How can I show the div when its display none? - reactjs

when i click the Cross (X) btn in div its should we close and when I click the Rundown List its show me div example:-
when I click the Business news Cross btn its close the div but when i click the rundown List business news its show me business new
i have try but i when i click the cross btn is again not open the div
Parent component
const LeftNav = () => {
return (
<div className="allDivs">
{, index) => {
// console.log(item)
return (
<div key={index} >
<TabHeader item={items} index={index}/>
</div >
export default LeftNav;
Child componentL;-
export default function TabHeader({ item, index }) {
const [Close, setClose] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("activeFOCUS", activeFOCUS);
}, [])
return (
<div id="CLOSEDIV" style={Close === true ? { display: "none" } : { display: "block" }}>
<div className="TableText" onClick={(e) => { handleOnClick(e, Delete.val) }}>
<div id="SHOW">{Delete.val}</div>
//cross btn
<div className="CloseIcon" id="CloseBtn"><FaRegTimesCircle
style={{ color: "#FC0000", width: "20px", height: "20px", alignItems: "right" }}
onClick={(e) => { handleToggle(e, index, Delete.val) }} /></div>
</Fragment >
please help....

Try using visibility: hidden and visibility: visible instead of display: none


How can i create a new div when i onclick the button in React js?

code 1 component:-
const TableheaderText = props => {
//const [playlist, setPlaylist] = useState(props);
const [playlist, setPlaylist] = useState("playlist");
const [showing, SetShowing] = useState();
const [isActive, setActive] = useState(true);
useEffect(() => {
// setPlaylist(props);
}, [props])
return (
<div className="mainContent">
<div className="tableHeaderBody" >
<div className="TableText" >
<div id="HIDE">{showing}</div><div id="SHOW">{playlist}</div>
<div className="ClossIcon"><FaCircle style={{ color: "#FC0000", width: "10px", height: "10px", alignItems: "right" }} /></div>
code 2 component:-
<NavLink to={`/Table`} onClick={(e) => myClick(val, index)} >
<button className='notActive buttonLeft'
onClick={() => handleOnClick(index)} // pass the index
className={activeIndex === index ? "active" : "notActive"}>
Right now i have one div and when i click the menu value then one div replace the name
but i want that when i click the 1 value its create one div and when click the 2 value its create second div with the name of 2 div and place right side of 1 div and so.. (if 3,4 value menu ..)
This may be one possible solution to achieve the desired objective (copied from OP's question):
i want that when i click the 1 value its create one div and when click
the 2 value its create second div with the name of 2 div and place
right side of 1 div and so..
Code Snippet
const {useState} = React;
const Thingy = () => {
const myDivs = [...Array(4).keys()].map(i => `My Div # ${i+1}`);
const [flipDivs, setFlipDivs] = useState([
(text, id) => ({id, text, show: false})
const handleClick = e => {
const idx =;
const newArr = [...flipDivs];
newArr[idx].show = !flipDivs[idx].show;
const myButtons = [...Array(4).keys()];
return (
<div class="allDivs">
<div> Fixed Div </div>
flipDivs.filter(({show}) => !!show).map(
({text, id, show}, idx) => (
class="simpleMargin rightBorder"
<div class="buttons">
{ => (
{flipDivs[id].show ? 'Hide' : 'Show'} Div # {id+1}
<Thingy />
.allDivs {
border: 2px solid black;
width: fit-content;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin: 10px 15px;
.simpleMargin { margin: 5px 10px; }
.rightBorder { border: 2px solid black; }
.buttons {
display: flex;
margin: 10px 5px;
<div id="rd" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
simple, straightforward approach
Add a flag to determine which div needs to be rendered on which button click
On the click-handler, simply update the flag to show / hide div
For this you need to make a div element and whoe it conditionally ( with state declared with useState ) and then toggle the state on button click to show it. like :
showDiv ? <div></div> : null
Here showDiv is:
const [showDiv, setShowDiv] = useState (false)
Now toggle showDiv on button click to true. :)

How to close only one Div at a time in React?

const [Close, setClose] = useState(true)
<div className="allDivs">
{, index) => {
// console.log("myDivs", myDivs);
return (
<Fragment key={index} >
<div className="tableHeaderBody" id="CLOSEDIV" style={{display: Close ? 'initial' : 'none'}}>
<div className="TableText">
<div className="TableTextHide"></div> <div style={{ color: "white" }} id="SHOW">{item.val}</div></div>
<div className="CloseIcon" id="CloseBtn"><FaCircle style={{ color: "#FC0000", width: "10px", height: "10px", alignItems: "right" }} onClick={() => setClose(false)} /></div>
I want that when i click the Red circle at any div (show in image) it close the div, but right now when i click the One div red circle its closes all the div
please help.
Try this:
Create a new component ChildComponent:
export default function ChildComponent({item}) {
const [Close, setClose] = useState(true) // Every Child now has it's own setClose controll
return (
<div className="tableHeaderBody" id="CLOSEDIV" style={{display: Close ? 'initial' : 'none'}}>
<div className="TableText">
<div className="TableTextHide"></div>
<div style={{ color: "white" }} id="SHOW">{item.val}</div>
<div className="CloseIcon" id="CloseBtn">
<FaCircle style={{ color: "#FC0000", width: "10px", height: "10px", alignItems: "right" }} onClick={() => setClose(false)} />
Pass the ChildComponent to your component shown above:
<div className="allDivs">
{, index) => (
<div key={index}>
<ChildComponent item={item} />

How to highlight the selected menu item

I want to highlight the selected menu item, can anyone help?
<div className="scrollmenu" style={{ display: "flex" }}>
{ => (
<div className="menu__wrapper">
onClick={() => { showCat(; showCatName(; }}
// style={{ float: "right", cursor: "pointer", paddingLeft: "0px", margin: "0px" }}
You can change the className depending on the selected element, and use CSS to highlight it.
For example, let's assume that you want to highlight a cat called Supercat:
<div className = "scrollmenu" style = {{ display: "flex" }}>
{ => (
<div className = "menu__wrapper">
onClick = {() => { showCat(; showCatName(; }}
className = "mobile-cat-menu"
<div className = { === "Supercat" ? "highlight" : "not__highlight" }>
Then use CSS:
background: red;
background: transparent;

How do I use React Modal with a map function?

I'm mapping through data, I want to click on an image and have a modal popup with the data.title and Each modal is only showing the last data from my array. I've read that all the modals are popping up together and I'm only seeing the last one but I don't quite understand how to solve the problem, particularly with function components in React. TIA
export default function SomeComponent
const [modalIsOpen, setModalIsOpen] =
const customStyles = {
content: {
top: '35%',
left: '50%',
right: 'auto',
bottom: 'auto',
marginRight: '-50%',
width: '60%',
transform: 'translate(-40%, -10%)',
return (
<div className="container">
{ =>
(<div className='item' key={} >
<img src={data.img} alt='' onClick={()=> setModalIsOpen(true)} />
<Modal isOpen={modalIsOpen} onRequestClose={() => setModalIsOpen(false)} style={customStyles}>
<button onClick={() => setModalIsOpen(false)}>X</button>
You should use only one instance of Modal component and pass on the data of the clicked image to it using a state. Each time you click on an image, the data for modal should be updated with the data of the clicked image. See the example below. I've modified your code to make it work.
export default function SomeComponent() {
const [modalIsOpen, setModalIsOpen] = useState(false);
const [modalData, setModalData] = useState(null);
const customStyles = {
content: {
top: '35%',
left: '50%',
right: 'auto',
bottom: 'auto',
marginRight: '-50%',
width: '60%',
transform: 'translate(-40%, -10%)',
return (
<div className="container">
{ => (
<div className='item' key={} >
onClick={()=> {
<Modal isOpen={modalIsOpen} onRequestClose={() => setModalIsOpen(false)} style={customStyles}>
<button onClick={() => setModalIsOpen(false)}>X</button>

What is best way to do lazy loading in a Next js Application?

I checked the documentation about Lazy Loading components on the official next js docs page (
I tried the steps mentioned and it did not work for me. Below is the piece of code that I want to lazy-load:
<div id="cards" className={index.sectionCards} style={{paddingBottom: '0px'}}>
<div className="title" style={{marginBottom: "0px", paddingBottom: "0px"}}>
Take a Look at Our Exciting Range of Cards
Here the renderCards function makes a call to a backend API and gets images from AWS S3, this whole process takes a lot of time and hence increases the overall page load time, below is the code for the function renderCards:
renderCards() {
const keys = Object.keys(this.state.products);
const valid_keys = ['Specials', 'New Beginnings', 'Expressions', 'Celebrations' ];
if(keys.length == 0) return <div></div>
return (<div className={}>
{ => {
if(valid_keys.indexOf(key) > -1) return <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: '0 auto' }}>
<div className={index.category}>{key}</div>
<div style={{ display: 'flex', overflow: 'scroll' }} >
{this.state.products[key].map((c) => {
if(c.status == 'PRODUCT_ACTIVE') {
return <img onClick={() => this.onClickProduct(c)} className={index.cardImage} src={`<backend URL here>`} />
The objective was to lazy load this component to improve the overall page speed.
If anyone knows a way to solve this problem, please share.
Documentation for dynamic/lazy loading with nextjs
const Cards = () => {
const renderCards = () => {
const keys = Object.keys(this.state.products);
const valid_keys = [
"New Beginnings",
if (keys.length == 0) return <div></div>;
return (
<div className={}>
{ => (
<Fragment key={key}>
{valid_keys.indexOf(key) > -1 && (
<div style={{ width: "80%", margin: "0 auto" }}>
<div className={index.category}>{key}</div>
<div style={{ display: "flex", overflow: "scroll" }}>
{this.state.products[key].map((c) => (
<Fragment key={}>
{c.status === "PRODUCT_ACTIVE" && (
onClick={() => this.onClickProduct(c)}
src={`<backend URL here>`}
return (
style={{ paddingBottom: "0px" }}
marginBottom: "0px",
paddingBottom: "0px",
Take a Look at Our Exciting Range of Cards
above code is not my code but a replication of the code in the question.
from nextjs
For the best understanding of dynamic/lazy load see link provided.
import dynamic from "next/dynamic";
import LoadSpinner from "../loadSpinner";
const Cards = dynamic(() => import("./cards"), {
this can be a custom loader or a node_module installed or just <div>Loading...</div> the loading: function will display while waiting for the import fucntion to load.
loading: () => <LoadSpinner />,
const CardContainer = () => ( <Cards /> );
