solution for custom React Native Carousel like example image - reactjs

I want to create slider in carousel in react native like the example image below
I want three View to be displayed on each slide And the middle slide is bigger than another and show my Text in the middle slide
Does anyone have a solution for creating this slider with FlatList?
enter image description here

It seems you can use for the carousel view.


How to use antd Carousel with antd Image.Preview

I am using React with ant design. I am trying to create a page with a list of cards. In each card, there is an image carousel. I would like that when the user clicks on and image, the preview opens and they can swipe (or click on the arrows) to see all the images as a big, fullscreen preview.
I tried this:
<Carousel autoplay>
(image: string, index: number) => {
return <Image key={index} src={image} preview={{ getContainer: '#root' }} />;
But what happens here is that when the preview is opened, instead of showing 5 images, it is showing 11 (the images are shown twice, one of the images is shown 3 times).
If I place <Image.PreviewGroup> inside the <Carousel>, then instead of having an image carousel, I have multiple images stacked under each other.
How can I get it to show a clickable carousel, which when clicked, opens a fullscreen preview with the correct number of images that can be seen by swiping/clicking on arrows?
Thanks in advance.
just got into same issue and solved it. for the code structure, the first one you tried was fine
the main issue is on the carousel, which is using slick lib. if you inspect your page, you will find that inside the carousel wrapper tag, it generates 2-3 images for each <img> we declare in our code. so automatically, the Image.PreviewGroup that wraps the carousel, will detect more <img> than it should have
add infinite={false} props to your carousel component. for more detail , please refer to slick docs

Change the current slide with react-slick

I'm using the react-slick library to make a slider, and I would like to change active slides and the slide which is at the top of the slider. For example, if I click on a button in the current page, I want the current slide at the top of the slider to change.
Do you know if is it possible to do this properly with this library?
I found a solution on the react-slick github (, which consists of creating a ref to the slideshow and setting the focus via this.slider.innerSlider.list.focus(). However, this does not work very well, because the element I want is not at the very top of the slider. For example, if I set the focus on the second to last slide, the first element of my list is not accessible any more via the arrows.
If this.slider is a ref to your Slick component, you can force the slideshow to show a slide by calling the method slickGoTo() with the index of the desired slide. For example, to show the second slide:
For details on the methods that you can call using your ref, see: react-slick API: Methods.

react-pose flip animation e.g thumbnail goes full screen

want to create a portfolio/projects page where user click on thumbnail it goes full screen and other page comes in
i guess i can achieve this using pose-flip problem is how i can do it with multiple elements on page
this is the sample site
i'm new to react, when i click the thumbnail how to remove all others ( fade ), we can do it simply in jquery not selector

Carousel with thumbnail images at the bottom

In a Codenameone app, I'm trying to develop a carousel with a thumbnail list at the bottom. I've used Tabs control to display files (of diff types like images, video, text, button etc) in carousel style in the center of a form and another Tabs control to display thumbanail images (of the first carousel files) at the bottom of the form. When a user selects a thumbnail image in the bottom carousel, corresponding component should be displayed in the first carousel.
hi.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, mainCarousel);
hi.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, bottom_tab);
bottom_tab.addSelectionListener((i1, i2) -> {
// bottom_tab.getTabComponentAt(i2).addPointerPressedListener((i) -> {
// });
But the component not getting displayed in the central carousel.
Also, I tried to capture the event addPointerPressedListener, but it's not getting fired when I select a thumbnail image.
You can't set tab components to visible/invisible to show/hide them. That won't work. I'm guessing that what you want is a horizontal list for the bottom UI similar to the answer here.
I would suggest using pointer released always. Notice that this will only get delivered to focusable components or the form. To make sure you get the event you can register a pointer release listener on the form.

Go to particular carousel slide in angular js

I am doing basic angular carousel slider. Here we want a separate section, which will slide the slider to particular one. How do we achieve this. I have shown a sample in image. If I click on 1 it should go to 1st slide and so.
Check angular-carousel, see an example here
