React useCallback with onClick not working. Rerenders child component - reactjs

TimeChild re-renders in below image even after using useCallback

When Time sets state, then Time is going to rerender. Then, unless you do something to stop it, all of its children will rerender too. If you want to stop a child from rerendering, then the child component needs to use React.memo.
const TimeChild = React.memo(() => {
// ...
If you do this, then when TimeChild would render, it will first do an === comparison between each of its old props and each of its new props. If they are all the same, TimeChild will skip rendering.
The only role that useCallback plays in this is if TimeChild receives a function as a prop. If it does, then you need to make sure it receives the same function each time, or React.Memo will never be able to skip rendering because its props keep changing. But in your example there are no props at all being passed to TimeChild, so useCallback is not necessary.

You can use 'useCallback' in this way :
import React, { useCallback, useState } from "react";
const App = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const callBckValue = useCallback(() => {
setCount((count) => count + 1);
}, []);
return (
<button type="button" onClick={callBckValue}>
Click Me
export default App;

Firstly, you need to be aware, only in special situation, it makes sense to stop child component from re-rendering. If your case is not that special, that might not be a good idea.
Secondly, if you are sure you have to do it, use React.memo, the usage is pretty like componentShouldUpdate in class component


React Hooks, how to prevent unnecessary rerendering

I have a hook that gets data from another hook
const useIsAdult = () => {
const data = useFormData();
return data.age > 18;
This hook returns true or false only, however the useFormData is constantly being updated. Everytime useFormData reruns, it will rerender my component. I only want my component to rerender if the result of useIsAdult changes.
I know this can obviously be solved by implementing some logic via react-redux and using their useSelector to prevent rendering, but I'm looking for a more basic solution if there is any.
Before you say useMemo, please read question carefully. The return value is a boolean, memo here doesnt make any sense.
Even with returned useMemo in useIsAdult parent component will be rerendered. This problem is reason why I rarely create custom hooks with other hooks dependency. It will be rerender hell.
There I tried to show that useMemo doesnt work. And using useMemo for components its wrong way. For components we have React.memo.
const MyComponent = memo(({ isAdult }: { isAdult: boolean }) => {
return <h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>;
And memo will help to prevent rendering of MyComponent. But parent component still render.
If you can modify useFormData maybe useRef can help. You can store data in useRef but it doesnt trigger render.
Something like this but in useFormData:
onst useIsAdult = () => {
const data = useFormData();
const prevIsAdultRef = useRef();
const isAdult = useMemo(() => data.age > 18, [data]);
if (prevIsAdultRef.current === isAdult) {
return prevIsAdultRef.current;
prevIsAdultRef.current = isAdult;
return isAdult;
I dont know how useFormData works, then you can try it self with useRef.
And if useFormData gets data very often and you cant manage this, you can use debounce or throttle to reduce number of updates
Memoize hook
const useIsAdult = () => {
const data = useFormData();
return useMemo(() => data.age > 18, [data.age]);
Here, useMemo will let you cache the calculation or multiple renderes, by "remembering" previous computation. So, if the dependency (data.age) doesn't change then it will use simply reuse the last value it returned, the cached one.
Memoize component expression
useMemo can also be used to memoize component expressions like this: -
const renderAge = useMemo(() => <MyAge age={data.age} />, [data.age]);
return {renderAge}
Here, MyAge will only re-render if the value of data.age changes.

Why change of Child state causes Parent rerender in React

I made a small experiment while learning React
React 17.0 with Fiber
2 components: Agregator(Parent) and Counter(Child)
Counter(Child) uses useState hook to change it's state
NB!!! Agregator(Parent) doesn't return JSX component, but calls Counter(Child) function. I know it's not casual way of using React, but this is the essence of the experiment
when click the button of Counter(Child) component we expect only Counter(Child) to be rerendered, but somehow Agregator(Parent) rerenders as well according to the console.log
Here comes the question: Why change of Counter(Child) component state causes Agregator(Parent) component rerender?
function Agregator() {
console.log("render Agregator");
return Counter();
function Counter() {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
const incCount = () => setCount((prev) => prev + 1);
console.log("render Counter", count);
return <button onClick={incCount}>{count}</button>;
ReactDOM.render(<Agregator />, document.getElementById("root"));
As far as I know, it shouldn't happen, because rerender of the component is caused by several cases:
change of state
change of props
change of context
rerender of ancestor component
None of this is applicable to our case
NB!!! No need to rewrite this experiment to correct one, but it would be greate to get the explanation why in my case it works like this, so change of Child component state causes Parent component to rerender.
NB!!! Agregator(Parent) doesn't return JSX component, but calls Counter(Child) function. I know it's not casual way of using React, but this is the essence of the experiment
Then there's only one component at all, and no parent/child relationship, which renders (ha!) your experiment invalid.
Consider what would happen if you used your IDE's Inline Function feature on the Counter() invocation (which is essentially what the JS interpreter does, but with call stack and all that):
function Agregator() {
console.log("render Agregator");
// inlined...
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
const incCount = () => setCount((prev) => prev + 1);
console.log("render Counter", count);
return <button onClick={incCount}>{count}</button>;
// ... end of inline.
ReactDOM.render(<Agregator />, document.getElementById("root"));

Prevent re-render while using custom hooks

I'm experiencing something similar to this:
Should Custom React Hooks Cause Re-Renders of Dependent Components?
So, I have something like this:
const ComponentA = props => {
const returnedValue = useMyHook();
And I know for a fact that returnedValue is not changing (prev. returnedValue is === to the re-rendered returnedValue), but the logic inside of the useMyHook does cause internal re-renders and as a result, I get a re-render in the ComponentA as well.
I do realize that this is intentional behavior, but what are my best options here? I have full control over useMyHook and returnedValue. I tried everything as I see it, caching(with useMemo and useCallback) inside of useMyHook on returned value etc.
Just to be more clear about what I'm trying to achieve:
I want to use internal useState / useEffect etc inside of useMyHook and not cause re-render in the ComponentA
Try to find out the reason of re-rendering in your hook, probably caused due to a state update. If it is due to updation of states in useEffect then give the states and values as dependency. If your states are updating in a function, do try to call the function in order to invoke.
If these doesn't work, try to use ref. useRef hook can be used to prevent such re-renders as it will provide you with .current values.
It would be better if you remove your useEffect dependencies one by one so that you can know what dependency is causing the error and create a ref for the same.
You can share a codesandbox and I would be happy to help you out with it.
I want to use internal useState / useEffect etc inside of useMyHook and not cause re-render in the ComponentA
If you want to avoid the renders triggered by useState() or useEffect() then they are not the right tools.
If you need to hold some mutable state without triggering renders then consider using useRef() instead.
This question has a nice comparison of the differences between useState() and useRef().
Here is a simple example:
const ComponentState = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
return (<>
<button onClick={() => {
// Will trigger render
const ComponentRef = () => {
const valueRef = useRef(0);
return (<>
<button onClick={() => {
// Will not trigger render
valueRef.current = Math.random();

Child re-rendering because of function?

I'm having trouble navigating these concepts where a child keeps re-rendering because I'm passing it a function from the parent. This parent function references an editor's value, draftjs.
function Parent() {
const [doSomethingValue, setDoSomethingValue] = React.useState("");
const [editorState, setEditorState] = React.useState(
const editorRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
const doSomething = () => {
// get draftjs editor current value and make a fetch call
let userResponse = editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText("\u0001");
// do something with userResponse
return (
<Child doSomething={doSomething} />
placeholder="Start writing..." />
<AnotherChild doSomethingValue={doSomethingValue}
My Child component is simply a button that calls the parent's doSomething and thats it.
doSomething does its thing and then makes a change to the state which is then passed to AnotherChild.
My problem is that anytime the editorState is updated (which is every time you type within the editor), my Child component re-renders. Isn't that unnecessary? And if so, how could I avoid this?
If I was passing my Child component a string and leveraged React.Memo, it does not re-render unless the string changes.
So what am I missing with passing a function to the child? Should my child be re-rendering everytime?
React works on reference change detection to re-render components.
Child.js: Wrap it under React.memo so it becomes Pure Component.
const Child = ({doSomething}) => <button onClick={doSomething}>Child Button Name</button>;
export default React.memo(Child);
Parent.js -> doSomething: On every (re)render, callbacks are also recreated. Make use of useCallback so that your function is not recreated on every render.
const doSomething = React.useCallback(() => {
let userResponse = editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText("\u0001");
}, [editorState]);
Side Note
On broader lines, memo is HOC and makes a component Pure Component. useMemo is something which cache the output of the function. Whereas useCallback caches the instance of the function.
Hope it helps.
If you do not want your component to be re-rendered every time your parent is re-rendered, you should take a look at useMemo.
This function will only recalculate its value (in your case, your component) whenever its second argument changes (here, the only thing it depends on, doSomething()).
function Parent() {
const [editorState, setEditorState] = React.useState(
const editorRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
const doSomething = () => {
// get draftjs editor current value and make a fetch call
let userResponse = editorState.getCurrentContent().getPlainText("\u0001");
// do something with userResponse
const childComp = useMemo(() => <Child doSomething={doSomething} />, [doSomething])
return (
placeholder="Start writing..." />
If doSomething does not change, your component does not re-render.
You may also want to use useCallback for your function if it is doing heavy calculations, to avoid having it re-compiled every time your component renders:
Take a look into PureComponent, useMemo, or shouldComponentUpdate
I would also add, instead of passing down the function to do the rendering of a top level component, pass the value and define the function later down in the component tree.
if you want to avoid unnecessary re-renders, you can use React.memo and the hook useCallback. Take a look at the following sandbox.
The button1 is always re-rendered because it take a callback that is not memoized with useCallback and the button2 is just rendered the first time even if the state of the parent has changed (take a look at the console to check the re-renders). You have to use React.memo in the Child component that is the responsible to render the buttons.
I hope it helps.

Why is my component rendering when useState is called with the same state?

I have a simple functional component with a boolean state. And buttons to change the state.
It is initially set to true so when I press the true-button, it does NOT render.
But if I press the false-button, it re-renders AND if I press false-button AGAIN, it will re-render even though the state is already set to false..
Could someone explain why the component re-renders when the state changes to the exact same state? How to prevent it from re-rendering?
import React, {useState} from 'react';
const TestHooks = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState(true);
console.log("rendering..", state);
<button onClick={() => setState(true)}>true</button>
<button onClick={() => setState(false)}>false</button>
export default TestHooks;
From the react docs :
If you update a State Hook to the same value as the current state,
React will bail out without rendering the children or firing effects.
(React uses the comparison algorithm.)
Note that React may still need to render that specific component again
before bailing out. That shouldn’t be a concern because React won’t
unnecessarily go “deeper” into the tree. If you’re doing expensive
calculations while rendering, you can optimize them with useMemo.
So your component will not re-render every time setState is called with the same state. It will re-render only 2 times and then bail out. That's just how react works and that should not be a concern except if you're doing some heavy calculations in the render method.
It doesn't matter if the state value is already the same as the one you are trying to update it with. The fact is, setState() will re-render your component regardless, that's just what React does to ensure all changes (if any) are reflected in the UI.
If you want to avoid unnecessary re-renders, use an intermediary function to check if the state values are already equal before updating it.
import React, {useState} from 'react';
const TestHooks = () => {
const [state, setState] = useState(true);
const updateState = (boolean) => {
if(boolean !== state){
console.log("rendering..", state);
<button onClick={() => updateState(true)}>true</button>
<button onClick={() => updateState(false)}>false</button>
export default TestHooks;
render() will be called whenever setState() is called. That is the reason why we have the concept of PureComponent in React. Read
