Fix buttons at the bottom of Material-UI dialog - reactjs

I have to fix buttons on the bottom of my Material-UI dialog. I mean buttons should be in the bottom of dialog all the time regardless dialog size, list size, etc.
so far I have tried position: "fixed", bottom: 0, they are not helpful.
Any suggestions?
I am using MaterialUI Grid (its not a table in the screen).

Mixing Material UI Dialog Components with HTML elements can short circuit proper flow of Material UI component.
What I had... footer buttons failed to fix to the bottom... notice the body message is in a HTML div and the footer is in a material UI DialogActions
<div>body message</div>
<Button>Cancel</Button> <Button>Save</Button>
I fixed it by inserting the body-message div into the Material UI DialogContent component... this made the DialogActions do what it was supposed to do (stay fixed at the bottom).
<div>body message</div>
<Button>Cancel</Button> <Button>Save</Button>

From the screenshot, it looks like you're displaying a Table in a Dialog.
From this conclusion it is suggested -
To embed your 'Table' component inside 'DialogContent'
The button should be right aligned on the Dialog, meaning your buttons
should be placed inside 'DialogActions'
I created a sandbox with some mock data (due to insufficient details in the question) - Have a look -

OK, It was fixed by using MaterialGrid and adding some styles (display: "flex", height: "80px", justifyContent: "space-between")


Issue in React app about Failed prop type error for MUI

In my React application, I have an icon inside a div which opens a modal popup onClick.
Functionality is working fine but raised a Failed prop type error in the console.
Warning: Failed prop type: MUI: You are providing an onClick event listener to a child of a button element
Prefer applying it to the IconButton directly.
This guarantees that the whole will be responsive to click events
<Box width="90%" display="flex" justifyContent="center" mt={4}>
sx={{ color: "white", fontSize: "400%" }}
Here we are taking a box section for adding the button, inside that I have a Icon button and an icon which handles onClick action. I tried with moving the onClick action IconBUtton and Box also, but result is negative.
How can we solve this.

z-index not working with material ui reactjs | how can I show an element top?

I want to show another Box component above Modal component. Both are material ui component.
There is Parent Box component and there is another Box component inside Parent Box component.
Thing I want to do is show the second/child Box component on the top.
Right now it seems like the second/child Box component is under the image.
You can click a open modal button and inspect modal.
You will see there will be <img />, <div></div> and <svg />
<div></div> should be Box component but I can't see it over the top.
return (
<Button onClick={handleOpen}>Open modal</Button>
<Box // parent Box component
width: width,
height: height
<Box className={classes.conainer} /> // child Box component
<CloseIcon className={classes.closeIcon} />
1, set z-index:1000 and position:'relative'
2, set lower z-index to the parent component
3, z-index:'1000 !important'
4, set transform and opacity
None of them worked. Is there any other way to show <Box /> top?
I even tried to switch Box component to regular div tag and this also doesn't work.
Several MUI components utilize z-index, employing a default z-index scale in MUI that has been designed to properly layer drawers, modals, snackbars, tooltips, and more.
The z-index values start at an arbitrary number, high and specific enough to ideally avoid conflicts:
mobile stepper: 1000
fab: 1050
speed dial: 1050
app bar: 1100
drawer: 1200
modal: 1300
snackbar: 1400
tooltip: 1500
so you should use a z-index greater than 1300.
you can get more info at

How to collapse Modal Material UI?

How to collapse Modal Material UI?
I'm using a Modal component mui and want to collapse the modal window? Tell me how to do it?
You mean close it?
Well, if that's the case this is how you do it.
onClose={() => setModal(false)}
<your divs here/>

Showing a Dialog in Tooltip - Material UI, react js

I am new to Material UI. So I tried to change an existing code and encountered this issue. I want to change a view to .
This is the existing code
<Button >
<InfoRounded style={{ color: "teal" }} onMouseOver={handleClickOpen}/>
<SimpleDialog open={open} onClose={handleClose} />
This coding is similar to the example in Material UI.
Material UI coding sample link
This is what I have tried until now
<Tooltip title ="I need to get the Dialog view here" InfoRounded>
<Button sx={{m:1}}>
<InfoRounded style={{color:"teal"}}/>
I need to get the dialog kind of view in this tool tip. Can anyone help me with this? I tried more than a day and still couldn't figure it out.
While I hover the button the dialog card need to show and when I mover the mouse point it need to close the dialog box automatically. (Currently with the first code the dialog box will open when I hover the button, but to close it I need to click the screen)

Material-UI TextField inside Popper inside Dialog not working

Material-UI input elements like TextField are not working / can not get the focus if they are inside a Popper inside a Dialog.
<Dialog open={true}>
<Popper open={true} style={{zIndex: 1500}}>
<TextField />
The zIndex value for the Popper element is necessary to display Popper in front of the Dialog element.
Simple codesandbox example:
You can use the disableEnforceFocus property on Dialog (inherited from Modal) to fix this.
<Dialog open={true} disableEnforceFocus>
<SimplePopper />
Related answer: CKEditor 4 having problem when used in Material UI dialog
