Logistic Regression with AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' - logistic-regression

I have been doing logistic regression and it throws this error which I have no idea how to resolve. If anybody could help with it I will be very grateful. Link to the code is
Thanks a lot.


Checking performance on training data performing Logistic Regression model

[I have been trying to figure out how to solve this problem, but I'm getting the error:
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'shape'

discord.collection is not a constructor

I'm trying to write a discord bot and am constantly getting this error whenever i try to run it.
TypeError: discord.collection is not a constructor
It's from this line of code
bot.commands = new discord.collection();
I'm not the best at JavaScript and have looked around google and can't find anything that matches my exact issue, all the ones I find have the same error but are something completely different.
whether or not this command is outdated or no longer in use I am unsure of but any help would be greatly appreciated!
It's Collection, not collection. The standard for naming classes is always first letter capitalized.

function rt_lookup( ) undefined

I used Real time workshop to generate c code from a simulink model. When I tried to compile the resultant C code, I get the above error. When I check in the MODEL.c file, the function rt_lookup is called, but not defined.
After some research in google, I found that lookup tables are used if your model has subsystems.(Yes my model has some subsystems) but no information on this error.
I believe this function is defined in some library file. Any inputs regarding this is really helpful. Thanks in advance.

XAML Serialization / Type not found - Help needed !

No matching constructor found on type 'XYZ'. You can use the Arguments or FactoryMethod directives to construct this type.
I serialized a usercontrol. It was giving no error and successfully completed but on Deserialize, i got above exception.
The constructor of type(s) require arguments, it can't be null. So, plz help me to resolve this error.
you should try following the advice of this article, which describes in detail how you go about creating custom types that can be (de)serialized with XamlWriter and XamlReader.
You may also want to look at the explanation of what the Arguments and FactoryMethod directives do.

CakePHP: Error: Database table cake_errors for model CakeError was not found

I have a CakePHP error and I having a hard time to trace the problem. Hope you can help me.
Here is the error message:
Missing Database Table
Error: Database table cake_errors for model CakeError was not found.
Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app/views/errors/missing_table.ctp
Am I missing something here?
Thanks in Advance.
Its hard to tell why exactly without seeing the code firsthand, one trick i have used with theese kinds of errors though is making "app/views/errors/missing_table.ctp" as inserting the following code
<?php pr( Debugger::trace() ); ?>
This will will help workout what you called to cause this issue in the first place.
I realize this question is 4 years old, but since I bumped into the exact same problem and found no information about it that could explain where the error is coming from, I did some digging of my own and come up with some clues that I include here in case it helps.
My AppController beforeFiler() method, amongst other things, uses a function that checks if the Model of the Controller has enum fields (I know... I know...) and handles them "properly".
When an error in the application triggers an Exception (Nothing fancy... a "Missing Controller" does it) and the debug level is 0, the CakeErrorController tries to render the exception and it fails because there's no cake_errors table, generating an endless loop that ends when PHP runs out of memory.
I fixed this by improving the detection of whether the main Model of the controller is indeed using a "real" table.
