Prevent re-render while using custom hooks - reactjs

I'm experiencing something similar to this:
Should Custom React Hooks Cause Re-Renders of Dependent Components?
So, I have something like this:
const ComponentA = props => {
const returnedValue = useMyHook();
And I know for a fact that returnedValue is not changing (prev. returnedValue is === to the re-rendered returnedValue), but the logic inside of the useMyHook does cause internal re-renders and as a result, I get a re-render in the ComponentA as well.
I do realize that this is intentional behavior, but what are my best options here? I have full control over useMyHook and returnedValue. I tried everything as I see it, caching(with useMemo and useCallback) inside of useMyHook on returned value etc.
Just to be more clear about what I'm trying to achieve:
I want to use internal useState / useEffect etc inside of useMyHook and not cause re-render in the ComponentA

Try to find out the reason of re-rendering in your hook, probably caused due to a state update. If it is due to updation of states in useEffect then give the states and values as dependency. If your states are updating in a function, do try to call the function in order to invoke.
If these doesn't work, try to use ref. useRef hook can be used to prevent such re-renders as it will provide you with .current values.
It would be better if you remove your useEffect dependencies one by one so that you can know what dependency is causing the error and create a ref for the same.
You can share a codesandbox and I would be happy to help you out with it.

I want to use internal useState / useEffect etc inside of useMyHook and not cause re-render in the ComponentA
If you want to avoid the renders triggered by useState() or useEffect() then they are not the right tools.
If you need to hold some mutable state without triggering renders then consider using useRef() instead.
This question has a nice comparison of the differences between useState() and useRef().
Here is a simple example:
const ComponentState = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
return (<>
<button onClick={() => {
// Will trigger render
const ComponentRef = () => {
const valueRef = useRef(0);
return (<>
<button onClick={() => {
// Will not trigger render
valueRef.current = Math.random();


React Hooks, how to prevent unnecessary rerendering

I have a hook that gets data from another hook
const useIsAdult = () => {
const data = useFormData();
return data.age > 18;
This hook returns true or false only, however the useFormData is constantly being updated. Everytime useFormData reruns, it will rerender my component. I only want my component to rerender if the result of useIsAdult changes.
I know this can obviously be solved by implementing some logic via react-redux and using their useSelector to prevent rendering, but I'm looking for a more basic solution if there is any.
Before you say useMemo, please read question carefully. The return value is a boolean, memo here doesnt make any sense.
Even with returned useMemo in useIsAdult parent component will be rerendered. This problem is reason why I rarely create custom hooks with other hooks dependency. It will be rerender hell.
There I tried to show that useMemo doesnt work. And using useMemo for components its wrong way. For components we have React.memo.
const MyComponent = memo(({ isAdult }: { isAdult: boolean }) => {
return <h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>;
And memo will help to prevent rendering of MyComponent. But parent component still render.
If you can modify useFormData maybe useRef can help. You can store data in useRef but it doesnt trigger render.
Something like this but in useFormData:
onst useIsAdult = () => {
const data = useFormData();
const prevIsAdultRef = useRef();
const isAdult = useMemo(() => data.age > 18, [data]);
if (prevIsAdultRef.current === isAdult) {
return prevIsAdultRef.current;
prevIsAdultRef.current = isAdult;
return isAdult;
I dont know how useFormData works, then you can try it self with useRef.
And if useFormData gets data very often and you cant manage this, you can use debounce or throttle to reduce number of updates
Memoize hook
const useIsAdult = () => {
const data = useFormData();
return useMemo(() => data.age > 18, [data.age]);
Here, useMemo will let you cache the calculation or multiple renderes, by "remembering" previous computation. So, if the dependency (data.age) doesn't change then it will use simply reuse the last value it returned, the cached one.
Memoize component expression
useMemo can also be used to memoize component expressions like this: -
const renderAge = useMemo(() => <MyAge age={data.age} />, [data.age]);
return {renderAge}
Here, MyAge will only re-render if the value of data.age changes.

React useCallback with onClick not working. Rerenders child component

TimeChild re-renders in below image even after using useCallback
When Time sets state, then Time is going to rerender. Then, unless you do something to stop it, all of its children will rerender too. If you want to stop a child from rerendering, then the child component needs to use React.memo.
const TimeChild = React.memo(() => {
// ...
If you do this, then when TimeChild would render, it will first do an === comparison between each of its old props and each of its new props. If they are all the same, TimeChild will skip rendering.
The only role that useCallback plays in this is if TimeChild receives a function as a prop. If it does, then you need to make sure it receives the same function each time, or React.Memo will never be able to skip rendering because its props keep changing. But in your example there are no props at all being passed to TimeChild, so useCallback is not necessary.
You can use 'useCallback' in this way :
import React, { useCallback, useState } from "react";
const App = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const callBckValue = useCallback(() => {
setCount((count) => count + 1);
}, []);
return (
<button type="button" onClick={callBckValue}>
Click Me
export default App;
Firstly, you need to be aware, only in special situation, it makes sense to stop child component from re-rendering. If your case is not that special, that might not be a good idea.
Secondly, if you are sure you have to do it, use React.memo, the usage is pretty like componentShouldUpdate in class component

React: why is that changing the current value of ref from useRef doesn't trigger the useEffect here

I have a question about useRef: if I added ref.current into the dependency list of useEffect, and when I changed the value of ref.current, the callback inside of useEffect won't get triggered.
for example:
export default function App() {
const myRef = useRef(1);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("myRef current changed"); // this only gets triggered when the component mounts
}, [myRef.current]);
return (
<div className="App">
onClick={() => {
myRef.current = myRef.current + 1;
console.log("myRef.current", myRef.current);
change ref
Shouldn't it be when useRef.current changes, the stuff in useEffect gets run?
Also I know I can use useState here. This is not what I am asking. And also I know that ref stay referentially the same during re-renders so it doesn't change. But I am not doing something like
const myRef = useRef(1);
useEffect(() => {
}, [myRef]);
I am putting the current value in the dep list so that should be changing.
I know I am a little late, but since you don't seem to have accepted any of the other answers I'd figure I'd give it a shot too, maybe this is the one that helps you.
Shouldn't it be when useRef.current changes, the stuff in useEffect gets run?
Short answer, no.
The only things that cause a re-render in React are the following:
A state change within the component (via the useState or useReducer hooks)
A prop change
A parent render (due to 1. 2. or 3.) if the component is not memoized or otherwise referentially the same (see this question and answer for more info on this rabbit hole)
Let's see what happens in the code example you shared:
export default function App() {
const myRef = useRef(1);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("myRef current changed"); // this only gets triggered when the component mounts
}, [myRef.current]);
return (
<div className="App">
onClick={() => {
myRef.current = myRef.current + 1;
console.log("myRef.current", myRef.current);
change ref
Initial render
myRef gets set to {current: 1}
The effect callback function gets registered
React elements get rendered
React flushes to the DOM (this is the part where you see the result on the screen)
The effect callback function gets executed, "myRef current changed" gets printed in the console
And that's it. None of the above 3 conditions is satisfied, so no more rerenders.
But what happens when you click the button? You run an effect. This effect changes the current value of the ref object, but does not trigger a change that would cause a rerender (any of either 1. 2. or 3.). You can think of refs as part of an "effect". They do not abide by the lifecycle of React components and they do not affect it either.
If the component was to rerender now (say, due to its parent rerendering), the following would happen:
Normal render
myRef gets set to {current: 1} - Set up of refs only happens on initial render, so the line const myRef = useRef(1); has no further effect.
The effect callback function gets registered
React elements get rendered
React flushes to the DOM if necessary
The previous effect's cleanup function gets executed (here there is none)
The effect callback function gets executed, "myRef current changed" gets printed in the console. If you had a console.log(myRef.current) inside the effect callback, you would now see that the printed value would be 2 (or however many times you have pressed the button between the initial render and this render)
All in all, the only way to trigger a re-render due to a ref change (with the ref being either a value or even a ref to a DOM element) is to use a ref callback (as suggested in this answer) and inside that callback store the ref value to a state provided by useState.
Keep in mind that useRef doesn’t notify you when its content changes. Mutating the .current property doesn’t cause a re-render. If you want to run some code when React attaches or detaches a ref to a DOM node, you may want to use a callback ref instead.
use useCallBack instead, here is the explanation from React docs:
We didn’t choose useRef in this example because an object ref doesn’t
notify us about changes to the current ref value. Using a callback ref
ensures that even if a child component displays the measured node
later (e.g. in response to a click), we still get notified about it in
the parent component and can update the measurements.
Note that we pass [] as a dependency array to useCallback. This
ensures that our ref callback doesn’t change between the re-renders,
and so React won’t call it unnecessarily.
function MeasureExample() {
const [height, setHeight] = useState(0);
const measuredRef = useCallback(node => {
if (node !== null) {
}, []);
return (
<h1 ref={measuredRef}>Hello, world</h1>
<h2>The above header is {Math.round(height)}px tall</h2>
Ok so I think what you're missing here is that changing a ref's value doesn't cause a re-render. So if it doesn't cause re-renders, then the function doesn't get run again. Which means useEffect isn't run again. Which means it never gets a chance to compare the values. If you trigger a re-render with a state change you will see that the effect will now get run. So try something like this:
export default function App() {
const [x, setX] = useState();
const myRef = useRef(1);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("myRef current changed"); // this only gets triggered when the component mounts
}, [myRef.current]);
return (
onClick={() => {
myRef.current = myRef.current + 1;
// Update state too, to trigger a re-render
console.log("myRef.current", myRef.current);
change ref
Now you can see it will trigger the effect.

Does it make sense to memoize a toggle function with useCallback?

I'm following an Advanced React Patterns with Hooks online course and there's this early example in which they create an Expandable component (say the classic accordion or collapsible panels) with the following API:
<Expandable.Header>This is the header</Expandable.Header>
<Expandable.Body>This is the content</Expandable.Body>
And they're using Context to pass the state expanded to Expandable's children. So far so good:
import React, { createContext, useState } from 'react'
const ExpandableContext = createContext()
const { Provider } = ExpandableContext
const Expandable = ({children}) => {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false)
const toggle = setExpanded(prevExpanded => !prevExpanded)
return <Provider>{children}</Provider>
export default Expandable
But then they say:
toggle acts as a callback function and it’ll eventually be invoked by Expandable.Header. Let’s prevent any future performance issues by memoizing the callback
const toggle = useCallback(
() => setExpanded(prevExpanded => !prevExpanded),
This confuses me because according to the docs useCallback will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed. But toggle doesn't have any dependencies, and still it produces a different result (setting expanded state to true or false alternatively) every time.
So, what's the point of this? What am I missing?
When the state in Expandable component will be updated, Expandable component will re-render. This will cause the toggle function to be re-created.
To prevent this, it is wrapped in useCallback hook so that toggle function is not recreated unnecessarily across re-renders.
useCallback hook is used to memoize callbacks that are passed as props to child components. This can help avoid unnecessary execution of useEffect hook or any other code that depends on referential identity of the callback function passed as a prop from the parent component.

More advanced comparison in React's useEffect

I am looking for a way to perform more advanced comparison instead of the second parameter of the useEffect React hook.
Specifically, I am looking for something more like this:
() => doSomething(),
(prev, curr) => { /* compare prev[0].value with curr[0].value */ }
Is there anything I missed from the React docs about this or is there any way of implementing such a hook on top of what already exists, please?
If there is a way to implement this, this is how it would work: the second parameter is an array of dependencies, just like the useEffect hook coming from React, and the third is a callback with two parameters: the array of dependencies at the previous render, and the array of dependencies at the current render.
you could use React.memo function:
const areEqual = (prevProps, nextProps) => {
return (prevProps.title === nextProps.title)
export default React.memo(Component, areEqual);
or use custom hooks for that:
How to compare oldValues and newValues on React Hooks useEffect?
In class based components was easy to perform a deep comparison. componentDidUpdate provides a snapshot of previous props and previous state
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot){
if( !=={ /* ... */ }
The problem is useEffect it's not exactly like componentDidUpdate. Consider the following
useEffect(() =>{
/* action() */
The only thing you can assert about the current props when action() gets called is that it changed (shallow comparison asserts to false). You cannot have a snapshot of prevProps cause hooks are like regular functions, there aren't part of a lifecycle (and don't have an instance) which ensures synchronicity (and inject arguments). Actually the only thing ensuring hooks value integrity is the order of execution.
Alternatives to usePrevious
Before updating check if the values are equal
const Component = props =>{
const [foo, setFoo] = useState('bar')
const updateFoo = val => foo === val ? null : setFoo(val)
This can be useful in some situations when you need to ensure an effect to run only once(not useful in your use case).
If you want to perform comparison to prevent unecessary render calls (shoudComponentUpdate), then useMemo is the way to go
export React.useMemo(Component, (prev, next) => true)
But when you need to get access to the previous value inside an already running effect there is no alternatives left. Cause if you already are inside useEffect it means that the dependency it's already updated (current render).
Why usePrevious works
useRef isn't just for refs, it's a very straightforward way to mutate values without triggering a re render. So the cycle is the following
Component gets mounted
usePrevious stores the inital value inside current
props changes triggering a re render inside Component
useEffect is called
usePrevious is called
Notice that the usePrevious is always called after the useEffect (remember, order matters!). So everytime you are inside an useEffect the current value of useRef will always be one render behind.
const usePrevious = value =>{
const ref = useRef()
useEffect(() => ref.current = value,[value])
const Component = props =>{
const { A } = props
useEffect(() =>{
console.log('runs first')
//updates after the effect to store the current value (which will be the previous on next render
const previous = usePrevious(props)
I hit the same problem recently and a solution that worked for me is to create a custom useStateWithCustomComparator hook.
In your the case of your example that would mean to replace
const [myInstance, setMyInstance] = useState(..)
const [myInstance, setMyInstance] = useStateWithCustomComparator(..)
The code for my custom hook in Typescript looks like that:
const useStateWithCustomComparator = <T>(initialState: T, customEqualsComparator: (obj1: T, obj2: T) => boolean) => {
const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);
const changeStateIfNotEqual = (newState: any) => {
if (!customEqualsComparator(state, newState)) {
return [state, changeStateIfNotEqual] as const;
