Is it possible to connect React JS with SQLite database? - reactjs

Is it possible to connect React JS with SQLite database without any node.js or express ?
If yes, please give me an example or provide some resource link.
Thank you in Advance.

Is possible to do this using sql.js. I had no luck with the sqlite3 module.
Here is the example I used:


Is there any way to connect directly to a database with react js?

I am coding simple CRUD application and would love to avoid backend (including PHP). Is there any way i could do it? If you have an idea that uses backend but still it's easy to initialize could you explain it to me please?
I have a folder with my simple CRUD application and I'm using only css,html and react.js
I have tried express but probably wrong and pgPool. I would love to connect directly somehow. Thing that i am trying to avoid the most is PHP
I haven't decided if i want to use mySQL or postgre yet, so im fully flexible with coice.

How can I add Dropbox component to React Native application?

I tried to implement it through Dropbox but was not able to do it because of the crappy documentation. Can you please help with this?
there is open source sample project for dropbox implementation in react native
check this

React document upload with plupload

Sorry if this is already been asked and covered in another question.
We are looking forward to implement multi-part document upload (including drag and drop feature) in react web application using plupload library. Planning to reuse existing document service for upload.
I could not find any NPM package of Plupload which i can integrate with my react application.
Do we need to consider wrapper to integrate Plupload.
Also, please suggest, if we should consider any other library, incase plupload does not support it?
Kindly suggest. Thank you in advance.
We are using Drag zone for UI integration
May need to see, how we can implement chunking logic while hitting document service.
a. We are thinking can we use FileReader from Mozilla developers.
b. May need to see, if we can use any wrapper for service integration.
Thanks, please suggest if you have any suggestion.
You can use this library to use the functionalities of Pulpload in react

Integrate reactjs with postgraphile

Am new to reactjs trying to integrate postgres with reactjs. Is there any way to integrate postgraphile with reactjs.
If so, please help me with a code or tutorial link.
Here are a collection of app examples using PostGraphile, some of these involve React:
Also check out and
While there's already an accepted answer here, it missed stating something obvious: the way you "integrate reactjs and postgraphile" is by using a GraphQL client library (eg. Apollo, Relay, Lokka, etc.) in your React application to access the API that postgraphile creates.

External Pagination - DisplayTag or JMessa

Can someone please share complete code for external pagination using display tag in JSP and/or servlets. Please no hibernate, spring or struts 1 or 2. (I don't care if you have MySQL or DB2 or Oracle on the backend).
If you don't have this, can you send me code for jmessa in JSP or Servlet.
I'm on GAE and I need simple working code that has external pagination so I could integrate with GAE.
This would help immensely and save me some time!
