solr with typo3 not indexing - solr

Namely, I have been involved in TYPO3. All status messages are green. Connection ok, template integrated correctly. Everything according to the instructions of the extension.
However, if I want to index the page, I get the error, see image.
Nothing is in the TYPO3 logs. Also devlog does not show me anything.
Someone more ideas? I have been searching for hours.
TYPO3 7.6.27
TYPO3 solr 6.5.1
solr-apache 6.6.3
enter image description here

The actual error can be found by clicking "Show error" next to one of the pages in the "Indexing Errors" part shown in your screenshot.
The most common problem I've seen is that the webserver can't reach itself using the domain used in TYPO3. If you have command line access, you could try getting the URL using curl or wget from the server.


Typo3 Solr -failed to execute page indexer request

I have a question related to the Typo3 v10 Solr extension. For some reasons some pages can not be indexed properly. In the logs I see these errors:
Failed to execute Page Indexer Request. See log for details. Request ID:
In the logs it looks like some requests contain empty raw body. Rest pages with same type have been indexed properly. Maybe someone has encountered similar issues with solr indexer? What cause the issue in this case?

Solr SolrCore Initialization Failures {{Core}}: {{error}}

I am trying to install Solr 7.2.1. While the installation works, i am not able to run solr successfully. Whenever i try to run, i get the following error.
SolrCore Initialization Failures {{core}}: {{error}}
Please check your logs for more information
I am not sure exactly what the error is. i dont see anything in the logs either. all i see are are some info.
Please advice.
cmd solr.cmd start
or cmd solr.cmd stop -p 8983
doesn't have any issues.
i am running solr in 8982 port instead of the usual 8983. not sure if that makes a difference.
As mentioned by others, this problem is related to the javascript interface not related to the solr server. The same thing happened to me in Chrome. Clearing the site data worked for me.
Clear site data by opening developer tools and going to Application -> clear storage
Important Note:
The usage was 0B before and after clearing the site data but after clearing the site data solr home page came up without any error.
CTRL + F5 did the trick for me :-)
The issue is with the IE only, I have faced the same error. There was nothing in the logs as well. I finally Enabled the JavaScript for IE, Closed all the browser instance and tried again. And it is working perfectly fine for me.
Please refer below image for the reference.

crawling with Nutch 2.3, Cassandra 2.0, and solr 4.10.3 returns 0 results

I mainly followed the guide on this page. I installed Nutch 2.3, Cassandra 2.0, and solr 4.10.3. Set up went well. But when I executed the following command. No urls were fetched.
./bin/crawl urls/seed.txt TestCrawl http://localhost:8983/solr/ 2
Below are my settings.
I don't see any errors in the log file. I am really lost. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You will have to add the regex for your website that you want to crawl in regex-urlfilter.txt to pick the link that you have added in nutch-site.xml.
Right now it will only crawl ""
Try adding below line:
Try to set nutch logs in debug level and get the logs while executing the crawl command.
It will clearly shows why you are unable to crawl and index the site.
Jayesh Bhoyar
I got a similar problem recently. I think you can try the following steps to find out the problem.
1 Do some tests to make sure the DB works well.
2 Instead of running the crawl in batch, you can call nutch step by step and watch the log change as well as the change of DB content, in particular, the new urls.
3 Turn off solr and focus on nutch and the DB.

Importing apache logs into piwik

I am in the process of switching my site analytics from GA to Piwik and would like to incorporate all the historic data that I can. I have already concatenated the full trail of apache log files I have in my possession. However, what I do next is not at all clear to me and the Piwik documentation does not help. It says something along the lines of
python /path/to/piwik/misc/log-analytics/ --url= access.log
I have my concatenated log file, all.logs, in the log-analytics folder. I would have thought that I just need to issue
python /path/to/piwik/misc/log-analytics/ all.logs
but that throws up an error message. When I provide the URL to the site in question too I get an error saying that it gets back an HTML document (naturally) which it does not like.
I'd be most grateful to anyone who might be able to put me on the right track here.
I think --url= let's you set the URL of Piwik, not your website.

This resource can not be previewed at the moment. - CKAN

I’m running CKAN 2.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-23-generic x86_64).
I have uploaded a dataset to the CKAN instance. It has been uploaded successfully and can be downloaded as well. But when I try to preview the database I end up with below error.
This resource can not be previewed at the moment.
When I click on the “Click here for more information”, It says
Could not load preview: DataProxy returned an error (Request Error:
Backend did not respond after 10 seconds)
How can I fix this error?
The problem is that the data proxy (which is used to transform csv to
something that the data preview can understand) is a server on the
internet. Consequently the files you want to preview have to publicly
accessible from the internet as well. localhost is your own computer
which means that the dataproxy cannot access it. To solve this, wither put the file in the datastore using the datastorer or put the file on a server and provide the correct url.
This happens because the data proxy which is used to transform the
data into something we can preview with recline needs the files to be
accessible from the internet. The best solution is to store the data
in the datastore and then the preview will work.
Extracted from here & here
Sometimes you get the same message as the title question:
This resource can not be previewed at the moment.
But when you click on the “Click here for more information”, It says:
Could not load preview: DataProxy returned an error (Data transformation failed. error: An error occured while connecting to the server: DNS lookup failed for URL: http:///dataset/c3ce226b-73bd-4b06-9d1b-ffea13d5f770/resource/580fb05f-6d86-4748-aac7-560b904a208f/download/foo.csv)
In this case, probably the datapusher plugin is not working. First follow the instructions for datapusher in CKAN manual. If you already did this or you installed CKAN from a package, check the CKAN configuration in production.ini (development.ini) file. A small check list to solve the problem:
add datapusher in "ckan.plugins"
set "ckan.site_url"
set "ckan.datapusher.url"
check Apache/nginx server logs (/var/log/apache2/datapusher.*.log, /var/log/apache2/ckan_default*.log)
In my case, the issue was in my development.ini (or production.ini for you maybe) file where the lines for DataPusher's configuration were commented out with a # in the start of the line. Also, the ckan storage config line was also commented.
I uncommented those lines and it was solved.
