How to collapse Modal Material UI? - reactjs

How to collapse Modal Material UI?
I'm using a Modal component mui and want to collapse the modal window? Tell me how to do it?

You mean close it?
Well, if that's the case this is how you do it.
onClose={() => setModal(false)}
<your divs here/>


Why ant design Drawer not showing close icon?

This piece of code not showing any close icon in the ant design Drawer.
title="Job ID: 9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d"
closeIcon={<CloseOutlined />}
But the drawer API showed this:
Any idea why the Drawer not showing up any close icon?
Appears the close icon is hidden when you specify
Drawer API - closable
Whether a close (x) button is visible on top right of the Drawer
dialog or not.
With this prop set to false the drawer is toggleable externally.

Material-UI TextField inside Popper inside Dialog not working

Material-UI input elements like TextField are not working / can not get the focus if they are inside a Popper inside a Dialog.
<Dialog open={true}>
<Popper open={true} style={{zIndex: 1500}}>
<TextField />
The zIndex value for the Popper element is necessary to display Popper in front of the Dialog element.
Simple codesandbox example:
You can use the disableEnforceFocus property on Dialog (inherited from Modal) to fix this.
<Dialog open={true} disableEnforceFocus>
<SimplePopper />
Related answer: CKEditor 4 having problem when used in Material UI dialog

Customize Dialog Material UI

I'm using material ui dialog, and i want to insert a table inside dialog.
Can I do that?
agree={() =>
title="Are you sure?"
dialog="Your data will be deleted!"
Place the table inside a DialogContent component within your dialog:

Fix buttons at the bottom of Material-UI dialog

I have to fix buttons on the bottom of my Material-UI dialog. I mean buttons should be in the bottom of dialog all the time regardless dialog size, list size, etc.
so far I have tried position: "fixed", bottom: 0, they are not helpful.
Any suggestions?
I am using MaterialUI Grid (its not a table in the screen).
Mixing Material UI Dialog Components with HTML elements can short circuit proper flow of Material UI component.
What I had... footer buttons failed to fix to the bottom... notice the body message is in a HTML div and the footer is in a material UI DialogActions
<div>body message</div>
<Button>Cancel</Button> <Button>Save</Button>
I fixed it by inserting the body-message div into the Material UI DialogContent component... this made the DialogActions do what it was supposed to do (stay fixed at the bottom).
<div>body message</div>
<Button>Cancel</Button> <Button>Save</Button>
From the screenshot, it looks like you're displaying a Table in a Dialog.
From this conclusion it is suggested -
To embed your 'Table' component inside 'DialogContent'
The button should be right aligned on the Dialog, meaning your buttons
should be placed inside 'DialogActions'
I created a sandbox with some mock data (due to insufficient details in the question) - Have a look -
OK, It was fixed by using MaterialGrid and adding some styles (display: "flex", height: "80px", justifyContent: "space-between")

Autofocus feature on the popovers

Material UI ReactJS :does material UI support any autofocus feature on the popovers.
I want to set the focus on the popover, as soon as the material UI popover opens.
MaterialUI Popovers inherit the Modal API. Supposedly the disableAutoFocus property allows NOT focusing on Popover/Modal content, however I also am experiencing it NEVER focusing in the first place.
On what do you want to set the focus ?
The "autoFocus" property should be set on some Popover content childs.
For example, we use the "autoFocus" property of Material-UI TextField for this :
Add the autoFocus property to the first form element in your popover.
<input type="text" autoFocus />
<Typography className={classes.typography}>
The content of the Popover.
