Connecting hostinger database to android app - database

i have bought a sigle shared hosting on and created a database and created my API files in public_html folder in the file Manager how am i supposed to connect it to the android app
in android studio


Could not determine storage version; a valid storage connection or a version hint is required. Error seen

I'm from the Devops team. We created a dotnet subsite in IIS:
Created a Virtual Application in IIS under the main site
Added Physical Path as inetpub\site\subsite
We have a main site. Ex -
We need a subsite like which should redirect to the
The goal here is that our dev team can do testing and changes under and not directly in
RouteConfig.CS looks like this:
routes.MapRoute("TaxSupport", "TaxSupport/{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Tax", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
routes.MapRoute("Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Tax", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
Output of www
We have already referred to multiple Stack articles in this regard.
We have multiple applications running fine with same Entity Framework and other packages.
We can confirm that subsite web.config is using the same DB connection strings as other applications.
To deploy an application in an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) running IIS, you can follow below steps:
Create an Azure VM with required configuration such as the operating system and size.
Azure Portal > Create > Select Server OS.
Use Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to connect to the VM
Use FTP to upload your application code to the VM.
Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and create a new website or web application in IIS.
Configure the website or web application to point to the location of your application code on the VM.
Configure any necessary IIS settings, such as the application pool and virtual directories.
To deploy a subsite under a site in IIS (Internet Information Services)
Create a Sample Web App and an API for Subsite.
And publish the application as shown below.
Copy these files and paste in the VM of Azure.
Open the IIS Manager on the server where you want to create the subsite.
In the left pane, expand the server node, and then expand the Sites node.
Right-click the site under which you want to create the subsite, and select "Add Virtual Directory".
In the "Add Virtual Directory" wizard, enter a name for the virtual directory and browse to the physical path of the content for the subsite. Click OK to create the virtual directory.
Right-click on the virtual directory and select "Convert to Application"
In the "Add Application" wizard, select the Application pool you want to use for the subsite and click OK.
If you want to configure the subsite with custom bindings, you can do so by right-clicking on the subsite and selecting "Edit Bindings".
Once the subsite is created, you can use the IIS Manager to manage and configure the subsite, such as setting up authentication, creating custom error pages.
And the web.config is using the same DB connection
Connect to the Azure VM using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and open the IIS Manager.
In the IIS Manager, right-click on the parent website and select "Add Web Site".
In the "Add Web Site" wizard, enter a name for the sub-site and select a physical path for the sub-site's files.
Select an appropriate Application pool for the sub-site.
Click on "Test Settings" to make sure the configuration of the site is correct or not.
Open the web.config file of the sub-site and locate the connection string section. And Remove the connection strings from the web.config file of the sub-site.
Add the below line of code to the sub-site's web.config file, in the section: replace "parentSite" with the name of the parent website's config file)
<connectionStrings configSource="parentSite.config" />
Restart IIS by running the command "iisreset" in the command prompt. Test the sub-site by visiting the sub-site's hostname in a web browser.

how can I deploy/publish my MVC application to online

how can I deploy/publish my MVC application made in visual studio 2015 .net version 4.5 ,and sql server database 2016 database using localhost (.) with windows authentication online it can be accessed to everyone ....with code updations and sql server edition..thank you
You can host your application using IIS. IIS can be setup in any machine.
Steps :
Install IIS
Open IIS manager by entering inetmgr in Run(win+R)
Add website by browisng to its location to the published website location. (Hope you know how to publish a website in visual studio)
Edit the web config file to configure the sql server credentials(Sql db could be hosted separately or in the same machine)
Right click the website in IIS Manager and click start.
Click browse to view the website
You could either access the site by localhost:portnumber or by specifying IP:port number in settings of the website in IIS manager
You can access the website from mobile or external devices if you select public IP for your website. Incase you're connected to a local network, then the website could be accessed only from within your work place. Discuss with your network admin about exposing your server to public by providing a public IP address, if you're on local network.
Feel free to revert if you have more doubts.
If you have a VPS or DS us can use this Article it teaches localy but it is same with real VPS or DS
Also if have a Host you should publish your project on your system and upload it to your Host Provider and make backup of your SQL Server Database and set your host provider IP in Web.Config.

Unable to load database when deployed the web application on IIS

I have a web application developed in .net and deployed on IIS and easily accessed from other systems on the LAN.
All working fine in local system but when deployed into IIS data not coming from database and only UI is getting loaded.
I post a picture for your information.

Migrated XAMPP to GAE LAMP Users Cannot Log In

I have migrated my developement app from my local machine running XAMPP to the Google App Engine with Bitnami on LAMP. Everything has run smoothly and even accessing the database name in the server returns the same 0 to demonstrate that it is working:
However, in updating this information within my android mobile application and attempting to allow a user to log in, the background service is not able to make a connection to the server and refuses the user to authenticate and log in.
This is the first time I have attempted deploying a server to the Google App Engine.
Is there a way to debug this issue to see what the server is doing? Is there a configuration that would work?

error creating application to be deployed with ClickOnce within our network via FTP

I am trying to set up an application to be deployed with ClickOnce within our network via FTP. I am using C# in Visual Studio 2012 update 3. In the Publish tab of the properties of the Winform app, I have a file share specified as the "Publishing Folder Location". The "Installation Folder" is blank as well as the "Update Location" in the Application Updates page. I have the "The application is available offline as well" radio button checked although I've tried it both ways.
The error message I get is:
Error 1 Failed to connect to '\servername\shares\DATA...\MyProjectPublishFolder\' with the following error: Unable to create the Web site '\servername\shares\DATA...\MyProjectPublishFolder'. Unable to create the Web site location '\servername\shares\DATA...\MyProjectPublishFolder'. Access is denied.
This implies it is trying to set up a web site. I was wanting to deploy via FTP. I cannot see any setting where I can specify FTP.
I found:
Trying to deploy clickonce app to FTP site but getting FrontPage Server Extensions not installed Error
but that fix didn't help. Any other pointers are welcome.
Ok, I was confused, The developer can "Publish" the application using a Web Server, an FTP Server or a file path. The user can "Download" the application using a Web Server, a File Share, or Removable Media (i.e.: DVD).
