How to export animation from unreal engine 5 to blender - export

I tried to export uassets to fbx but it doesn't work but when i tried to export standard unreal animation it worked, why i can't export custom animation, ps i can export custom models.


React Developer Tools shows all components as "Anonymous"

I've installed the React Developer Tools extension on Google Chrome to debug a React application written in TypeScript, but once I start debugging the application and open the "Components" window, all components are shown as "Anonymous".
Granted, the application uses mostly function components.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get React Developer Tools to show component names in its component tree?
This happens when you define your components like so:
// Default arrow function export
export default () => {
// ...
// Default function export
export default function() {
// ...
You can replace with the following to fix the issue:
const CustomComponent = () => {
// ...
export default CustomComponent;
// or
export default function YourComponent() {
// ...
If you're using an exported anonymous functional component or a memo'ed component; it would be shown as Anonymous
Refer this -
Or try solutions mentioned here - React Dev tools show my Component as Unknown

TypeScript - export default as

Working on react application in TypeScript.
I'm trying to understand the correct syntax for exporting a default component using as
Up till now I've used:
class HomePage extends Component<IProps, IState> {
export default HomePage
or in shortly:
export default class HomePage extends Component<IProps, IState> {
now, after adding redux support. I have something like:
class HomePage extends Component<IProps, IState> {
const mapStateToProps = (state: StoreState) => {
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(HomePage);
but I can't figure it out how to add as to the connect default export
e.g something like:
// This is NOT working. I get Syntax error.
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(HomePage) as HomePage;
is it possible? or should I do it? it's seems that anyway the export name is HomePage (when I'm importing HomePage in other file, the IDE is automatically detects and import this file). Where is it taken from? the name of the file (HomePage.tsx)?
This is do work for me:
const connectedHomePage = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(HomePage)
export {connectedHomePage as HomePage};
but it's two lines (I prefer in one line) and it's not a default export.
so, is there a way to export default AND adding as to the statement? just so it will be clear what is the exported name?
as has 2 meanings. In ES6 modules, it can be a way to rename an import or export. In TypeScript, it is a typecast operator. I am going to assume you mean the first, specifically a way to rename an export.
Now take a look at this expression you suggested:
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(HomePage) as HomePage;
Do you want to export it as default or do you want to export it as HomePage? When you export default, default is the export name. Given that, does this make sense to expect it to be called HomePage? You either export something that is called default or something that is called HomePage.
This table associates different export statement forms with the expected export name and local names:
For importing, though...
If you are importing a default export, you have to explicitly name the import. Default exports will not automatically have a local name after importing. Example: import express from "express". The local name does not matter. Could as well be import banana from "express".
If you are importing a named export, by default, the local name will be the same as the exported name. Example: If you have export const x = 2, then, you should import it as import { x } from "module". You can also rename the import like this: `import { x as y } from "module".
The above tables are from the ES6 specs:

Export component using withStyles() and compose() with Redux/Firebase/Material UI

So I'm trying to put together this app, using firebase and redux for storage, and Material UI as the design. I've got the firebase and firestore reducers working and all, I just run into an issue when I try to export a component using both firebase and withStyles();
(It works separately, just throws an error when I try to use both.)
Here's what I've tried:
This works, but the withStyles() is not there.
export default compose(
firebaseConnect([{ collection: 'clients' }]),
This works, but it's not connected to firebase.
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withStyles(styles)(Clients));
I've tried combining them, but each one throws an error.
export default compose(
firebaseConnect([{ collection: 'clients' }]),
export default compose(
firebaseConnect([{ collection: 'clients' }]),
withStyles(styles, {
name: 'Clients',
The error thrown is Uncaught Error: Path is a required parameter within definition object
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
OK, after some messing around, I figured it out. I have to place the firebaseConnect() inside of the connect, where the actions would usually go.
const withFirebase = firebaseConnect([{ collection: 'clients' }]);
export default connect(mapStateToProps, withFirebase)(withStyles(styles)(Clients));

Can I export stackoverflow badges to mozilla openbadge bagpack?

Is there any way to export the stackoverflow badges to mozilla openbadges without export it mannually?

Importing a module in a React Native app

I'm new to the ES6 module system so this may sound silly.
In the React Native Starter App that uses NativeBase, can anyone explain how native-starter-kit/js/components/home/index.js can do
import myTheme from '../../themes/base-theme`;
when the file it is importing from, native-starter-kit/js/themes/base-theme.js did not have any code that export default the variable myTheme?
The 2nd file you are refering to is an entire export default.
On line 5 :
export default {
// Badge
badgeBg: '#ED1727',
badgeColor: '#fff',
So when they do import myTheme from '../../themes/base-theme; the myTheme is the variable name they chose for the imported module. In this case, the transpiler is going to look for the default export.
If they would have done import { myTheme } from '../../themes/base-theme; then there would have been an issue since it is not explicitly named in the export. Doing this is not refering to the default export but rather the one explicitly called myTheme
I am not sure I made sense, you may want to give a read
Exporting without default means it's a named export.
You can have multiple named exports in a single file.
Example 1:
export class Theme {}
Here you have to import this export using its exact name.
To use this component in other file you should do this,
import { Theme } from '../../themes/base-theme'
Example 2:
If you export as the default export as,
export default class Theme {}
Then in another file you import the default export without using the { }, like this,
import Theme from '../../themes/base-theme'
There can only be one default export per file.
Although its React's convention to export one component from a file, and to export it is as the default export.
You're free to rename the default export as you import it.
import myTheme from '../../themes/base-theme'
