I tried to clone code from github, i did npm install and tried to run it but i got some errors, i think in the node modules,i don't understand why - reactjs

So i tried to clone an AG-Grid project from github and
Here are some of the errors that i got
The code below is the output of the browser
TypeError: rowData.forEach is not a function
D:/A projet web/Ag-Grid proj glob/Github Template/4/agGrid-crudOperation/node_modules/ag-grid-community/dist/ag-grid-community.cjs.js:40217
40214 | return;
40215 | }
40216 | var rowNodes = [];
> 40217 | rowData.forEach(function (dataItem) {
| ^ 40218 | var node = _this.createNode(dataItem, parent, level);
40219 | rowNodes.push(node);
40220 | });
View compiled
D:/A projet web/Ag-Grid proj glob/Github Template/4/agGrid-crudOperation/node_modules/ag-grid-community/dist/ag-grid-community.cjs.js:40060
40057 | // we add rootNode as the parent, however if using ag-grid-enterprise, the grouping stage
40058 | // sets the parent node on each row (even if we are not grouping). so setting parent node
40059 | // here is for benefit of ag-grid-community users
> 40060 | var result = this.recursiveFunction(rowData, this.rootNode, ClientSideNodeManager.TOP_LEVEL);
| ^ 40061 | if (this.doingLegacyTreeData) {
40062 | this.rootNode.childrenAfterGroup = result;
40063 | this.setLeafChildren(this.rootNode);
Does any one knows the way to fix it or how ?


Solana web3 Program constructor is expecting a json as one of params

I am working with typescript react and I need help with how to fix the issue. My constructor object is expecting one of the arguments to be Idl type which is basically a json generated from solana. How do i fix this?
yeah there is a weird thing with TypeScript and the IdlType on args if you look into the IDL object representation.
It is related to this line:
export declare type IdlType = "bool" | "u8" | "i8" | "u16" | "i16" | "u32" | "i32" | "f32" | "u64" | "i64" | "f64" | "u128" | "i128" | "bytes" | "string" | "publicKey" | IdlTypeDefined | IdlTypeOption | IdlTypeCOption | IdlTypeVec | IdlTypeArray;
The way fixed it is by using a workaround:
import YOUR_IDL_JSON_OBJECT from '../config/abiSolana/solanaIDL.json'
const a = JSON.stringify(YOUR_IDL_JSON_OBJECT)
const b = JSON.parse(a)
return new Program(b, address, provider)
When you do this the compiler should not scream at you. If someone cares to explain what the hell is wrong with the enum there, I would be happy. :)

mocking fields of global objects like window using jest

I am trying to write code for a small utility class that detects change in orientation. Unfortunately, the only way I found to access these fields window.orientation and window.screen.orientation
I can see that window.orientation is deprecated. The alternative I found is the experimental detection api that is not supported on Safari. And so I decided to stick to the deprecated apis for now till I find something better.
Now the other challenge I am facing is whilst mocking access to these readonly field
I am facing a similar problem when trying same approach with window.orientation.
Essentially properties we are trying to alter are readonly properties.
What is the correct approach in this situation?
Note the deprecation warning for window.orientation that I see is present in lib.dom.d.ts
You can use Object.defineProperty() to do this.
export function main() {
const orientation = window.screen.orientation;
return orientation.type;
import { main } from './';
describe('63570675', () => {
it('should pass', () => {
Object.defineProperty(window.screen, 'orientation', {
value: { type: 'landscape-primary' },
const actual = main();
unit test result with coverage report:
PASS src/stackoverflow/63570675/index.test.ts
✓ should pass (5ms)
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
index.ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 5.292s, estimated 14s
source code: https://github.com/mrdulin/jest-codelab/tree/master/src/stackoverflow/63570675

Count unique rows of column in Array of object

Ruby 1.9.3-p194
Rails 3.2.8
Here's what I need.
Count the different human resources (human_resource_id) and divide this by the total number of assignments (assignment_id).
So, the answer for the dummy-data as given below should be:
1.5 assignments per human resource
But I just don't know where to go anymore.
Here's what I tried:
Table name: Assignments
id | human_resource_id | assignment_id | assignment_start_date | assignment_expected_end_date
80101780 | 20200132 | 80101780 | 2012-10-25 | 2012-10-31
80101300 | 20200132 | 80101300 | 2012-07-07 | 2012-07-31
80101308 | 21100066 | 80101308 | 2012-07-09 | 2012-07-17
At first I need to make a selection for the period I need to 'look' at. This is always from max a year ago.
a = Assignment.find(:all, :conditions => { :assignment_expected_end_date => (DateTime.now - 1.year)..DateTimenow })
=> [
#<Assignment id: 80101780, human_resource_id: "20200132", assignment_id: "80101780", assignment_start_date: "2012-10-25", assignment_expected_end_date: "2012-10-31">,
#<Assignment id: 80101300, human_resource_id: "20200132", assignment_id: "80101300", assignment_start_date: "2012-07-07", assignment_expected_end_date: "2012-07-31">,
#<Assignment id: 80101308, human_resource_id: "21100066", assignment_id: "80101308", assignment_start_date: "2012-07-09", assignment_expected_end_date: "2012-07-17">
foo = a.group_by(&:human_resource_id)
Now I got a beautiful 'Array of hash of object' and I just don't know what to do next.
Can someone help me?
You can try to execute the request in SQL :
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_value('SELECT count(distinct human_resource_id) / count(distinct assignment_id) AS ratio FROM assignments');
You could do something like
human_resource_count = assignments.collect{|a| a.human_resource_id}.uniq.count
assignment_count = assignments.collect{|a| a.assignment_id}.uniq.count
result = human_resource_count/assignment_count

Subset with loop over an array of strings

I have my code like this:
for (i in 1:b) {
carteraR[[i]]=subset(carteraR[[i]],RUN.FONDO=="8026" | RUN.FONDO=="8036" | RUN.FONDO=="8048" | RUN.FONDO=="8057" | RUN.FONDO=="8059" | RUN.FONDO=="8072" | RUN.FONDO=="8094" |
RUN.FONDO=="8107" | RUN.FONDO=="8110" | RUN.FONDO=="8115" | RUN.FONDO=="8130" | RUN.FONDO=="8230" | RUN.FONDO=="8248" | RUN.FONDO=="8257" | RUN.FONDO=="8319")
Where b=length(carteraR), and class(carteraR[[i]])=data.frame. RUN.FONDO is one of the head of these data frames. This code is working fine but I want to save some lines.
What I want is something like:
for (i in 1:b) {
for (j in 1:length(A)){
And where A= "8026" "8036" "8048" "8057" ... "8319" ....... etc......
What should the code be like ?
Like this:
carteraR <- lapply(carteraR, subset, RUN.FONDO %in% A)
Just be aware there can be risks with using subset in a programmatic way: Why is `[` better than `subset`?. This usage is fine though.

retrieving multiple rows from database and display using struts2

I am developing a photo album web application in which I am using two tables USER_INFORMATION and USER_PHOTO. USER_INFORMATION contains only user record which is one record, USER_PHOTO contains more than one photo form a single user. I want to get the number of user information along with their userimage path and store it in to a Java Pojo variable like a list so that I can display it using display tag in struts 2.
The table goes like this.
======================= =================================
======================= =================================
|xyz | 1 | | abs | 34 | sdas | 1 |
|sdas | 1 | | asddd | 22 | asda | 2 |
|qwewq | 2 | | sadl | 121 | asd | 3 |
| asaa | 1 | ==================================
| 121 | 3 |
i some what manage to get the user information correctly by using HashSet and display tag the code goes like this...
public ArrayList loadData() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
ArrayList<UserData> userList = new ArrayList<UserData>();
try {
String name;
String fatherName;
int Id;
int age;
String address;
ps = con.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
name = rs.getString(1);
fatherName = rs.getString(2);
age = rs.getInt(3);
address = rs.getString(4);
//Id = rs.getInt(5);
UserData list = new UserData();
} catch (Exception e) {
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
HashSet hs = new HashSet();
//return (userList);
return al;
and my display tag goes like this in jsp...
<display:table id="data" name="sessionScope.UserForm.userList" requestURI="/userAction.do" pagesize="15" >
<display:column property="name" title="NAME" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="fatherName" title="User Name" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="age" title="AGE" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="address" title="ADDRESS" sortable="true" />
as u can see i am displaying only user information not his photo uploaded i want to display his uploaded filename also. i some what created another table to store his photo information. if i include Imagepath attribute in my sql query than their will be duplicate rows means if user have uploaded 5 photos than display tag will display five records with same information with different ImagePath.
so any can tell me hoe make it to display only one record of user information with his multiple ImagePath so that it not display user information repeatedly.
Thanks In Advance
