Go to particular carousel slide in angular js - angularjs

I am doing basic angular carousel slider. Here we want a separate section, which will slide the slider to particular one. How do we achieve this. I have shown a sample in image. If I click on 1 it should go to 1st slide and so.

Check angular-carousel, see an example here


solution for custom React Native Carousel like example image

I want to create slider in carousel in react native like the example image below
I want three View to be displayed on each slide And the middle slide is bigger than another and show my Text in the middle slide
Does anyone have a solution for creating this slider with FlatList?
enter image description here
It seems you can use https://github.com/meliorence/react-native-snap-carousel for the carousel view.

how can I test for dynamic elements on the page using protractor?

I am setting up protractor tests for my angularJs 1.14 app.
We have a video player that displays subtitles. Each subtitle is in a div. When the player is playing, our code sets the class of the current subtitle to "currentSubtitle" This way, we can highlight the subtitle. In addition, we have code that causes the current subtitles's div to be scrolled to. How can I create a test that tests if the subtitle scroll is working?
I think you can do 2 things, depending on how fast the automation and the page self is.
Have you tried validating which text is visible with element(by.css('. currentSubtitle').getText(). getText() will give you the visible text, see here
Use browser.driver.executeScript('//some JS code') to determine if it scrolled, take for example this post. Then you can calculate with JS if the subtitle scroll is working
Hope it helps finding your answer

Owl Carousel Can't Loop in Drupal

i have drupal website that using Owl Carousel v1.3.2 for it slideshow slider. but the slider can't loop, when i comes to the end of image,it rewind to first image while showing the previous image. I have tried to put loop : true in it js code but doesnt work.
anyone can help me with this?
In order to loop, you need to edit the settings for your carousel at:
[your site]/admin/config/user-interface/owlcarousel
Select the settings group that is being applied to your carousel.
Check the box next to "Rewind Nav" in the settings.
I had the same problem and this fixed it for me.

ngAnimate Flip Animation

I spent the last 5 hours trying to get this animation to work with no luck. I wanted to create a cool animation whenver the user click on a button, the idea is to display a list of ul elements in a flip animation, pretty much like what http://lab.hakim.se/scroll-effects/mobile.html is doing (if you selected flip from the gear icon and changed chrome device mode to a mobile device).
Im using ngAnimate along with Angular and Ionic, I created the snippet here http://play.ionic.io/app/4ae65754fc64 (try to click the Add to Cart button). I want to display each li item as if they are flip and cascading whenever they are displayed. For some reason all the animation classed are ignored.
Ok, I think I achieved what you were wanting to achieve. I provided you two demos below.
But first of all the ng-animate directive is not supported anymore in AngularJS >= 1.2. And for ng-show based animations you have to use the ng-hide-add, ng-hide-remove CSS classes not the CSS classes described in the ngRepeat documentation.
The ionic demo (first link below) is basicly just a mockup of your code and is not perfect by any means.
The codepen demo is a bit more modified example and generic example. I used <ion-list> and <ion-item> instead of <ul> and <li>.
Hopefully this gets you in the right direction when implementing your final solution.
Ionic demo: http://play.ionic.io/app/3c0e90238fe8
Codepen demo (more generic): http://codepen.io/thepio/pen/KMPeZo

AngularJs Multiple Slide Carousel but 1 item per slide

I'd like to use AngularJS and bootstrap to build carousel multiple item but 1 item per slide.
Exactly same as this.
Please have a look here. http://www.bootply.com/94452, but I don't want to use jquery.
I've already looked many carousel but 1 item per slide.
How can I implement this?
Check this: Carousel with AngularJS and Bootstrap
You can customize it. Nobody will write all code. I think that is what you need
