Checking performance on training data performing Logistic Regression model - logistic-regression

[I have been trying to figure out how to solve this problem, but I'm getting the error:
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'shape'


Apache Flink and Gelly error in ApplyNeighborCoGroupFunction

Running a Flink job with Gelly with a custom VertexCentericIteration algorithm I am getting NoSuchElement exception thrown from ApplyNeighborCoGroupFunction class.
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.base/java.util.Collections$
at org.apache.flink.graph.Graph$ApplyNeighborCoGroupFunction.coGroup(
From the class source code it does make sense to get the error because what it does in coGroup method is vertex.iterator().next(). And in my case vertex iterable does not have any elements.
I would like to understand if that's really exceptional case and vertex object must have some elements in the coGroup method. And if so, what in my code might cause that to break.

Logistic Regression with AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'

I have been doing logistic regression and it throws this error which I have no idea how to resolve. If anybody could help with it I will be very grateful. Link to the code is
Thanks a lot.

Typescript intersection and useStoreActions hook gives me "Type has no call signatures.ts(2349)" error

I am trying to do generalizing and code splitting with store addModel/removeModel functions at model level, with typescript and easy-peasy.
There is a sandbox example for the problem illustration.
I get the
This expression is not callable.Type 'Computed<CommonModuleModel, string[], StoreModel>' has no call signatures.ts(2349)
error message.
I see this is a common issue with ts, I checked a number of posts about it, but cannot figure out, how to avoid this error in my case.
There is a newmodule.tsx component, which is lazily loaded, and it adds it's own slice to the model level, but cannot call the nextTodos function from the generalized commonModuleModel model.
How can I get this functionality?

KendoTreeView with BreezeJS throws "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error

Using BreezeJS entities, and trying to display them using a KendoTreeView from KendoUI. The tree view throws this error, presumably because of the circular references. There are multiple cycles in breeze entities, the most obvious is entity.entityAspect.entity, and also the model may contain circular refs as well (e.g. Customer->Orders->Customer). How can I configure the KendoTreeView to only process specific navigation properties, and ignore the ones that lead to circular refs?
I realize I can for loop through the entities and build up a secondary array for display purposes. However, I am hoping to bind directly to the entities if possible, rather than trying to manually keep the tree in sync with the entity array.
FWIW I am using angular binding, etc (not sure if that makes a difference in this case).
This is a standard circular reference javascript serialization issue. It is not a Breeze specific issue.
Circular references are a natural feature of entity models. Consider a Customer.Orders property that returns the customer's orders and each order has a Order.Customer navigation property to get back to its parent customer. This is to be expected and will result in an error like the one you experienced when trying to serialize such a graph unless you manage the serialization explicitly.
See this link:
or this post: Maximum call stack exccedwith using KendoUI grid and breeze.js

XAML Serialization / Type not found - Help needed !

No matching constructor found on type 'XYZ'. You can use the Arguments or FactoryMethod directives to construct this type.
I serialized a usercontrol. It was giving no error and successfully completed but on Deserialize, i got above exception.
The constructor of type(s) require arguments, it can't be null. So, plz help me to resolve this error.
you should try following the advice of this article, which describes in detail how you go about creating custom types that can be (de)serialized with XamlWriter and XamlReader.
You may also want to look at the explanation of what the Arguments and FactoryMethod directives do.
