Can I export stackoverflow badges to mozilla openbadge bagpack? - badge

Is there any way to export the stackoverflow badges to mozilla openbadges without export it mannually?


The current way to 'export default' using decorators in NextJS

I have a NextJS app that I'm upgrading to the latest version to take advantage of SWC (compared to older versions that used Babel).
As it turns out NextJS's implementation isn't exactly the same since Babel was supporting the legacy decorator proposal. The comments from NextJS team haven't been helpful either, so I turn to StackOverflow as I can't seem to get the right syntax:
// Old Code
#connect( mapStateToProps, { followUser, unfollowUser } )
export default class FollowCTA extends Component {
According to the latest decorator proposal, "Class decorators come after export and default"
// New Code as per docs
export default
#connect( mapStateToProps, { followUser, unfollowUser } )
class FollowCTA extends Component {
The above code however throws the following error where that component was being used:
Unhandled Runtime Error
ReferenceError: FollowCTA is not defined
What is the right way to continue using decorators in NextJS?

How to export animation from unreal engine 5 to blender

I tried to export uassets to fbx but it doesn't work but when i tried to export standard unreal animation it worked, why i can't export custom animation, ps i can export custom models.

Login form implemented with Amplify is not applied styling

I asked same question in Japanese forum and no answer was returned so that I am asiking in this site.
This question is about AWS Amplify.
I am trying to implement login form with React and withAuthenticator() of Amplify in reference to a document of AWS( ,
but my login form is not like sample's UI of the document and css is not applied like this below image.
I can login and signup.
Is there anything to resolve this problem?
my login form made by withAuthenticator()
import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
import { withAuthenticator } from 'aws-amplify-react';
function App() {
return (
export default withAuthenticator(App);
I cleared cache but not working.
Also there are no errors in the development tool of Chrome.
Sorry for my poor english.
Try using #aws-amplify/ui-react instead of aws-amplify-react.
import { withAuthenticator } from '#aws-amplify/ui-react';
In your app.js add the following inport
import '#aws-amplify/ui/dist/style.css';
I was missing this import
import '#aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css';
Only this one worked for me:
import '#aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css';

working on refactoring a react component to remove import/no-cycle

I have been troubleshooting this and feel like I'm finally at the root of this issue. I went and separated the two css sheets into Header.scss
HeaderProfile.scss and the warning still occurred.
So it looks like this is what is causing the issue:
import { HeaderProfile } from './HeaderProfile';
export type Props = {
home: Link,
links: Link[],
mobileOnly?: any,
profile?: Profile,
import type { Profile } from './index';
export type Props = {
profile: Profile,
After talking to Dave, it looks like the issue is that
I'm importing HeaderProfile into index and then needing profile to be imported back into HeaderProfile. I'm talking to the github repo people on next steps
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-cycle
import { HeaderProfile } from './HeaderProfile';
Thanks for any help provided!
Link to the github repo:
Updated above, but closing this for archiving purposes.
There is a circular importing happening but not as the people in the repo thought.
Talking to the github repo people on next steps.
The issue is that they are importing in HeaderProfile into index.jsx and then importing Profile back into HeaderProfile

Importance of react-router-redux push

I am using react-router-redux push in my project but not sure why my team is using it in actionsToProps. Is there any special benefit out of it?
push in actionsToProps works fine
import {push} from 'react-router-redux';
const actionsToProps = {
registerUser: actions.registerUser,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, actionsToProps)(Register);
The reason I am asking this question because my component still works fine without push.
without push in actionsToProps works fine too
import {push} from 'react-router-redux';
const actionsToProps = {
registerUser: actions.registerUser
export default connect(mapStateToProps, actionsToProps)(Register);
Would request you to clarify if my question doesn't looks like stupid.
According to the documentation, push "Pushes a new location to history, becoming the current location". IE. it is used to change/ open pages via react-router. It is meant as an alternate of react-router.
You can use it like:
