Migrated XAMPP to GAE LAMP Users Cannot Log In - google-app-engine

I have migrated my developement app from my local machine running XAMPP to the Google App Engine with Bitnami on LAMP. Everything has run smoothly and even accessing the database name in the server returns the same 0 to demonstrate that it is working:
However, in updating this information within my android mobile application and attempting to allow a user to log in, the background service is not able to make a connection to the server and refuses the user to authenticate and log in.
This is the first time I have attempted deploying a server to the Google App Engine.
Is there a way to debug this issue to see what the server is doing? Is there a configuration that would work?


Flask-migrate staging on google app engine (GAE) / Cloud SQL

I have a flask app connected to a local postgres db with SQlAlchemy for dev purposes. I also have a live version of the app running on Google App Engine which is connected to a postgres db on CloudSQL
I am trying to use flask-migrate (which builds upon alembic) to manage database migrations. I can run the migrations fine locally but I am unsure how to manage the migrations for the deployed version?
this answer
has a couple of useful answers. One suggesting getting an IP address and being able to connect directly but I don't know where I would use that URI for migrations?
The other answer suggests running the code as an endpoint in the app itself.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated

Django IIS and SQL with NT Authentication

Good morning. I have several Django apps running in my work environment. All are running through Gunicorn on Ubuntu. I have a new app that must run on Windows for ODBC reasons. This new app is running in development mode on a Windows 10 PC. I run the dev server while logged in as a service account, it uses a trusted connection (local credentials as I understand) to query a SQL server and works perfectly. I ported this app (virtualenv and all) to a Windows Server 2012 r2 instance and run the dev server successfully from there using my domain admin credentials (again trusted_connection=yes).
I set up IIS on this server to run the app permanently and it appears to run. However, I get a django error page that says the SQL login failed for 'DOMAINNAME\SERVERNAME'.
I have tried editing my Application Pool to use the credentials of the working service account (Advanced Settings > Process Model > Identity). With this configuration I no longer see a Django error page, just Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. I have tried 'recycling' and restarting the IIS service after the change but that has not worked.
Unfortunately, I do not have admin access to the SQL server to create or edit accounts. Is it possible to configure IIS to connect to SQL, through the app, using the service account credentials that I know work. If I were to configure the Application Pool successfully in this way should I still have the trusted connection setting in my connection string? Thanks!

Cloud SQL / MySQL server fails after deploying to Google Cloud

I have a Google App Engine application that operates perfectly when run locally using localhost:8080, but after I deploy to the cloud using gcloud app deploy, I receive the following error:
Warning: PDO::__construct(): MySQL server has gone away in /base/data/home/apps/s~fileabcd/20190320t221240.123456737151234567/gac_abcd.php on line 7
Warning: PDO::__construct(): Error while reading greeting packet. PID=-1 in /base/data/home/apps/s~fileabcd/20190320t221240.123456737151234567/gac_abcd.php on line 7
Any ideas why this is happening?
I discovered the reason why my Google App Engine (GAE) application functioned properly on localhost, but threw a MySQL server has gone away error after being deployed to [PROJECT-ID].appspot.com.
The reason is because my application was connecting to a Cloud SQL instance in a different project, and in order to do this you must grant the default appengine service account ([PROJECT-ID]#appspot.gserviceaccount.com) one of the following IAM roles:
Cloud SQL Client
Cloud SQL Editor
Cloud SQL Admin
After I added the App Engine default service account as a Cloud SQL Client Role in the project containing the Cloud SQL instance, everything worked perfectly.
From the Cloud SQL documentation.

Cannot connect to cloud SQL [SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory]

I have set up 2 projects in my Google Cloud console. The following are the two projects that I have set up in my console.
1. Cloud SQL + App Engine
2. App Engine (New)
So the idea is App Engine (1) is running the same database as App Engine (2). I have already set up the IAM Permission Page and IAM Admin and Project Page.
I have given both projects as Project Editor role too, but still my (2) still can't connect to my (1) database.
Any help please?
Granting access to an application does not automatically enable a database user account to connect to the instance.
You may connect through a proxy, in which case you should follow these steps:
Enable the API
Install the proxy client on your local machine
Determine how you will authenticate the proxy
If required by your authentication method, create a service account
Determine how you will specify your instances for the proxy
Start the proxy
Update your application to connect to Cloud SQL using the proxy
You can find related details on the Connecting to Cloud SQL from External Applications.
This documents provides steps that cover configuring access for IP connections as well.
If you connect from within the app engine environment, you may have a look at Connecting from App Engine.

Stop Dev app server in windows?

How to stop Dev app server in windows when I am trying to run my GAE as a web application on local server it shows port in use and giving error.
