How to create image slider with webgl textures in react three fiber - reactjs

I am currently trying to transition through an array of images using webgl shaders and react three fiber and I am stuck. Trying to use buttons to navigate through rather than just clicking on the canvas. Unsure how to pass / change imageOne and imageTwo with left and right arrow. Is this possible?
I'm aware how to do an image slider in react alone but confused with the two image properties for the glsl mix property. All help is appreciated.


Render a custom label with background color in react-minimal-pie-chart (or any pie chart library)

I am trying to implement the following design:
However, I can't seem to find implementations of this kind of a background container anywhere in the React pie chart libraries I've found. I'm attempting to use react-minimal-pie-chart as they seemed to indicate the ability to render a React component as a custom label:
However, anything custom I do that isn't an svg element fails. Every example I've seen simply uses a <text> element and no background, and I'm not well-versed enough on svgs to see a parallel to divs with text inside. I see you can create a <rect> but not a way to plop some dynamic text inside.
Is there a way I'm missing to do this with this library? Or has anyone successfully implemented this with another pie chart library?

React Dropdown dynamic buttons with material UI

I am trying to copy the parts inside black circles on the image below for training React and Material UI. My problem is that I am struggling a bit with which Material UI components to use... Any help or examples that looks like this are happily accepted!
There are some components from material-ui for composing the UI like what you asked for. You need to compose these components by yourself.
For components inside the long black circle, they can be from selects You can find different styles from this link.
For components inside another circle. They are buttons, text_fields, chips, and cards. Which can be found from
Can't give an answer for the part of Minerva Obj Name without knowing how it is interacted.

solution for custom React Native Carousel like example image

I want to create slider in carousel in react native like the example image below
I want three View to be displayed on each slide And the middle slide is bigger than another and show my Text in the middle slide
Does anyone have a solution for creating this slider with FlatList?
enter image description here
It seems you can use for the carousel view.

Resizing a material ui card component by click and dragging a corner

I have a list of material ui cards that are in a react-beautiful-dnd list. I want to be able to move cards from one list to another and reorganize them (this is already done). I also want to be able to click, for example, the lower right corner of a card and resize it however I want. Is that possible? If so, how? I have tried wrapping the cards in thing like react-grid-layout objects, but with no success, while my react app still comes up the cards are not rendered.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I found a simple solution and thought I would share. All I needed to do was wrap each material UI Card in a ResizableBox from react-resizable. Then after that, so the dimensions of the Card would follow the dimensions of the ResizableBox, I used material UI makeStyles to apply a width and height of 100% to the Card. And that was it.

How to achieve a gaussian blur with React Native?

I know there are some packages that let you create a blur view, but they all have sharp edges. There is also a blurRadius prop for the Image component, but it also renders an image with sharp edges.
How can I achieve a blurred image without sharp edges?
So I can achieve an effect like:
