Stop Dev app server in windows? - google-app-engine

How to stop Dev app server in windows when I am trying to run my GAE as a web application on local server it shows port in use and giving error.


When I host 2 apps (Web API and Blazor server) on Windows Server 2019, the API localhost port refuses to connect to SQL Server database on IIS

When I publish both projects to a local Windows IIS, they both run smoothly, but when I publish to Windows Server 2019, I get an error
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.(localhost: 7112)
Please help me - how should I configure my web.config after publishing to the live server?
I enabled websockets on both apps program.cs, I even opened the apps ports on the firewall, it's my first time deploying to a real live server, I'm not sure what I left behind

UiPath selectors not working in Microsoft Remote Desktop app

I'm trying to build a robot which is run on my local system but acts upon the Remote Desktop through UiPath's Native RDP support. I've installed the Microsoft Remote Desktop Apps extension on my local system, and the Remote Runtime in my desitnation remote machine.
When I had used the Remote Desktop Connection application to connect to the remote and machine and work with Uipath, every selector worked with just minor modifications.
Now I've had to switch over to use Microsoft Remote Desktop app to connect to Remote machine and use the same. However, Uipath is not able to recognize any sort of selector inside the remote machine now.
What could be the reason for this? It works perfectly fine with Windows' built in Remote Desktop Connection, but not with Microsoft Remote Desktop. Any solution can be worked around for this?

How do I access my express API in production?

I'm running a local express server at Port 5000. However, when I fetch http://localhost:5000/api from my react webapp (XAMPP), the server does not respond. How would I self host my express app to make it accessible from anywhere, not just during development.
Ideally, if your express server is running on port 5000 then it should be accessible by localhost:5000 or Try looking at your console logs in your browser for details(provide more information). Another thing to look out for is to check if it's running on http or https in production.
By default the server will run on all interfaces, not just localhost, so you can access it remotely by using its IP address on that network. (see

Django IIS and SQL with NT Authentication

Good morning. I have several Django apps running in my work environment. All are running through Gunicorn on Ubuntu. I have a new app that must run on Windows for ODBC reasons. This new app is running in development mode on a Windows 10 PC. I run the dev server while logged in as a service account, it uses a trusted connection (local credentials as I understand) to query a SQL server and works perfectly. I ported this app (virtualenv and all) to a Windows Server 2012 r2 instance and run the dev server successfully from there using my domain admin credentials (again trusted_connection=yes).
I set up IIS on this server to run the app permanently and it appears to run. However, I get a django error page that says the SQL login failed for 'DOMAINNAME\SERVERNAME'.
I have tried editing my Application Pool to use the credentials of the working service account (Advanced Settings > Process Model > Identity). With this configuration I no longer see a Django error page, just Service Unavailable HTTP Error 503. I have tried 'recycling' and restarting the IIS service after the change but that has not worked.
Unfortunately, I do not have admin access to the SQL server to create or edit accounts. Is it possible to configure IIS to connect to SQL, through the app, using the service account credentials that I know work. If I were to configure the Application Pool successfully in this way should I still have the trusted connection setting in my connection string? Thanks!

Migrated XAMPP to GAE LAMP Users Cannot Log In

I have migrated my developement app from my local machine running XAMPP to the Google App Engine with Bitnami on LAMP. Everything has run smoothly and even accessing the database name in the server returns the same 0 to demonstrate that it is working:
However, in updating this information within my android mobile application and attempting to allow a user to log in, the background service is not able to make a connection to the server and refuses the user to authenticate and log in.
This is the first time I have attempted deploying a server to the Google App Engine.
Is there a way to debug this issue to see what the server is doing? Is there a configuration that would work?
