Disable pn53x_check_communication: Input / Output Error message - c

I'm using libnfc 1.7.1 compiled with c to read from a PN532 reader on a Raspberry Pi. The goal is to make a node for Node-RED that injects the UID of the scanned card or pass errors along about library or reader. I modified the example to give me the UID of a card as the only normal output. I can't have anything printed other than an error when the library can't be loaded, an error when the reader can't be connected, or the UID of the card. I changed the log level to 0 in /etc/nfc/libnfc.conf but my program is still printing "pn53x_check_communication: Input / Output Error" (unwanted) as well as "ERROR: Unable to open NFC device." (wanted) I can't find any way to disable the I/O error message. I looked in the library and found this that returns NFC_EIO which is the I/O error I'm getting, but can't find anywhere that it actually prints that. Short of modifying the library I can't find any way to disable this print. If there is nothing that can be done I can program my node to ignore this output but I would rather eliminate it. My code is below:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <nfc/nfc.h>
static void
print_long(const uint8_t *pbtData, const size_t szBytes)
size_t szPos;
for (szPos = 0; szPos < szBytes; szPos++) {
printf("%03lu", pbtData[szPos]);
main(int argc, const char *argv[])
nfc_device *pnd;
nfc_target nt;
// Allocate only a pointer to nfc_context
nfc_context *context;
// Initialize libnfc and set the nfc_context
if (context == NULL) {
printf("Unable to init libnfc (malloc)\n");
// Open, using the first available NFC device which can be in order of selection:
// - default device specified using environment variable or
// - first specified device in libnfc.conf (/etc/nfc) or
// - first specified device in device-configuration directory (/etc/nfc/devices.d) or
// - first auto-detected (if feature is not disabled in libnfc.conf) device
pnd = nfc_open(context, NULL);
//Send error
if (pnd == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: %s\n", "Unable to open NFC device.");
// Set opened NFC device to initiator mode
if (nfc_initiator_init(pnd) < 0) {
nfc_perror(pnd, "nfc_initiator_init");
// Poll for a ISO14443A (MIFARE) tag
const nfc_modulation nmMifare = {
.nmt = NMT_ISO14443A,
.nbr = NBR_106,
//Print decimal version of UID and wait until it's removed to scan again
if (nfc_initiator_select_passive_target(pnd, nmMifare, NULL, 0, &nt) > 0) {
print_long(nt.nti.nai.abtUid, nt.nti.nai.szUidLen);
while (0 == nfc_initiator_target_is_present(pnd, NULL)) {}


Cannot move camera using libuvc

I'm trying to control my camera using libuvc.
I tried this code I modified from the example:
#include <libuvc/libuvc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
uvc_context_t *ctx;
uvc_device_t *dev;
uvc_device_handle_t *devh;
uvc_stream_ctrl_t ctrl;
uvc_error_t res;
/* Initialize a UVC service context. Libuvc will set up its own libusb
* context. Replace NULL with a libusb_context pointer to run libuvc
* from an existing libusb context. */
res = uvc_init(&ctx, NULL);
if (res < 0) {
uvc_perror(res, "uvc_init");
return res;
puts("UVC initialized");
/* Locates the first attached UVC device, stores in dev */
res = uvc_find_device(
ctx, &dev,
0, 0, NULL); /* filter devices: vendor_id, product_id, "serial_num" */
if (res < 0) {
uvc_perror(res, "uvc_find_device"); /* no devices found */
} else {
puts("Device found");
/* Try to open the device: requires exclusive access */
res = uvc_open(dev, &devh);
if (res < 0) {
uvc_perror(res, "uvc_open"); /* unable to open device */
} else {
puts("Device opened");
uvc_print_diag(devh, stderr);
//uvc_set_pantilt_abs(devh, 100, 100);
int result = uvc_set_pantilt_abs(devh, 5, 50);
printf("%d\n", result);
/* Release our handle on the device */
puts("Device closed");
/* Release the device descriptor */
/* Close the UVC context. This closes and cleans up any existing device handles,
* and it closes the libusb context if one was not provided. */
puts("UVC exited");
return 0;
I tried both uvc_set_pantilt_abs and uvc_set_pantilt_rel and both are returning 0 so it means the action is successful. Except the camera does not move.
I'm sure the camera uses UVC because uvc_print_diag indicates
bcdUVC: 0x0110
Am I doing something wrong? If not how can I troubleshoot it?
I found the answer a while ago but forgot to put it here.
I stumbled upon this project which controls a camera using a commandline tool with libuvc.
After playing a bit with it and compared it with my code I got what I did wrong. He was getting the pantilt data from the camera and then using it to send requests. It seems cameras need to receive a number which must be a multiple of the "step" provided by the camera as the movement unit.
Here's the part where he requests the pantilt information:
int32_t pan;
int32_t panStep;
int32_t panMin;
int32_t panMax;
int32_t tilt;
int32_t tiltStep;
int32_t tiltMin;
int32_t tiltMax;
// get current value
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &pan, &tilt, UVC_GET_CUR);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
// get steps
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &panStep, &tiltStep, UVC_GET_RES);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
// get min
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &panMin, &tiltMin, UVC_GET_MIN);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
// get max
errorCode = uvc_get_pantilt_abs(devh, &panMax, &tiltMax, UVC_GET_MAX);
handleError(errorCode, "Failed to read pan/tilt settings - possibly unsupported by this camera?\n");
Here's the full code

IIO device buffer always null

I am using an IMU sensor called LSM6DSL with the iio drivers. They work fine if I display the raw values with the command:
cat /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/in_accel_x_raw
Then I decided to use the libiio so I can read all these values from a C program :
struct iio_context *context = iio_create_local_context();
struct iio_device *device = iio_context_get_device(context, 1);
struct iio_channel *chan = iio_device_get_channel(device, 0);
if (iio_channel_is_scan_element(chan) == true)
struct iio_channel *chan2 = iio_device_get_channel(device, 1);
struct iio_buffer *buff = iio_device_create_buffer(device, 1, true);
if (buff == NULL)
printf("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return (1);
And this is the result :
Error: Device or resource busy
Am I missing something? Let me know if you need more informations.
I guess I found the answer, and I didn't pay attention to the effects of the ncurses library (sorry for not mentioning that I was using it).
I moved these functions before the initialization of ncurses and now the buffer is created successful.

C websocket library, libwebsockets

I am looking through C websocket library libwebsockets client side example.
But i don't understand what the example purpose is.
Here is the example, this example have two connection (in the code wsi_dumb and wsi_mirror)which are same i think, and i don't know what second connection's purpose is.
using first conenction(in the code wsi_dumb), it seems to wait a request from server with libwebsocket_service() and then ...what with second connection(in the code wsi_mirror)?
And below is the part of the code i am saying.
wsi_dumb = libwebsocket_client_connect(context, address, port, use_ssl,
"/", argv[optind], argv[optind],
protocols[PROTOCOL_DUMB_INCREMENT].name, ietf_version);
* sit there servicing the websocket context to handle incoming
* packets, and drawing random circles on the mirror protocol websocket
n = 0;
while (n >= 0 && !was_closed) {
n = libwebsocket_service(context, 1000);
if (wsi_mirror == NULL) {
/* create a client websocket using mirror protocol */
wsi_mirror = libwebsocket_client_connect(context, address, port,
use_ssl, "/", argv[optind], argv[optind],
protocols[PROTOCOL_LWS_MIRROR].name, ietf_version);
mirror_lifetime = 10 + (random() & 1023);
fprintf(stderr, "opened mirror connection with %d lifetime\n", mirror_lifetime);
} else {
if (mirror_lifetime == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "closing mirror session\n");
* wsi_mirror will get set to NULL in
* callback when close completes
I might mix it up but there is an example in libwebsockets where you just open a second browser (window or tab) and then see all the lines and circles you draw in the first browser mirrored and sent to the second browser.

Finding available sound cards on Linux programmatically

Is there a way to get a list of available sound cards on the system programmatically using asoundlib and C? I want it with the same information as /proc/asound/cards.
You can iterate over the cards using snd_card_next, starting with a value of -1 to get the 0th card.
Here's sample code; compile it with gcc -o countcards countcards.c -lasound:
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int totalCards = 0; // No cards found yet
int cardNum = -1; // Start with first card
int err;
for (;;) {
// Get next sound card's card number.
if ((err = snd_card_next(&cardNum)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't get the next card number: %s\n",
if (cardNum < 0)
// No more cards
++totalCards; // Another card found, so bump the count
printf("ALSA found %i card(s)\n", totalCards);
// ALSA allocates some memory to load its config file when we call
// snd_card_next. Now that we're done getting the info, tell ALSA
// to unload the info and release the memory.
This is code reduced from cardnames.c (which also opens each card to read its name).

How to get mounted drive's volume name in linux using C?

I'm currently working on program, which must display information about mounted flash drive. I want to display full space, free space, file system type and volume name. But problem is that, i can't find any API through which i can get volume name(volume label). Is there any api to do this?
p.s. full space, free space and file system type i'm getting via statfs function
Assuming that you work on a recent desktop-like distribution (Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.), you have HAL daemon running and a D-Bus session.
Within org.freedesktop.UDisks namespace you can find the object that represents this drive (say org/freedekstop/UDisks/devices/sdb/. It implements org.freedesktop.UDisks.interface. This interface has all the properties that you can dream of, including UUID (IdUuid), FAT label (IdLabel), all the details about filesystem, SMART status (if the drive supports that) etc. etc.
How to use D-Bus API in C is a topic for another question. I assume that's been already discussed in detail -- just search [dbus] and [c] tags.
Flash drives are generally FAT32, which means the "name" that you're looking for is probably the FAT drive label. The most common linux command to retrieve that information is mlabel from the mtools package.
The command looks like this:
[root#localhost]$ mlabel -i /dev/sde1 -s ::
Volume label is USB-DISK
This program works by reading the raw FAT header of the filesystem and retrieving the label from that data. You can look at the source code for the applciation to see how you can replicate the parsing of FAT data in your own application... or you can simply execute run the mlabel binary and read the result into your program. The latter sounds simpler to me.
To call the methods:
kernResult = self->FindEjectableCDMedia(&mediaIterator);
if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
printf("FindEjectableCDMedia returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
kernResult = self->GetPath(mediaIterator, bsdPath, sizeof(bsdPath));
if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
printf("GetPath returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
and the methods:
// Returns an iterator across all DVD media (class IODVDMedia). Caller is responsible for releasing
// the iterator when iteration is complete.
kern_return_t ScanPstEs::FindEjectableCDMedia(io_iterator_t *mediaIterator)
kern_return_t kernResult;
CFMutableDictionaryRef classesToMatch;
// CD media are instances of class kIODVDMediaTypeROM
classesToMatch = IOServiceMatching(kIODVDMediaClass);
if (classesToMatch == NULL) {
printf("IOServiceMatching returned a NULL dictionary.\n");
} else {
CFDictionarySetValue(classesToMatch, CFSTR(kIODVDMediaClass), kCFBooleanTrue);
kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices(kIOMasterPortDefault, classesToMatch, mediaIterator);
return kernResult;
// Given an iterator across a set of CD media, return the BSD path to the
// next one. If no CD media was found the path name is set to an empty string.
kern_return_t GetPath(io_iterator_t mediaIterator, char *Path, CFIndex maxPathSize)
io_object_t nextMedia;
kern_return_t kernResult = KERN_FAILURE;
DADiskRef disk = NULL;
DASessionRef session = NULL;
CFDictionaryRef props = NULL;
char * bsdPath = '\0';
*Path = '\0';
nextMedia = IOIteratorNext(mediaIterator);
if (nextMedia) {
CFTypeRef bsdPathAsCFString;
bsdPathAsCFString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty(nextMedia,CFSTR(kIOBSDNameKey),kCFAllocatorDefault,0);
if (bsdPathAsCFString) {
//strlcpy(bsdPath, _PATH_DEV, maxPathSize);
// Add "r" before the BSD node name from the I/O Registry to specify the raw disk
// node. The raw disk nodes receive I/O requests directly and do not go through
// the buffer cache.
//strlcat(bsdPath, "r", maxPathSize);
size_t devPathLength = strlen(bsdPath);
if (CFStringGetCString( (CFStringRef)bsdPathAsCFString , bsdPath + devPathLength,maxPathSize - devPathLength, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) {
qDebug("BSD path: %s\n", bsdPath);
kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS;
session = DASessionCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault);
if(session == NULL) {
qDebug("Can't connect to DiskArb\n");
return -1;
disk = DADiskCreateFromBSDName(kCFAllocatorDefault, session, bsdPath);
if(disk == NULL) {
qDebug( "Can't create DADisk for %s\n", bsdPath);
return -1;
props = DADiskCopyDescription(disk);
if(props == NULL) {
qDebug("Can't get properties for %s\n",bsdPath);
return -1;
CFStringRef daName = (CFStringRef )CFDictionaryGetValue(props, kDADiskDescriptionVolumeNameKey);
if(daName) {
return kernResult;
