Transform a LinRange in array in Julia - arrays

I am new to Julia and I am trying to transform a LinRange to Array for further calculations. For example I have:
julia> x = LinRange(0, 1, 100)
With output:
100-element LinRange{Float64, Int64}: 0.0,0.010101,0.020202,0.030303,0.040404,0.0505051,0.0606061,0.0707071,0.0808081,0.0909091,0.10101,…,0.89899,0.909091,0.919192,0.929293,0.939394,0.949495,0.959596,0.969697,0.979798,0.989899,1.0
Then I transform it in array using:
julia> x = [x]
With output:
1-element Vector{LinRange{Float64, Int64}}: range(0.0, stop=1.0, length=100)
But when I try to access it as a normal array
julia> x[1]
I have the entire LinRange as output:
100-element LinRange{Float64, Int64}: 0.0,0.010101,0.020202,0.030303,0.040404,0.0505051,0.0606061,0.0707071,0.0808081,0.0909091,0.10101,…,0.89899,0.909091,0.919192,0.929293,0.939394,0.949495,0.959596,0.969697,0.979798,0.989899,1.0
And if I try to access the second element I get this error:
julia> x[2]
ERROR: BoundsError: attempt to access 1-element Vector{LinRange{Float64, Int64}} at index [2]
I understand that I should "go a level down", but how can I do it? Trying for example with x[1,1] outputs always the entire LinRange.

However, the question is why do you need a Vector. Unless you need to mutate it it is more efficient to work with LinRange.


Filling the array with array does not work as I expected

I want to make a multiple array whose entry is multiple array, and want to push some array one by one into the entry.
For example, I made 2 x 3 Matrix named arr and tried to fill [1,1] and [1,2] entries with 4 x 4 Matrix spawned by randn(4,4).
arr = fill(Matrix{Float64}[], 2, 3)
However, the result is all the entries of arr (other than [1,1] and [1,2]) were filled with the same randn(4,4), instead of just [1,1] and [1,2] filled with randn(4,4):
[[-0.15122805007483328 0.6132236453930502 -0.9090110366765862 1.2589924202099898; -1.120611384326006 -0.9083935218058066 0.7252290006516056 1.0970416725786256; -0.19173238706933265 1.3610525411901113 -0.05258697093572793 0.7776085390912448; 0.18491459001855373 -2.0537142669734934 0.3482557186126859 0.0047622478008474845], [0.23422967703060255 -0.51986351753462 0.45947166573674303 0.31316899298864387; 0.3704450103622709 -0.8186574197233013 -0.9990329964554037 -0.8345957519924763; 0.56641529964098 -0.8393435538481216 -0.6379336546939682 1.1843452368116358; 0.9435767553275002 0.0033471181565433127 -1.191611491619908 1.3970554854927264]]
[[-0.15122805007483328 0.6132236453930502 -0.9090110366765862 1.2589924202099898; -1.120611384326006 -0.9083935218058066 0.7252290006516056 1.0970416725786256; -0.19173238706933265 1.3610525411901113 -0.05258697093572793 0.7776085390912448; 0.18491459001855373 -2.0537142669734934 0.3482557186126859 0.0047622478008474845], [0.23422967703060255 -0.51986351753462 0.45947166573674303 0.31316899298864387; 0.3704450103622709 -0.8186574197233013 -0.9990329964554037 -0.8345957519924763; 0.56641529964098 -0.8393435538481216 -0.6379336546939682 1.1843452368116358; 0.9435767553275002 0.0033471181565433127 -1.191611491619908 1.3970554854927264]]
[[-0.15122805007483328 0.6132236453930502 -0.9090110366765862 1.2589924202099898; -1.120611384326006 -0.9083935218058066 0.7252290006516056 1.0970416725786256; -0.19173238706933265 1.3610525411901113 -0.05258697093572793 0.7776085390912448; 0.18491459001855373 -2.0537142669734934 0.3482557186126859 0.0047622478008474845], [0.23422967703060255 -0.51986351753462 0.45947166573674303 0.31316899298864387; 0.3704450103622709 -0.8186574197233013 -0.9990329964554037 -0.8345957519924763; 0.56641529964098 -0.8393435538481216 -0.6379336546939682 1.1843452368116358; 0.9435767553275002 0.0033471181565433127 -1.191611491619908 1.3970554854927264]]
What is wrong?
Any information would be appreciated.
When you do arr = fill(Matrix{Float64}[], 2, 3) all 6 elements point into exactly the same location in memory because fill does not make deep copy - it just copies the references. Basically, using fill when the first argument is mutable usually turns out not to be a good idea.
Hence what you actually want is:
arr = [Matrix{Float64}[] for i in 1:2, j in 1:3]
Now each of 6 slots will have its own address in the memory.
This way of creating the array implies that each element will be Float64, i.e. a scalar. You need to fix the type signature. So for instance you could do
D = Matrix{Array{Float64, 2}}(undef, 2, 3)
if you want it to have 2-dimensional arrays as elements (the Float64,2 does that)
and then allocate
D[1,1] = rand(4,4)
D[1,2] = rand(4,4)
to give you (or rather, me!):
julia> D[1,1]
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
0.210019 0.528594 0.0566622 0.0547953
0.729212 0.40829 0.816365 0.804139
0.39524 0.940286 0.976152 0.128008
0.886597 0.379621 0.153302 0.798803
julia> D[1,2]
4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
0.640809 0.821668 0.627057 0.382058
0.532567 0.262311 0.916391 0.200024
0.0599815 0.17594 0.698521 0.517822
0.965279 0.804067 0.39408 0.105774

List of different sized arrays in Julia

I am trying to return an array of different sized arrays in a Julia function.
In the function, the arrays will be initialized and, in a loop, they will have elements, that are other arrays, pushed to end of the array at each iteration. But I am getting the following error:
MethodError: no method matching push!(::Type{Array{Array{Float64,1},1}}, ::Array{Float64,1})
I am initializing an array of arrays:
x = Array{Array{Float64,1},1}
But when a push! other array, I get the error:
push!(x, y)
In python I would just append the new arrays to a list and return the list, how can I accomplish it in Julia?
Your statement:
julia> x = Array{Array{Float64,1},1}
assigns to x name of the type.
In order to create an instance of this type add () after it:
julia> x = Array{Array{Float64,1},1}()
0-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}
and now you can push! to it:
julia> push!(x, [2.5, 3.5])
1-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}:
[2.5, 3.5]
Note that you could have initiated x with an empty vector accepting vectors of Float64 in the following way:
julia> x = Vector{Float64}[]
0-element Array{Array{Float64,1},1}
We use two features here:
Vector{Float64} is a shorthand for Array{Float64, 1}.
If you create an empty vector using [] syntax you can prepend a type of its elements in front of it just like I did in the example.

Julia: rational behind array size and index for "extra" dimensions?

I am using Julia from time to time, however I am surprised by the following behavior:
Let's define an 3x4 array
julia> m=rand(3,4)
3×4 Array{Float64,2}:
0.889018 0.500847 0.539856 0.828231
0.492425 0.582958 0.521406 0.754102
0.28227 0.834333 0.669967 0.0939701
Now I check that
julia> size(m,1), size(m,2)
(3, 4)
as expected.
However, I am surprised by this:
julia> size(m,3), size(m,2018)
(1, 1)
-> I would have expected (0,0) or an error message
Looking the Julia code confirms this behavior:
size(t::AbstractArray{T,N}, d) where {T,N} = d <= N ? size(t)[d] : 1
julia> m[2,1,1,1,1]
-> I would have expected an out of bounds error
So my question is: "what is the rationale?"
( I do not thing it is a bug, I use Julia version 0.6.2)
I believe it's for broadcasting.
julia> m=rand(3,4)
3×4 Array{Float64,2}:
0.139323 0.663912 0.994985 0.517332
0.423913 0.121753 0.0327054 0.0754665
0.392672 0.47006 0.351121 0.787318
julia> size(m)
(3, 4)
julia> n = rand(3)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> m .* n
3×4 Array{Float64,2}:
0.09986 0.475861 0.713157 0.370799
0.418636 0.120237 0.0322983 0.074527
0.259645 0.310816 0.23217 0.520595
Notice that n is of one dimension less, so it's size 1 in the 2nd dimension and thus applies column-wise. Scalars in broadcast are treated differently and are generally inlined into the fused broadcasting function which you cannot do with a mutable type, so the size 1 = expand in higher dimensions rule for broadcast is a nice way to implement this.

Initialize array of arrays for construction on the fly

How do you declare an array that contain arrays in julia?
I have a=Int32[] which creates an empty array of Int32 (of course), but I would like later to construct on the fly something like
if ...
push!(a, [r,s]) # (*)
where r and s are integers. I tried a=Int32[Int32[]] but it does not work when doing (*). I don't have the specific shape of a, so I need to declare it without this restriction.
Int32[] creates a Vector{Int32} which is a Vector with element type Int32. You want a Vector with element type Vector{Int32}, so you can use Vector{Vector{Int32}}() or Vector{Int32}[]. Note that Vector{T} is an alias for Array{T,1}, aka an Array with element type T and 1 dimension, so when Julia prints out the type, it won't use the word Vector.
julia> v=Vector{Vector{Int32}}()
0-element Array{Array{Int32,1},1}
julia> push!(v,[1,2,3])
1-element Array{Array{Int32,1},1}:
Int32[1, 2, 3]
julia> x=Vector{Int32}[]
0-element Array{Array{Int32,1},1}
julia> push!(x,[4,5,6])
1-element Array{Array{Int32,1},1}:
Int32[4, 5, 6]

Julia Approach to python equivalent list of lists

I just started tinkering with Julia and I'm really getting to like it. However, I am running into a road block. For example, in Python (although not very efficient or pythonic), I would create an empty list and append a list of a known size and type, and then convert to a NumPy array:
Python Snippet
a = []
for ....
b = numpy.array(a)
I want to be able to do something similar in Julia, but I can't seem to figure it out. This is what I have so far:
Julia snippet
a = Array{Float64}[]
for .....
The result is an n-element Array{Array{Float64,N},1} of size (n,), but I would like it to be an nx4 Array{Float64,2}.
Any suggestions or better way of doing this?
The literal translation of your code would be
# Building up as rows
a = [1. 2. 3. 4.]
for i in 1:3
a = vcat(a, [1. 2. 3. 4.])
# Building up as columns
b = [1.,2.,3.,4.]
for i in 1:3
b = hcat(b, [1.,2.,3.,4.])
But this isn't a natural pattern in Julia, you'd do something like
A = zeros(4,4)
for i in 1:4, j in 1:4
A[i,j] = j
or even
A = Float64[j for i in 1:4, j in 1:4]
Basically allocating all the memory at once.
Does this do what you want?
julia> a = Array{Float64}[]
0-element Array{Array{Float64,N},1}
julia> for i=1:3
julia> a
3-element Array{Array{Float64,N},1}:
julia> b = hcat(a...)'
3x4 Array{Float64,2}:
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
It seems to match the python output:
In [9]: a = []
In [10]: for i in range(3):
a.append([1, 2, 3, 4])
In [11]: b = numpy.array(a); b
array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[1, 2, 3, 4]])
I should add that this is probably not what you actually want to be doing as the hcat(a...)' can be expensive if a has many elements. Is there a reason not to use a 2d array from the beginning? Perhaps more context to the question (i.e. the code you are actually trying to write) would help.
The other answers don't work if the number of loop iterations isn't known in advance, or assume that the underlying arrays being merged are one-dimensional. It seems Julia lacks a built-in function for "take this list of N-D arrays and return me a new (N+1)-D array".
Julia requires a different concatenation solution depending on the dimension of the underlying data. So, for example, if the underlying elements of a are vectors, one can use hcat(a) or cat(a,dims=2). But, if a is e.g a 2D array, one must use cat(a,dims=3), etc. The dims argument to cat is not optional, and there is no default value to indicate "the last dimension".
Here is a helper function that mimics the np.array functionality for this use case. (I called it collapse instead of array, because it doesn't behave quite the same way as np.array)
function collapse(x)
return cat(x...,dims=length(size(x[1]))+1)
One would use this as
a = []
for ...
... compute new_a...
a = collapse(a)
