PyMongo - How to compare the given array exactly matches with the document - arrays

I have a MongoDB document with the following attributes:
"label": [
"location": "vochelle st"
and I have to return the document only if the documents label exactly matches the given array i.e., ["ibc","ibd"] and for the same, I am using the query:
db.collection.find({"location":"vochelle st","dock_label":{"$all":["ibc", "ibd"]}})
Actual Response:
"label": [
"location": "vochelle st"
Expected Response:
Since the label "ibe" doesn't exist in the given array, the expected result has to be the empty dictionary.

Give $size in your query
location: "vochelle st",
label: {
$all: [
$size: 2

Use $setIntersection to intersect both label and input array.
Compare both intersected array (from 1) and label arrays are matched via $eq.
"location": "vochelle st",
$expr: {
$eq: [
$setIntersection: [
Sample Mongo Playground

If you want to check if the array exactly matches your input, you don't need any operator, just compare it with your value:
db.collection.find({"location":"vochelle st","label": ["ibc", "ibd"]})


Mongodb: Query the size of nested arrays

I have the following Schema:
caller_address: {
type: String,
required: true,
traces: [[{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Call',
And I would like to retrieve only the objects that have traces with the Calls amount bigger than a specified number. In other words, the size of at least one nested array of traces should be bigger than a specified number.
I'm trying to use $elemMatch and $size, but no success. For now, I have this code:
CallerTraces.find({ 'traces' : { $elemMatch: { $size : { $gt: minTraceSize } }}})
Where minTraceSize is an int.
Could you guys help me?
I would really appreciate it!
Thanks for the sample data. My answer will be a raw MQL solution, not a mongoose solution, so some translation will be required.
I was able to insert two documents based on your comments in your post. I had to change the ObjectId of one of the two sample documents because your samples had the same primary key value and was generating a duplicate key exception.
Insert Sample Data
"_id": ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a6"),
"traces": [
"caller_address": "0x4e204793bc4b8acee32edaf1fbba1f3ea45f7990"
"_id": ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a7"),
"traces": [
"caller_address": "0x4e204793bc4b8acee32edaf1fbba1f3ea45f7990"
If I want to find records having more than 0 items in the array traces I can issue the following:
Find more than zero traces
db.CallerTraces.find({ $expr: { $gt: [ { $size: "$traces" }, 0 ] } })
This returns the following:
Enterprise replSet [primary] barrydb> db.CallerTraces.find({ $expr: { $gt: [ { $size: "$traces" }, 0 ] } })
_id: ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a6"),
traces: [ [ ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a4") ] ],
caller_address: '0x4e204793bc4b8acee32edaf1fbba1f3ea45f7990'
_id: ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a7"),
traces: [
[ ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a4") ]
caller_address: '0x4e204793bc4b8acee32edaf1fbba1f3ea45f7990'
Find more than 1 trace
If instead I want to find more than one trace I simply alter the query slightly:
db.CallerTraces.find({ $expr: { $gt: [ { $size: "$traces" }, 1 ] } })
... and this returns with the following results:
Enterprise replSet [primary] barrydb> db.CallerTraces.find({ $expr: { $gt: [ { $size: "$traces" }, 1 ] } })
_id: ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a7"),
traces: [
[ ObjectId("6175e7ecc62cff004462d4a4") ]
caller_address: '0x4e204793bc4b8acee32edaf1fbba1f3ea45f7990'
When attempting to evaluate the length of the array within the query processor we must elect to use the $eval option as the syntax for MQL does not consider your use case. The $eval is somewhat of a catch-all option for things that do not fit nicely in the MQL framework.
OP introduced additional requirements. Rather than look at the count of the array, we must consider the count of the array within the array (nested inner array). Since the find() method with the $expr cannot evaluate nested arrays we must instead use the aggregation framework and unwind the outer array. This example stores the original form in a new field called original then replaces root after all the evaluation is complete. Since unwinding can result in duplicates in the pipeline we finalize with a $group to suppress duplicates.
$addFields: {
"original._id": "$_id",
"original.traces": "$traces",
"original.caller_address": "$caller_address"
$unwind: "$traces"
$match: { $expr: { $gt: [ { $size: "$traces" }, 1 ] } }
$replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$original" }
_id: "$_id",
traces: { "$first": "$traces" },
caller_address: { "$first": "$caller_address" }

MongoDB: How to count number of values in key

I'm very new to MongoDB and I need help figuring out how to perform aggregation on a key in MongoDB and use that result to return matches.
For example, if I have a collection called Fruits with the following documents:
"id": 1,
"name": "apple",
"type": [
"Granny smith",
}, {
"id": 2,
"name": "grape",
"type": [
}, {
"id": 3,
"name": "orange",
"type": [
How do I write a query that will return the names of the fruits with 2 types, ie apple and grape?
Demo -
use $size to get records with 2 number of type
The $size operator matches any array with the number of elements specified by the argument. For example:
type: { "$size": 2 } // match document with type having size 2
{ name: 1 } // projection to get name and _id only
To get the length of the array you should use $size operator in $project pipeline stage
So the pipeline $project stage should look like this
"$project": {
"name": "$name",
type: {
"$size": "$type"
Here is an working example of the same ⇒

MongoDB - Match all document not containing a combination of value

Let's say I have three document structured like so :
"_id": 1,
"conditions": [
["Apple", "Orange"],
"_id": 2,
"conditions": [
"_id": 3,
"conditions": [
["Apple", "Lime"]
And I have an array, I'll call it ARC for this example :
ARC = [
I would like to return all document in which all conditions subarray values can't be found in the ARC array.
For example, with the data above, the first document should be returned because :
The Apple AND Orange combination is not in the ARC array
Lemon is not in the ARC array
Strawberry is not in the ARC array
The second document shouldn't be returned because :
Apple is in the ARC array
And the third document shouldn't be returned because :
The Apple AND Lime combination is in the ARC array
I've tried
db.example.find({"conditions": {$not: {$elemMatch: {$all: [ARC]}}}})
But it seems way too simple.. So, as expected, it doesn't work.
I know mongoDB is pretty powerful with all the aggregation and stuff but I'm a bit lost.
Do you know if it's possible with a query alone and if so, what should I look for ?
The query below should solve your problem.
var ARC = [
{ $expr: {
$eq: [
{ $filter: { input: "$conditions", as: "c", cond: { $setIsSubset: [ "$$c", ARC] } } },
[ ]
It's made up of lots of parts so I'll try to break it down a bit, The first part is $expr within a find (or can be used within a $match in an aggregation) this allows us aggregation expressions within the query. So this allows us to use a $filter.
The $filter expression allows us to filter down the arrays in the condition field to check if any are a subset of the array ARC passed in.
We can actually take that filter an execute it on its own using an aggregation query:
{ $project: {
"example" : { $filter: { input: "$conditions", as: "c", cond: { $setIsSubset: [ "$$c", ARC] } } }
} }])
{ "_id" : 1, "example" : [ ] }
{ "_id" : 2, "example" : [ [ "Apple" ] ] }
{ "_id" : 3, "example" : [ [ "Apple", "Lime" ] ] }
The last part of the query is the $eq which is taking the value that is created with the filter and then matching it against an empty array [ ].
This is an aggregation approach. You should use $setIsSubset.
Below should be helpful:
$match: {
$expr: {
$eq: [
$allElementsTrue: {
$map: {
input: "$conditions",
as: "c",
in: {
$not: {
$setIsSubset: [

Find array in array data in MongoDB

I want find in this document groups:
"document": {
"groups": [
"id": "5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6"
"id": "73b43unbfkfmdmddfdf84jjk"
are contains some of my query array groups ID:
[ '5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6',
'5cdee5d114edac2cc00bb333' ]
A simple find query suffices:
db.collection.find({ '' : {$in : [ '5ccd5f7f34f82b0e3315b2f6',
'5cdee5d114edac2cc00bb333' ] }})

Update array content within another array that don't have key

I have mongoDB content as below:
Here I have an array named 'Category' where it contains objects with different category id.
I need to
select a particular category id - '57c3df061eb1e59d3959cc40'
From the above selected Category, we get 'Value' array
From Value array need to find if the second value is equal to 'ZZZZZ' ie. value[1] == 'ZZZZZ'
And now, update the matched value arrays with a new value at the end
should be updated to
should be updated to
I have tried as below:
"Category.CategoryId": new ObjectId('57c3df191eb1e59d3959cc43'),
"Category.Value.$.1": 'ZZZZZ'
{"$set": {"Category.Value.$.3": "update1"}
}, function(err, resData){
But, nothing gets updated. Its there any way to get this work. Please help to update the inner array.
Thanks in advance.
Your goal is not possible at the moment since you need to update two positional elements.
There is a JIRA trackable for the sort of behaviour you want here:
It's a problem since you need to match two elements positions:
the Category element with the matched CategoryId
the Value element in the Value array of arrays
If one of these wouldn't be an array it would have been possible.
Anyway, Your update try above was wrong. IF this feature was possible (and it is not!!!) it would have been something like this:
Category: {
$elemMatch: {
CategoryId: ObjectId('57c3df061eb1e59d3959cc40'),
Value: {
$elemMatch: {
'1': 'ZZZZZ'
$push: {
'Category.$.Value.$': 'update1'
The positional $ operator should be used during the update and not the find like you did, and it will update the first element that matched the query.
Doing the above will return the error:
Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path 'Category.$.Value.$'
Because of the missing feature I explained at the top.
So, currently (version 3.2) you will not be able to do this unless you change your schema.
