77d-4eec-87d7-4430f7772e81",
"routeDate": "2020-01-03T06:00:00.000Z",
"status": "ended"
I want to get results where routeHistory.routeDate is equal to the $max routeDate value in routeHistory. I would expect my results to look like the following:
"callId": "17dac51e-125e-499e-9064-f20bd3b1a9d8",
"caller": {
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Testing",
"phoneNumber": "1231231234"
"routeHistory": [
"assignedUserId": "cfa0ffe9-c77d-4eec-87d7-4430f7772e81",
"routeDate": "2020-01-03T06:00:00.000Z",
"status": "ended"
Is there a clean way to do this in a single aggregate, so that additional $match criteria can be applied?
You can use $let to define temporary variable being $max date and the use $filter along with $arrayElemAt to get first matching element:
$addFields: {
routeHistory: {
$let: {
vars: {
maxDate: { $max: "$routeHistory.routeDate" }
in: {
$arrayElemAt: [
{ $filter: { input: "$routeHistory", cond: { $eq: [ "$$maxDate", "$$this.routeDate" ] } } },
Mongo Playground
version without $let:
$addFields: {
maxDate: {
$max: "$routeHistory.routeDate"
$addFields: {
routeHistory: {
$arrayElemAt: [
$filter: { input: "$routeHistory", cond: { $eq: [ "$$maxDate", "$$this.routeDate" ] } }
