Why react props value is not shown? - reactjs

When i refresh the page props value is not shown. Is this possible to show props value where we left it before the refresh the page?
Parent component
const LeftNav = () => {
return (
<div className="allDivs">
{item.map((items, index) => {
// console.log(item)
return (
<div key={index} >
<TabHeader item={items} index={index}/>
</div >
export default LeftNav;
Child componentL;-
export default function TabHeader({ item, index }) {
return (
<div id="CLOSEDIV">
<div className="TableText" onClick={(e) => { handleOnClick(e, Delete.val) }}>
<div id="SHOW">{Delete.val}</div>
</Fragment >
please help..

When you refresh the page, the browser will flush all the in memory javascript and react must initialize again.
To persist data between reloads you can use the Web Storage API.


How to prevent Carousel from rerendering

I am using React Grid Carousel in my app and have an images grid and a function that if an image in that grid is clicked it opens up a modal.
Here is some important bits of the code:
Parent component:
function parentComponent () {
return (
<ChildComponent />
Child component:
function childComponent () {
const handleModal = useCallback(
e => {
[modalOpen, imageId]
const data = sectionData.map((data, i) => {
return data;
const items = data[0].map((item, i) => {
return (
<div id={i} onClick={e => handleModal(e)}>
<Image width={200} height={200} alt={item.name} />
return (
{items.map((item, i) => (
<Carousel.Item key={i}>
{modalOpen && <MemberModal/>}
The problem I am having is that if I am in let's say, page 2 of the modal, once I click in an image, the carousel goes back to the first page as the result of the rerender caused by the state change that happens on the handleModal.
I have tried React.memo this component and the parent too just in case and also using useCallback but nothing seems to work. I just simply cannot stop the rerender.
Any idea on how to accomplish stoping the rerender or sorting the issue at all?
React re-renders children components automatically after a state change. If your state is inside MyComponent it will re-render everything inside the return function.
But if you wrap the Carousel part of your component in memo, it will compare its props and if the props have not changed, it wont re-render the component.
const Example = ({ items }) => {
return (
{items.map((item, i) => (
<Carousel.Item key={i}>
export default React.memo(Example);

How to change a style of an HTML element in React?

I have two React components
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div id="appWrapper">
<ConfigureWindow />
<button id="configureClocksButton">Configure clocks</button>
<section id="clocksHere"></section>
const ConfigureWindow = () => (
<div id="configureWindowWrapper">
<div id="configureWindow">
<section id="addCitySection">TODO: adding a city</section>
<div id="verticalLine"></div>
<section id="listOfCities">
<h1>Available cities</h1>
<div id="closeConfigureWindowWrapper">
<img src="..\src\images\exit.png" id="closeConfigureWindow" alt="" />
<section id="availableCities"></section>
I want "ConfigureWindow" to be shown when "configureClocksButton". I tried to execute it with props, state and a function but got errors. It also would be nice if you explain me how to create new React components with React functions?
You probably want to use the React.JS event onClick (https://reactjs.org/docs/handling-events.html), and a state to store the action. To create a function component, you just have to return the JSX you want to render, and use hooks (https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html) and then do a conditional rendering (https://reactjs.org/docs/conditional-rendering.html):
const App = () => {
const [toggleConfiguration, setToggleConfiguration] = useState(false)
return (
<div id="appWrapper">
{toggleConfiguration && <ConfigureWindow />}
<button onClick{() => setToggleConfiguration(true)} id="configureClocksButton">Configure clocks</button>
<section id="clocksHere"></section>
It's a bit difficult to understand your post, but I gather you want to click the button with id="configureClocksButton" and conditionally render the ConfigureWindow component.
You can accomplish this with some boolean state, a click handler to toggle the state, and some conditional rendering.
class App extends React.Component {
this.state = {
showConfigureWindow: false,
toggleShowConfigureWindow = () => this.setState(prevState => ({
showConfigureWindow: !prevState.showConfigureWindow,
render() {
return (
<div id="appWrapper">
{showConfigureWindow && <ConfigureWindow />}
Configure clocks
<section id="clocksHere"></section>
A function component equivalent:
const App = () => {
const [showConfigureWindow, setShowConfigureWindow] = React.useState(false);
const toggleShowConfigureWindow = () => setShowConfigureWindow(show => !show);
return (
<div id="appWrapper">
{showConfigureWindow && <ConfigureWindow />}
Configure clocks
<section id="clocksHere"></section>

while using map() function props.data is undefined

its shows data without map function in console
but whenever I use map function it shows props.data is undifned and also undifined in console
I have used the same code for another page and that works
const Test_Footer = (props) => {
console.log("ok", props.data)
const newvar =props.data.map((item) => {
return (
// console.log(newvar)
return (
<div class="main-content">
<footer className="footer">
<div className="review-checkbox"><input type="checkbox" /><label>Review</label></div>
<div className="question-nav">
<ul className="pagination">
<button className="minimize-btn ml-10"><img src="images/minimize-btn.png" /></button>
</div >
export default Test_Footer
const newvar = props && props.data && props.data.map((item) => {
return (

How on click rerender conmponent in react

When I click on a card, the loadAboutInfo function works through which I transfer data to another component and display it there. But if I click again on the same card, then it is duplicated. How can I fix it?I have check which take card id and then if it the same it render but I click again it render one more card, but i need if it already exist than new card mustn't render
this.setState(prevState => ({
pokemonValue:[...prevState.pokemonValue, pokemonValue],
render() {
return (
<div className="wrapper">
<div className="pokemonlist__inner__cards">
<div className="pokemonlist__cards">
let pokemonImgTemplate = this.state.pokemonImgTemplate;
let pokemonId = value.id;
let pockemonImg = pokemonImgTemplate.replace('{id}',pokemonId);
<div className="pokemonListCard" key={index} onClick={()=>this.loadAboutInfo(value,pockemonImg,pokemonId)}>
component where i map get data
render() {
return (
<div className="pokemon__about">
let totalMoves = value.moves.length;
<div className="pokemon__about__wrapper" key={index}>
{this.props.pokemonId == value.id ?
<div className="pokemon__about__inner" key={index}>
<div className="pokemon__about__table">
On the loadAboutInfo you can check if there is already a pokemon with the same id on pokemonValue array, something like this:
loadAboutInfo = (pokemonValue,pockemonImg,pokemonId) => {
// this will get the first element that matches the id
const exists = this.state.pokemonValue.find(pokemon => pokemon.id === pokemonId)
if (!exists) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
pokemonValue:[...prevState.pokemonValue, pokemonValue],
So it will update the state only if the clicked pokemon isn't in the pokemonValue array

Nextjs - getInitialProps make reload and delete store

I built a site with nextjs (with server express & API) and Reactjs.
I would like to create dynamic paginations because there is far too much result for statically generated, So I added server endpoint /publiations/page/:id, I put a getInitialsProps for keep the id in query
But actually, when I click on my main page /publications where my store is not empty to go to the next page (publications/page/1), the page reloads and the store is empty. How I can keep my store when I change route?
And here my publications/page/[id].js
const PublicationsPage = ({id}) => {
return (
<div className="flex">
<Sidebar fallback={<Loader/>}/>
<Cards type={'publications'} idPage={id} />
PublicationsPage.getInitialProps = async function({ query: { id } }) {
return {
id: id
export default withAuthSync(PublicationsPage);
The cards components where i use the data of store :
const Cards = ({ idPage, cards, type }) => {
return (
<div className="cards">
<div className="content-filter-search">
<div className="content-newsearchresult">
<div className="global-name">Result: {cards.cards.length} articles found</div>
<div className="content-button-blue">
<Link href="/explorer">
<div className="button-blue">New search</div>
<div className="content-filter">
{filters[idPage].map((item) => {
return <InputFilter key={item.id} data={item} callback={keepItems} />;
<div className="wrapper-card">
<div className="cards-container">
!cards.loading ? cards.cards.slice(idPage * 9, idPage * 9 + 9).map((card) => (
<Card key={card.PMCID} data={card} />
)) : <Spinner color="black" size="100px" thickness={3} gap={5} speed="fast" />
<div className="text">
<Link href={'/publications/page/1'}><a>Next page</a></Link>
!cards.loading ? (
<div className="center">
<Pagination type={type} page={parseInt(idPage)} totalElement={cards.cards.length} numberPerPage={9} />
) : null
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
cards: state.cards,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Cards);
I use the same code for the route /publications and /publications/page/:id just I add the getInitialProps to keep the id of page. And I use connect redux in my Cards component
I have no error in the console just my store is reset because the page reload. I don't understand how I can make pagination with my store where is my data if when I change page the store is empty
