Cannot move camera using libuvc - c

I'm trying to control my camera using libuvc.
I tried this code I modified from the example:
#include <libuvc/libuvc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
uvc_context_t *ctx;
uvc_device_t *dev;
uvc_device_handle_t *devh;
uvc_stream_ctrl_t ctrl;
uvc_error_t res;
/* Initialize a UVC service context. Libuvc will set up its own libusb
* context. Replace NULL with a libusb_context pointer to run libuvc
* from an existing libusb context. */
res = uvc_init(&ctx, NULL);
if (res < 0) {
uvc_perror(res, "uvc_init");
return res;
puts("UVC initialized");
/* Locates the first attached UVC device, stores in dev */
res = uvc_find_device(
ctx, &dev,
0, 0, NULL); /* filter devices: vendor_id, product_id, "serial_num" */
if (res < 0) {
uvc_perror(res, "uvc_find_device"); /* no devices found */
} else {
puts("Device found");
/* Try to open the device: requires exclusive access */
res = uvc_open(dev, &devh);
if (res < 0) {
uvc_perror(res, "uvc_open"); /* unable to open device */
} else {
puts("Device opened");
uvc_print_diag(devh, stderr);
//uvc_set_pantilt_abs(devh, 100, 100);
int result = uvc_set_pantilt_abs(devh, 5, 50);
printf("%d\n", result);
/* Release our handle on the device */
puts("Device closed");
/* Release the device descriptor */
/* Close the UVC context. This closes and cleans up any existing device handles,
* and it closes the libusb context if one was not provided. */
puts("UVC exited");
return 0;
I tried both uvc_set_pantilt_abs and uvc_set_pantilt_rel and both are returning 0 so it means the action is successful. Except the camera does not move.
I'm sure the camera uses UVC because uvc_print_diag indicates
bcdUVC: 0x0110
Am I doing something wrong? If not how can I troubleshoot it?

I found the answer a while ago but forgot to put it here.
I stumbled upon this project which controls a camera using a commandline tool with libuvc.
After playing a bit with it and compared it with my code I got what I did wrong. He was getting the pantilt data from the camera and then using it to send requests. It seems cameras need to receive a number which must be a multiple of the "step" provided by the camera as the movement unit.
Here's the part where he requests the pantilt information:
int32_t pan;
int32_t panStep;
int32_t panMin;
int32_t panMax;
int32_t tilt;
int32_t tiltStep;
int32_t tiltMin;
int32_t tiltMax;
// get current value
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &pan, &tilt, UVC_GET_CUR);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
// get steps
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &panStep, &tiltStep, UVC_GET_RES);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
// get min
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &panMin, &tiltMin, UVC_GET_MIN);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
// get max
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &panMax, &tiltMax, UVC_GET_MAX);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
Here's the full code


Disable pn53x_check_communication: Input / Output Error message

I'm using libnfc 1.7.1 compiled with c to read from a PN532 reader on a Raspberry Pi. The goal is to make a node for Node-RED that injects the UID of the scanned card or pass errors along about library or reader. I modified the example to give me the UID of a card as the only normal output. I can't have anything printed other than an error when the library can't be loaded, an error when the reader can't be connected, or the UID of the card. I changed the log level to 0 in /etc/nfc/libnfc.conf but my program is still printing "pn53x_check_communication: Input / Output Error" (unwanted) as well as "ERROR: Unable to open NFC device." (wanted) I can't find any way to disable the I/O error message. I looked in the library and found this that returns NFC_EIO which is the I/O error I'm getting, but can't find anywhere that it actually prints that. Short of modifying the library I can't find any way to disable this print. If there is nothing that can be done I can program my node to ignore this output but I would rather eliminate it. My code is below:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nfc/nfc.h>
static void
print_long(const uint8_t *pbtData, const size_t szBytes)
size_t szPos;
for (szPos = 0; szPos < szBytes; szPos++) {
printf("%03lu", pbtData[szPos]);
main(int argc, const char *argv[])
nfc_device *pnd;
nfc_target nt;
// Allocate only a pointer to nfc_context
nfc_context *context;
// Initialize libnfc and set the nfc_context
if (context == NULL) {
printf("Unable to init libnfc (malloc)\n");
// Open, using the first available NFC device which can be in order of selection:
// - default device specified using environment variable or
// - first specified device in libnfc.conf (/etc/nfc) or
// - first specified device in device-configuration directory (/etc/nfc/devices.d) or
// - first auto-detected (if feature is not disabled in libnfc.conf) device
pnd = nfc_open(context, NULL);
//Send error
if (pnd == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", "Unable to open NFC device.");
// Set opened NFC device to initiator mode
if (nfc_initiator_init(pnd) < 0) {
nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_initiator_init");
// Poll for a ISO14443A (MIFARE) tag
const nfc_modulation nmMifare = {
.nmt = NMT_ISO14443A,
.nbr = NBR_106,
//Print decimal version of UID and wait until it's removed to scan again
if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, NULL, 0, &nt) > 0) {
print_long(nt.nti.nai.abtUid, nt.nti.nai.szUidLen);
while (0 == nfc_initiator_target_is_present(pnd, NULL)) {}

IIO device buffer always null

I am using an IMU sensor called LSM6DSL with the iio drivers. They work fine if I display the raw values with the command:
cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_accel_x_raw
Then I decided to use the libiio so I can read all these values from a C program :
struct iio_context *context = iio_create_local_context();
struct iio_device *device = iio_context_get_device(context, 1);
struct iio_channel *chan = iio_device_get_channel(device, 0);
if (iio_channel_is_scan_element(chan) == true)
struct iio_channel *chan2 = iio_device_get_channel(device, 1);
struct iio_buffer *buff = iio_device_create_buffer(device, 1, true);
if (buff == NULL)
printf("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return (1);
And this is the result :
Error: Device or resource busy
Am I missing something? Let me know if you need more informations.
I guess I found the answer, and I didn't pay attention to the effects of the ncurses library (sorry for not mentioning that I was using it).
I moved these functions before the initialization of ncurses and now the buffer is created successful.

How to enable 802.11 monitor mode (DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR) in a NDIS 6 filter driver?

I have ported WinPcap to a NDIS 6 filter driver: But it still doesn't support capturing all 802.11 native packets (like control and management frames are not captured).
I noticed there is a way setting DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR for the wireless adapter using WlanSetInterface function. But this call succeeds (the return value is OK, and my wi-fi network disconnects after this call). But the problem is I can't see any packets on the Wi-Fi interface using Wireshark, not even the 802.11 data in fake ethernet form. So there must be something wrong with it.
I know that from NDIS 6 and vista, enabing this feature is possible (at least Microsoft's own Network Monitor 3.4 supports this).
So I want to know how to enable monitor mode for the NDIS 6 version WinPcap? Thanks.
My code is shown as below:
// WlanTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wlanapi.h>
void SetInterface(WLAN_INTF_OPCODE opcode, PVOID* pData, GUID* InterfaceGuid)
DWORD dwResult = 0;
HANDLE hClient = NULL;
DWORD dwCurVersion = 0;
DWORD outsize = 0;
// Open Handle for the set operation
dwResult = WlanOpenHandle(WLAN_CLIENT_VERSION_VISTA, NULL, &dwCurVersion, &hClient);
dwResult = WlanSetInterface(hClient, InterfaceGuid, opcode, sizeof(ULONG), pData, NULL);
WlanCloseHandle(hClient, NULL);
// enumerate wireless interfaces
UINT EnumInterface(HANDLE hClient, WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO sInfo[64])
UINT i = 0;
// enumerate wireless interfaces
if ((dwError = WlanEnumInterfaces(
NULL, // reserved
// print out interface information
for (i = 0; i < pIntfList->dwNumberOfItems; i++)
memcpy(&sInfo[i], &pIntfList->InterfaceInfo[i], sizeof(WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO));
return pIntfList->dwNumberOfItems;
// clean up
if (pIntfList != NULL)
return 0;
// open a WLAN client handle and check version
PHANDLE phClient
DWORD dwServiceVersion;
HANDLE hClient = NULL;
*phClient = NULL;
// open a handle to the service
if ((dwError = WlanOpenHandle(
NULL, // reserved
// check service version
// No-op, because the version check is for demonstration purpose only.
// You can add your own logic here.
*phClient = hClient;
// set hClient to NULL so it will not be closed
hClient = NULL;
if (hClient != NULL)
// clean up
NULL // reserved
return dwError;
// get interface state string
GetInterfaceStateString(__in WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE wlanInterfaceState)
LPWSTR strRetCode;
switch (wlanInterfaceState)
case wlan_interface_state_not_ready:
strRetCode = L"\"not ready\"";
case wlan_interface_state_connected:
strRetCode = L"\"connected\"";
case wlan_interface_state_ad_hoc_network_formed:
strRetCode = L"\"ad hoc network formed\"";
case wlan_interface_state_disconnecting:
strRetCode = L"\"disconnecting\"";
case wlan_interface_state_disconnected:
strRetCode = L"\"disconnected\"";
case wlan_interface_state_associating:
strRetCode = L"\"associating\"";
case wlan_interface_state_discovering:
strRetCode = L"\"discovering\"";
case wlan_interface_state_authenticating:
strRetCode = L"\"authenticating\"";
strRetCode = L"\"invalid interface state\"";
return strRetCode;
int main()
HANDLE hClient = NULL;
RPC_CSTR strGuid = NULL;
TCHAR szBuffer[256];
DWORD dwRead;
if (OpenHandleAndCheckVersion(&hClient) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return -1;
UINT nCount = EnumInterface(hClient, sInfo);
for (UINT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
if (UuidToStringA(&sInfo[i].InterfaceGuid, &strGuid) == RPC_S_OK)
printf(("%d. %s\n\tDescription: %S\n\tState: %S\n"),
UINT nChoice = 0;
// printf("for choice wireless card:");
// if (ReadConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), szBuffer, _countof(szBuffer), &dwRead, NULL) == FALSE)
// {
// puts("error input");
// return -1;
// }
// szBuffer[dwRead] = 0;
// nChoice = _ttoi(szBuffer);
// if (nChoice > nCount)
// {
// puts("error input.");
// return -1;
// }
SetInterface(wlan_intf_opcode_current_operation_mode, (PVOID*)&targetOperationMode, &sInfo[nChoice].InterfaceGuid);
return 0;
Guy has made me clear about what should the high-level library side of WinPcap do about the monitor mode, in nature is setting/getting OID values. But what should the WinPcap driver do, do I need to change the driver? I think the WlanSetInterface call is actually doing the same thing as setting the DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR using OID request? Does the fact that it doesn't work mean that the npf driver also needs some kind of changes?
(Answer updated for question update and followup comments.)
Use pcap_oid_set_request_win32(), which is in pcap-win32.c in the version of libpcap in the master branch, to do OID setting/getting operations. If p->opt.rfmon is set in pcap_activate_win32(), set the OID OID_DOT11_CURRENT_OPERATION_MODE with a DOT11_CURRENT_OPERATION_MODE structure with uCurrentOpMode set to DOT11_OPERATION_MODE_NETWORK_MONITOR.
For pcap_can_set_rfmon_win32(), try to get a handle for the device (note that this is done before the activate call) and, if that succeeds, use pcap_oid_get_request_win32() to attempt to get the value of that OID; if it succeeds, you can set it, otherwise, either you can't set it or you got an error.
The driver already supports a generic get/set OID operation - that's what PacketRequest() uses, and pcap_oid_get_request_win32()/pcap_oid_set_request_win32() are implemented atop PacketRequest(), so it's what they use.
As I indicated in messages in the thread you started on the wireshark-dev list, the code that handles receive indications from NDIS has to be able to handle "raw packet" receive indications, and you might have to add those to the NDIS packet filter as well. (And you'll have to hack dumpcap, if you're going to use Wireshark to test the changes; you won't be able to change NPcap so that people can just drop it in and existing versions of Wireshark will support monitor mode.)
I also indicated there how to query a device to find out whether it supports monitor mode.
As for turning monitor mode back off, that's going to require driver, packet.dll, and libpcap work. In the drivers:
in the NDIS 6 driver, for each interface, have a count of "monitor mode instances" and a saved operating mode and, for each opened NPF instance for an interface, have a "monitor mode" flag;
in the Windows 9x and NDIS 4/5 drivers, add a "turn on monitor mode" BIOC call, which always fails with ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED;
in the NDIS 6 driver, add the same BIOC call, which, if the instance's "monitor mode" flag isn't set, attempts to set the operating mode to monitor mode and, if it succeeds, saves the old operating mode if the interface's monitor mode count is zero, increments the interface's monitor mode count and sets the instance's "monitor mode" flag (it could also add the appropriate values to the packet filter);
have the routine that closes an opened NPF instance check the "monitor mode" flag for the instance and, if it's set, decrement the "monitor mode instances" count and, if the count reaches zero, restores the old operating mode.
In packet.dll, add a PacketSetMonitorMode() routine, which is a wrapper around the BIOC ioctl in question.
In pcap-win32.c, call PacketSetMonitorMode() if monitor mode was requested, rather than setting the operation mode directly.
For setting OIDs in drivers, see the code path for BIOCQUERYOID and BIOCSETOID in NPF_IoControl() - the new BIOC ioctl would be handled in NPF_IoControl().
(And, of course, do the appropriate MP locking.)
The monitor mode count might not be necessary, if you can enumerate all the NPF instances for an interface - the count is just the number of instances that have the monitor mode flag set.
Doing it in the driver means that if a program doing monitor-mode capturing terminates abruptly, so that no user-mode code gets to do any cleanup, the mode can still get reset.

ALSA equivalent to /dev/audio dump?

This will be my poorest question ever...
On an old netbook, I installed an even older version of Debian, and toyed around a bit. One of the rather pleasing results was a very basic MP3 player (using libmpg123), integrated for adding background music to a little application doing something completely different. I grew rather fond of this little solution.
In that program, I dumped the decoded audio (from mpg123_decode()) to /dev/audio via a simple fwrite().
This worked fine - on the netbook.
Now, I came to understand that /dev/audio was something done by OSS, and is no longer supported on newer (ALSA) machines. Sure enough, my laptop (running a current Linux Mint) does not have this device.
So apparently I have to use ALSA instead. Searching the web, I've found a couple of tutorials, and they pretty much blow my mind. Modes, parameters, capabilities, access type, sample format, sample rate, number of channels, number of periods, period size... I understand that ALSA is a powerful API for the ambitious, but that's not what I am looking for (or have the time to grok). All I am looking for is how to play the output of mpg123_decode (the format of which I don't even know, not being an audio geek by a long shot).
Can anybody give me some hints on what needs to be done?
How do I get ALSA to play raw audio data?
There's an OSS compatibility layer for ALSA in the alsa-oss package. Install it and run your program inside the "aoss" program. Or, modprobe the modules listed here:
Then, you'll need to change your program to use "/dev/dsp" or "/dev/dsp0" instead of "/dev/audio". It should work how you remembered... but you might want to cross your fingers just in case.
You could install sox and open a pipe to the play command with the correct samplerate and sample size arguments.
Using ALSA directly is overly complicated, so I hope a Gstreamer solution is fine to you too. Gstreamer gives a nice abstraction to ALSA/OSS/Pulseaudio/you name it -- and is ubiquitous in the Linux world.
I wrote a little library that will open a FILE object where you can fwrite PCM data into:
Gstreamer file. The actual code is less than 100 lines.
Use use it like that:
FILE *output = fopen_gst(rate, channels, bit_depth); // open audio output file
while (have_more_data) fwrite(data, amount, 1, output); // output audio data
fclose(output); // close the output file
I added an mpg123 example, too.
Here is the whole file (in case Github get's out of business ;-) ):
* gstreamer_file.c
* Copyright 2012 René Kijewski <>
* License: LGPL 3.0 (
#include "gstreamer_file.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <gst/gst.h>
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
# error "You need to add -D_GNU_SOURCE to the GCC parameters!"
* Cookie passed to the callbacks.
typedef struct {
/** { file descriptor to read from, fd to write to } */
int pipefd[2];
/** Gstreamer pipeline */
GstElement *pipeline;
} cookie_t;
static ssize_t write_gst(void *cookie_, const char *buf, size_t size) {
cookie_t *cookie = cookie_;
return write(cookie->pipefd[1], buf, size);
static int close_gst(void *cookie_) {
cookie_t *cookie = cookie_;
gst_element_set_state(cookie->pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL); /* we are finished */
gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(cookie->pipeline)); /* we won't access the pipeline anymore */
close(cookie->pipefd[0]); /* we won't write anymore */
close(cookie->pipefd[1]); /* we won't read anymore */
free(cookie); /* dispose the cookie */
return 0;
FILE *fopen_gst(long rate, int channels, int depth) {
/* initialize Gstreamer */
if (!gst_is_initialized()) {
GError *error;
if (!gst_init_check(NULL, NULL, &error)) {
return NULL;
/* get a cookie */
cookie_t *cookie = malloc(sizeof(*cookie));
if (!cookie) {
return NULL;
/* open a pipe to be used between the caller and the Gstreamer pipeline */
if (pipe(cookie->pipefd) != 0) {
return NULL;
/* set up the pipeline */
char description[256];
snprintf(description, sizeof(description),
"fdsrc fd=%d ! " /* read from a file descriptor */
"audio/x-raw-int, rate=%ld, channels=%d, " /* get PCM data */
"endianness=1234, width=%d, depth=%d, signed=true ! "
"audioconvert ! audioresample ! " /* convert/resample if needed */
"autoaudiosink", /* output to speakers (using ALSA, OSS, Pulseaudio ...) */
cookie->pipefd[0], rate, channels, depth, depth);
cookie->pipeline = gst_parse_launch_full(description, NULL,
if (!cookie->pipeline) {
return NULL;
/* open a FILE with specialized write and close functions */
cookie_io_functions_t io_funcs = { NULL, write_gst, NULL, close_gst };
FILE *result = fopencookie(cookie, "w", io_funcs);
if (!result) {
return NULL;
/* start the pipeline (of cause it will wait for some data first) */
gst_element_set_state(cookie->pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
return result;
And ten years later, the "actual" answer is found: That's the wrong way to do it in the first place.
libmpg123 comes with a companion library, libout123, which abstracts the underlying audio system for you. Based on libmpg123 example code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpg123.h"
#include "out123.h"
int main()
mpg123_handle * _mpg_handle;
out123_handle * _out_handle;
double rate, channels, encoding;
size_t position, buffer_size;
unsigned char * buffer;
char filename[] = "Example.mp3";
mpg123_open( _mpg_handle, filename );
mpg123_getformat( _mpg_handle, &rate, &channels, &encoding );
out123_open( _out_handle, NULL, NULL );
mpg123_format_none( _mpg_handle );
mpg123_format( _mpg_handle, rate, channels, encoding );
out123_start( _out_handle, rate, channels, encoding );
buffer_size = mpg123_outblock( _mpg_handle );
buffer = malloc( buffer_size );
mpg123_read( _mpg_handle, buffer.get(), buffer_size, &position );
out123_play( _out_handle, buffer.get(), position );
} while ( position );
out123_close( _out_handle );
mpg123_close( _mpg_handle );
free( buffer );

tmpfile() on windows 7 x64

Running the following code on Windows 7 x64
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
int main() {
int i;
FILE *tmp;
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
errno = 0;
if(!(tmp = tmpfile())) printf("Fail %d, err %d\n", i, errno);
return 0;
Gives errno 13 (Permission denied), on the 637th and 1004th call, it works fine on XP (haven't tried 7 x86). Am I missing something or is this a bug?
I've got similar problem on Windows 8 - tmpfile() was causing win32 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED error code - and yes, if you run application with administrator privileges - then it works fine.
I guess problem is mentioned over here:
Under Windows, the tmpfile function is defined to always create
its temporary file in the root directory. Most users don't have
permission to do that, so it will often fail.
I would suspect that this is kinda incomplete windows port issue - so this should be an error reported to Microsoft. (Why to code tmpfile function if it's useless ?)
But who have time to fight with Microsoft wind mills ?! :-)
I've coded similar implementation using GetTempPathW / GetModuleFileNameW / _wfopen. Code where I've encountered this problem came from libjpeg - I'm attaching whole source code here, but you can pick up code from jpeg_open_backing_store.
// Windows port for jpeg lib functions.
#include <Windows.h> // GetTempFileName
#undef FAR // Will be redefined - disable warning
#include "jinclude.h"
#include "jpeglib.h"
extern "C" {
#include "jmemsys.h" // jpeg_ api interface.
// Memory allocation and freeing are controlled by the regular library routines malloc() and free().
GLOBAL(void *) jpeg_get_small (j_common_ptr cinfo, size_t sizeofobject)
return (void *) malloc(sizeofobject);
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_free_small (j_common_ptr cinfo, void * object, size_t sizeofobject)
* "Large" objects are treated the same as "small" ones.
* NB: although we include FAR keywords in the routine declarations,
* this file won't actually work in 80x86 small/medium model; at least,
* you probably won't be able to process useful-size images in only 64KB.
GLOBAL(void FAR *) jpeg_get_large (j_common_ptr cinfo, size_t sizeofobject)
return (void FAR *) malloc(sizeofobject);
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_free_large (j_common_ptr cinfo, void FAR * object, size_t sizeofobject)
// Used only by command line applications, not by static library compilation
#ifndef DEFAULT_MAX_MEM /* so can override from makefile */
#define DEFAULT_MAX_MEM 1000000L /* default: one megabyte */
GLOBAL(long) jpeg_mem_available (j_common_ptr cinfo, long min_bytes_needed, long max_bytes_needed, long already_allocated)
// jmemansi.c's jpeg_mem_available implementation was insufficient for some of .jpg loads.
MEMORYSTATUSEX status = { 0 };
status.dwLength = sizeof(status);
if( status.ullAvailPhys > LONG_MAX )
// Normally goes here since new PC's have more than 4 Gb of ram.
return LONG_MAX;
return (long) status.ullAvailPhys;
Backing store (temporary file) management.
Backing store objects are only used when the value returned by
jpeg_mem_available is less than the total space needed. You can dispense
with these routines if you have plenty of virtual memory; see jmemnobs.c.
METHODDEF(void) read_backing_store (j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info, void FAR * buffer_address, long file_offset, long byte_count)
if (fseek(info->temp_file, file_offset, SEEK_SET))
size_t readed = fread( buffer_address, 1, byte_count, info->temp_file);
if (readed != (size_t) byte_count)
write_backing_store (j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info, void FAR * buffer_address, long file_offset, long byte_count)
if (fseek(info->temp_file, file_offset, SEEK_SET))
if (JFWRITE(info->temp_file, buffer_address, byte_count) != (size_t) byte_count)
// E.g. if you need to debug writes.
//if( fflush(info->temp_file) != 0 )
close_backing_store (j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info)
// File is deleted using 'D' flag on open.
static HMODULE DllHandle()
VirtualQuery(DllHandle, &info, sizeof(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION));
return (HMODULE)info.AllocationBase;
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_open_backing_store(j_common_ptr cinfo, backing_store_ptr info, long total_bytes_needed)
// Generate unique filename.
wchar_t path[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
wchar_t dllPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
GetTempPathW( MAX_PATH, path );
// Based on .exe or .dll filename
GetModuleFileNameW( DllHandle(), dllPath, MAX_PATH );
wchar_t* p = wcsrchr( dllPath, L'\\');
wchar_t* ext = wcsrchr( p + 1, L'.');
if( ext ) *ext = 0;
wchar_t* outFile = path + wcslen(path);
static int iTempFileId = 1;
// Based on process id (so processes would not fight with each other)
// Based on some process global id.
wsprintfW(outFile, L"%s_%d_%d.tmp",p + 1, GetCurrentProcessId(), iTempFileId++ );
// 'D' - temporary file.
if ((info->temp_file = _wfopen(path, L"w+bD") ) == NULL)
info->read_backing_store = read_backing_store;
info->write_backing_store = write_backing_store;
info->close_backing_store = close_backing_store;
} //jpeg_open_backing_store
* These routines take care of any system-dependent initialization and
* cleanup required.
jpeg_mem_init (j_common_ptr cinfo)
return DEFAULT_MAX_MEM; /* default for max_memory_to_use */
jpeg_mem_term (j_common_ptr cinfo)
/* no work */
I'm intentionally ignoring errors from some of functions - have you ever seen GetTempPathW or GetModuleFileNameW failing ?
A bit of a refresher from the manpage of on tmpfile(), which returns a FILE*:
The file will be automatically deleted when it is closed or the program terminates.
My verdict for this issue: Deleting a file on Windows is weird.
When you delete a file on Windows, for as long as something holds a handle, you can't call CreateFile on something with the same absolute path, otherwise it will fail with the NT error code STATUS_DELETE_PENDING, which gets mapped to the Win32 code ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. This is probably where EPERM in errno is coming from. You can confirm this with a tool like Sysinternals Process Monitor.
My guess is that CRT somehow wound up creating a file that has the same name as something it's used before. I've sometimes witnessed that deleting files on Windows can appear asynchronous because some other process (sometimes even an antivirus product, in reaction to the fact that you've just closed a delete-on-close handle...) will leave a handle open to the file, so for some timing window you will see a visible file that you can't get a handle to without hitting delete pending/access denied. Or, it could be that tmpfile has simply chosen a filename that some other process is working on.
To avoid this sort of thing you might want to consider another mechanism for temp files... For example a function like Win32 GetTempFileName allows you to create your own prefix which might make a collision less likely. That function appears to resolve race conditions by retrying if a create fails with "already exists", so be careful about deleting the temp filenames that thing generates - deleting the file cancels your rights to use it concurrently with other processes/threads.
