SceneKit – Maximum size for SCN assets in one app - scenekit

I was wondering about how much .scn data I should have in my SCNKit application? Are there any limitations except the general iOS app size limitations (found in this post)?
I'd expect that it should be a reasonable size compared to the device RAM. So to be safe for the app not crashing on a specific device it should avoid getting to close to the limits mentioned in this post e.g if the RAM is 1GB I should just stay away from anything around 400MB to be safe?
Further what size of .scn file can I have loaded at one time? So e.g. if there are 6 scenes of 40MB each, it might be not a good idea to have all of them loaded into memory at one time (240MB) but okay to swap them around when needed? But this would still be a big amount of data when having the over-the-air limit in mind.
I lack experience in terms what can I expect from an application using SCNKit scenes and couldn't find very much to hold on.

Seems that it's incorrectly to talk about the Apple's game engines (like SceneKit or RealityKit) in such a context. As you know, game engines render 3D content in real time at 60 fps. If there is a drop frame, the app displays the content intermittently. As soon as you cross the "red line" you'll get notorious drop frame.
What can make you cross this "red line"? It's a good question. Usually, scenes containing more than 100K polygons in total (especially in iOS), heavy-contact physics, emission of a large number of particles, Hi-res 4K textures, realtime shadows and large number of PBR materials can make your app to guaranteedly start skipping frames.
How to deal with it? There is no miraculous remedy. As soon as you notice that your app "stutters", first of all, you need to control a number of polygons (keep it under 100K) and textures' size (keep them under 2K). Physics and particles are more difficult to control, but they also need to be controlled. For example, a single particle emitter will work nicely even if it emits about 20K particles per second (with a moderate lifespan), not millions of them.
This table helps you understand what certain entities affect (macOS version).
SceneKit entity
What does it affect?
Hi-rez textures (4K or 8K)
Consume considerably more RAM
Higher number of polygons
Increases CPU processing and consumes more RAM
Higher number of particles
Increases GPU / CPU processing, consumes more RAM
Higher number of PBR materials
Increases GPU processing and consumes more RAM
Hi-rez poly-models with forward shadows
Considerably increase GPU processing


Calculate Elasticsearch Query Complexity (Scalabilty)

I'm doing a project with ElasticSearch and the goal of the project is to optimise the time of request, now I'm trying with 1Go of data and the request took about 1200ms, I wanna calculate the time with 60Go of data, I'm asking if there is techniques to calculate complexity of my query ?
Unfortunately, it's not as easy as extrapolating, i.e. if the request takes 1200ms with 1GB of data, it doesn't mean it'll take 60 times more with 60GB. Going from 1GB to 60GB of data has unpredictable effects and totally depends on the hardware you're running your ES on. The server might be OK for 1GB but not for 60GB, so you might need to scale out, but you won't really know until you have that big an amount of data.
The only way to really know is to get to 60GB of data (and scale your cluster appropriately (start big & scale down) and do your testing on a real amount of data.

Database System for timeseries & aggregation

I'm currently creating a raspberry pi based logging device for logging the power which is fed into the grid by a solar array.
The "main table" will be growing at ~ 20 entries representing the "current" power produced by several parts of the array.
Basically this isn't that much and can be handled at an acceptable performance using a raspberry pi, but with a growing amount of data queries like "select last 10 years, group by month" probably wouldn't be very effective... (the data should be displayed via an interactive web interface)
I thought of doing some "background aggregation" and maintaining several tables for containing the aggregated data of various timeframes, but this seems like a problem which probably has been dealt with by many people before.
What do you suggest me to do?
You do not know how much data growth is needed to affect performance.
You do not know by how much performance will be affected then.
You do not know if performance will be affected at all.
As long as you do not have even an estimate of how much performance improvement you need, it does not make sense to try to do optimizations.
Or, as said by Donald Knuth:
premature optimization is the root of all evil
If you really do want to create caches of aggregated values, I'd suggest to use triggers to keep the cache consistent after any change to the original data.

Which NoSQL Database for Mostly Writing

I'm working on a system that will generate and store large amounts of data to disk. A previously developed system at the company used ordinary files to store its data but for several reasons it became very hard to manage.
I believe NoSQL databases are good solutions for us. What we are going to store is generally documents (usually around 100K but occasionally can be much larger or smaller) annotated with some metadata. Query performance is not top priority. The priority is writing in a way that I/O becomes as small a hassle as possible. The rate of data generation is about 1Gbps, but we might be moving on 10Gbps (or even more) in the future.
My other requirement is the availability of a (preferably well documented) C API. I'm currently testing MongoDB. Is this a good choice? If not, what other database system can I use?
The rate of data generation is about 1Gbps,... I'm currently testing MongoDB. Is this a good choice?
OK, so just to clarify, your data rate is ~1 gigaBYTE per 10 seconds. So you are filling a 1TB hard drive every 20 minutes or so?
MongoDB has pretty solid write rates, but it is ideally used in situations with a reasonably low RAM to Data ratio. You want to keep at least primary indexes in memory along with some data.
In my experience, you want about 1GB of RAM for every 5-10GB of Data. Beyond that number, read performance drops off dramatically. Once you get to 1GB of RAM for 100GB of data, even adding new data can be slow as the index stops fitting in RAM.
The big key here is:
What queries are you planning to run and how does MongoDB make running these queries easier?
Your data is very quickly going to occupy enough space that basically every query will just be going to disk. Unless you have a very specific indexing and sharding strategy, you end up just doing disk scans.
Additionally, MongoDB does not support compression. So you will be using lots of disk space.
If not, what other database system can I use?
Have you considered compressed flat files? Or possibly a big data Map/Reduce system like Hadoop (I know Hadoop is written in Java)
If C is key requirement, maybe you want to look at Tokyo/Kyoto Cabinet?
EDIT: more details
MongoDB does not support full-text search. You will have to look to other tools (Sphinx/Solr) for such things.
Larges indices defeat the purpose of using an index.
According to your numbers, you are writing 10M documents / 20 mins or about 30M / hour. Each document needs about 16+ bytes for an index entry. 12 bytes for ObjectID + 4 bytes for pointer into the 2GB file + 1 byte for pointer to file + some amount of padding.
Let's say that every index entry needs about 20 bytes, then your index is growing at 600MB / hour or 14.4GB / day. And that's just the default _id index.
After 4 days, your main index will no longer fit into RAM and your performance will start to drop off dramatically. (this is well-documented under MongoDB)
So it's going to be really important to figure out which queries you want to run.
Have a look at Cassandra. It executes writes are much faster than reads. Probably, that's what you're looking for.

Flexible storage and retrieval of motion capture data

I want to flexibly access motion capture data from C/C++ code. We currently have a bunch of separate files (.c3d format). We can expect the full set of data to be several hours long and tracking about 50 markers (4 floats each) per frame, sampled at 60 hz. So we're probably looking at a couple of gigabytes of data.
I'd like to have a database that can hold the data, allowing it to be relatively rapidly retrieved, augmented, and modified. I like to be able to apply labels to the data and retrieve sequences of frames by label, time indices (e.g., frame 400-2000, or every 30th frame) or other potential criteria.
Does such a thing already exist? Could I do it with SQLite for example? Does anyone have an intuition for what kind of performance I might get?
Currently, I'm just loading one .c3d file at a time and processing it. I haven't yet begun to apply meta-data/labels to sequences. I'll be accessing the sequences for visualization, statistical analysis, and training for machine-learning.
If you need to store multi-gigabytes of data with a known schema you might want to look into a binary flat file database. Of those available, I would recommend HDF5. It is not a relational database like SQLite, but provides rich support for array and matrix data with excellent performance. It also includes MPI support, if you ever expand your machine-learning onto a cluster.

B+ tree node sizing

I'm planning on writing a simple key/value store with a file architecture similar to CouchDB, i.e. an append-only b+tree.
I've read everything I can find on B+trees and also everything I can find on CouchDB's internals, but I haven't had time to work my way through the source code (being in a very different language makes it a special project in its own right).
So I have a question about the sizing the of B+tree nodes which is: given key-length is variable, is it better to keep the nodes the same length (in bytes) or is it better to give them the same number of keys/child-pointers regardless of how big they become?
I realise that in conventional databases the B+tree nodes are kept at a fixed length in bytes (e.g. 8K) because space in the data files is managed in fixed size pages. But in an append-only file scheme where the documents can be any length and the updated tree nodes are written after, there seems to be no advantage to having a fixed-size node.
The goal of a b-tree is to minimize the number of disk accesses. If the file system cluster size is 4k, then the ideal size for the nodes is 4k. Also, the nodes should be properly aligned. A misaligned node will cause two clusters to be read, reducing performance.
With a log based storage scheme, choosing a 4k node size is probably the worst choice unless gaps are created in the log to improve alignment. Otherwise, 99.98% of the time one node is stored on two clusters. With a 2k node size, the odds of this happening are just under 50%. However, there's a problem with a small node size: average height of the b-tree is increased and the time spent reading a disk cluster is not fully utilized.
Larger node sizes reduce the height of the tree, but they too increase the number of disk accesses. Larger nodes also increase the overhead of maintaining the entries within the node. Imagine a b-tree where the node size is large enough to encapsulate the entire database. You have to embed a better data structure within the node itself, perhaps another b-tree?
I spent some time prototyping a b-tree implementation over an append-only log format and eventually rejected the concept altogether. To compensate for performance losses due to node/cluster misalignment, you need to have a very large cache. A more traditional storage approach can make better use of the RAM.
The final blow was when I evaluated the performance of randomly-ordered inserts. This kills performance of any disk-backed storage system, but log based formats suffer much more. A write of even the smallest entry forces several nodes to be written to the log, and the internal nodes are invalidated shortly after being written. As a result, the log rapidly fills up with garbage.
BerkeleyDB-JE (BDB-JE) is also log based, and I studied its performance characteristics too. It suffers the same problem that my prototype did -- rapid accumulation of garbage. BDB-JE has several "cleaner" threads which re-append surviving records to the log, but the random order is preserved. As a result, the new "clean" records have already created log files full of garbage. The overall performance of the system degrades to the point that the only thing running is the cleaner, and it's hogging all system resources.
Log based formats are very attractive because one can quickly implement a robust database. The Achilles heel is the cleaner, which is non-trivial. Caching strategies are also tricky to get right.
