Typo3 Solr -failed to execute page indexer request - solr

I have a question related to the Typo3 v10 Solr extension. For some reasons some pages can not be indexed properly. In the logs I see these errors:
Failed to execute Page Indexer Request. See log for details. Request ID:
In the logs it looks like some requests contain empty raw body. Rest pages with same type have been indexed properly. Maybe someone has encountered similar issues with solr indexer? What cause the issue in this case?


solr with typo3 not indexing

Namely, I have been involved in TYPO3. All status messages are green. Connection ok, template integrated correctly. Everything according to the instructions of the extension.
However, if I want to index the page, I get the error, see image.
Nothing is in the TYPO3 logs. Also devlog does not show me anything.
Someone more ideas? I have been searching for hours.
TYPO3 7.6.27
TYPO3 solr 6.5.1
solr-apache 6.6.3
enter image description here
The actual error can be found by clicking "Show error" next to one of the pages in the "Indexing Errors" part shown in your screenshot.
The most common problem I've seen is that the webserver can't reach itself using the domain used in TYPO3. If you have command line access, you could try getting the URL using curl or wget from the server.

Moodle Global Search issue

I want Global Search in Moodle. I have configured Solr Server
But i am getting the below error message.
Solr client error: Unsuccessful system request : Response Code 404.
Problem accessing /solr/moodle/admin/system/. Reason:
I am new to Moodle and dont know much about it.
First of all check that you installed php solr2 extension, see doc here :
Also to understand Moodle errors you need to enable debug, see doc here :

SOLR index status

Can someone help me with URL to SOLR to get the status of a specific index.
I know with ElasticSearch it is easy:
What is the equivalent in SOLR ?
Thanks in advance
There are a few URLs that provide information about the current state of the Solr server:
A good way to discover these URLs are to watch the "Network" tab in your browsers debug tools while browsing the admin page for a Solr server. All the information provided in the UI is fetched from the above (and several other) URLs (you can also see these requests in the logs of your application container).

Carrot2 dcs webapp setup

I have been struggling with setting up Carrot2 for use PHP, on a local machine. The plan is to have Carrot2 retrieve cluster from Solr populated by Nutch. Currently Solr and Nutch are correctly configured and I have been able to access the information via Carrot2 Workbench. Carrot2-dcs-3.10.0 has been set up what I believed to be correctly deployed through the tomcat6 manager although the documentation on setting this up is horrible vague and incomplete. Changes to source-solr-attributes.xml were made according to https://sites.google.com/site/profileswapnilkulkarni/tech-talk/howtoconfigureandruncarrot2webapplicationwithsolrdocumentsource . Tomcat is set up on port 8080. The Carrot2 DCS php example example.php works and displays the test output correctly. Although, when I try to perform a cluster using localIPAddress:8080/carrot2-dcs/index.html I run into a problem. When I set document source to Solr and the query to : then click cluster I get the following error message.
HTTP Status 500 - Could not perform processing: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to localhost:8983 refused
type Status report
message Could not perform processing: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to localhost:8983 refused
description The server encountered an internal error that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
I have searched everywhere in the deployed webapp folder for carrot2 and can't find where it is getting localhost:8983 from.
Any assistance would be appreciated, thank you.
It turns out that the source-solr-attributes.xml file had an extra overridden-attributes. one was before the default block comment with the example parameters and the second was added in by me with the parameters needed for my config. Deleting one of the line so there was only one corrected the problem. Apparently with two of those it ignores the server settings and uses default values instead.

Solr URL with '#' causing issue in multicore

Why does Solr url has a '#' as part of its url? There were quite a few posts about the same question in the past eg. http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/Curious-why-Solr-Jetty-URL-has-a-sign-td4069434.html but with no proper workaround.
I never had any problem when I was just using a single core but when I made my Solr as a multicore that is when I have issues with Solr url having '#' (pound sign).
For eg.,
solr url - http://localhost:8983/solr/
(when the above solr admin url loads in a browser, it changes to this - http://localhost:8983/solr/#/)
When I click on individual collections to get their url, this is what I get as seen below -
solr url for collection1 (core 1)- http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1
solr url for collection2 (core 2)- http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection2
I have two different applications which should query their own particular solr collection, which means I have to provide their collection specific solr url. When I added this url http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1, the application that should utilize solr collection 'collection1' is unable to connect to solr. It is returning 'Problems were found while connecting to the SOLR server HTTP code=404 Not Found'. Same is the case with other application using Solr 'collection2'
Please tell me how I can get rid of '#' from the solr url or any possible fix for the above issue
The # is the url generated by the admin dashboard. For actually interacting with a collection, the url format is unchanged, just remove the # --
or /select or /update or whatever.
