useEffect on child component fires every other click - reactjs

I have a "Zones" component that has a "heatmapConfig" useState. This state is passed via props to a HeatmapConfiguration component, inside which I want to have a useEffect hook that detects when an option changes (the option is basically a checkbox to turn an option on and off).
The parent component is:
export const Zones = () => {
const [heatmapConfig, setHeatmapConfig] = useState({active: false});
return (
state={heatmapConfig} setState=setHeatmapConfig} />
{ && <HeatmapLeaflet {...{ mapRef, heatmapData, heatmapConfig }} />}
Then the child is passed through the component and it's as follows:
export const HeatmapLeaflet = ({ mapRef, heatmapData, heatmapConfig }) => {
When I click to turn on the option it logs {active: true}, but nothing is logged when I turn it off.
If I place the useEffect hook in the parent component, it obviously works as intended, logging each time the option is on and off, I just don't know how to make it work on the child component. Having the useEffect in the parent won't be good in case you suggest that change, since with that tons of other stuff must change.
The Map component is a leaflet map container and I think the only part relevant to this case is:
export const Map = ({ children }) => {
Within the component I have two others which are working as expected (PerHourScatter and StopsScatter):
{ && <PerHourScatter {...{ scatterplotData, scatterplotConfig }} />}
{ && <StopsScatter {...{ stopsScatterData, stopsScatterConfig }} />}
{ && <HeatmapLeaflet {...{ mapRef, heatmapData, heatmapConfig }} />}
By the comments I realize the difference is that the HeatmapLeaflet component doesn't actually render, it returns emtpy like this: return <></>;
I may have to follow a different approach, and maybe create this component not as a component but as a custom hook?
How do I solve this?


Component Re-rendering issue

I am working on the project in React Typescript.
I have created hierarchy of components as per requirement.
In one scenario I have to pass data from child component to parent component and I am passing function as props and it works.
Issue :
When passing data to parent component child component gets re-render it looks like. Mean to say Dropdown selection is get reset and tree control expanded nodes get collapsed and set to the position as first time rendered.
I have used useState,useEffects hooks.
I have also tried React.memo as a part of my search on internet.
What I need :
I want to pass data to parent component from child without re-render the child component as there is no change in the props of child component.
Try this approach:
Add useCallback hook to memoize your function which lift data to <Parent />.
Then use React.memo for <Child /> to control prop changes and avoid unwanted re-renders.
I prepare an example for you here.
UPD. I have uploaded an example, you can copy it and see how it works!
Here is Child component:
const Child = ({ onChange }) => {
console.log("Child re-render");
return (
<div className="App">
<button onClick={() => onChange(Math.random())}>
Lift value to Parant
const areEqual = ({ onChange: prevOnChange }, { onChange }) => {
return prevOnChange === onChange; // if true => this will avoid render
export default React.memo(Child, areEqual);
And the Parent:
consn App = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
const onChange = useCallback((value) => setValue(String(value)), []);
console.log("Parant re-render");
return (
<div className="App">
<div>Value is: {value}</div>
<Child onChange={onChange} />
Best regards 🚀

React Material UI - Prevent re-rendering child component Tabs on Tab change

I have a list of "tasks" I'd like to map where each task has its own set of tabs. In the TabPanel, there is a component TaskOrg which fetches stuff from the backend (api calls that's significant) and displays the data in a DataGrid. I have no problem isolating each tab, meaning I can click on a tab and it behaves separately from all other tabs.
const [value, setValue] = React.useState({})
useEffect(() => {
if (provincialTasks.length > 0) {
let tabs = {}
provincialTasks.forEach(task => {
tabs[] = false
}, [provincialTasks])
function TabPanel(props) {
const {children, value, index, ...other} = props;
return (
hidden={value !== index}
{value === index && (
<Box sx={{p: 3}}>
return (
{provincialSection.legalTasks?.map((provincialTask) => {
return (
<Tabs value={value[]}>
<Tab value={`org-tab-${}`} {...a11yProps(`org-tab-${}`)} />
<TabPanel value={value[]} index={`org-tab-${}`}>
<TaskOrg value={} {...other} />
The problem is that every time something changes in the parent, everything gets re-rendered, including tabs, of course. But on re-render, the TaskOrg also resets and fetches again the data from the backend and it displays that same data. I know there is useMemo but that only works for a single component. In this case, the provincialTasks objects can vary between 10-20... that's a lot of calls.
I tried passing an active prop to the TaskOrg component to only fetch data if I'm in the right tab, but it still doesn't prevent the re-render of that set of tabs (if I switch between tab for the same task).
Is there a way to prevent re-rendering on a set of child components, namely TaskOrg components should the parent decide it changed its state?
From the code you shared I suspect that you have that function called TabPanel that returns a component within your main component. When you do that, every time the main component updates, it updates the function as well, re-rendering the TabPanel. You should declare that function outside the main component to prevent unwanted re-renders

React: Setting and updating based on props

Currently I am facing the problem that I want to change a state of a child component in React as soon as a prop is initialized or changed with a certain value. If I solve this with a simple if-query, then of course I get an infinite loop, since the components are then rendered over and over again.
Component (parent):
function App() {
const [activeSlide, setActiveSlide] = useState(0);
function changeSlide(index) {
return (
<div className="app">
<div className="app__nav">
<Button icon="FiSun" handler={changeSlide} active={activeSlide} index="0" />
<Button icon="FiSettings" handler={changeSlide} active={activeSlide} index="1" />
Component (child):
function Button(props) {
const Icon = Icons[props.icon];
const [activeClass, setActiveClass] = useState("");
// This attempts an endless loop
if( == props.index) {
function toggleView(e) {
<button className={activeClass} data-index={props.index} onClick={toggleView}>
<Icon />
Is there a sensible and simple approach here? My idea would be to write the if-query into the return() and thus generate two different outputs, even though I would actually like to avoid this
The React docs have a nice checklist here used to determine if something does or does not belong in state. Here is the list:
Is it passed in from a parent via props? If so, it probably isn’t state.
Does it remain unchanged over time? If so, it probably isn’t state.
Can you compute it based on any other state or props in your component? If so, it isn’t state.
The active class does not meet that criteria and should instead be computed when needed instead of put in state.
<button className={ == props.index ? 'active' : ''} data-index={props.index} onClick={toggleView}>
<Icon />
This is a great use of useEffect.
instead of the if statement you can replace that with;
const {active, index} = props
useEffect(_ => {
if(active == index) {
}, [active])
The last item in the function is a dependency, so useEffect will only run if the active prop has changed.
React automatically re-renders a component when there is a change in the state or props. If you're just using activeClass to manage the className, you can move the condition in the className as like this and get rid of the state.
<button className={ === props.index ? 'active' : ''} data-index={props.index} onClick={toggleView}>
<Icon />
however, if you still want to use state in the child component, you can use the useEffect hook to to update the state in the child component.
Try to use the hook useEffect to prevent the infinite loop. (
Or useCallback hook. (
Try this and tell me if it's right for you :
function App() {
const [activeSlide, setActiveSlide] = useState(0);
const changeSlide = useCallback(() => {
}, [index]);
return (
<div className="app">
<div className="app__nav">
<Button icon="FiSun" handler={changeSlide} active={activeSlide} index="0" />
<Button icon="FiSettings" handler={changeSlide} active={activeSlide} index="1" />

Using Stateful React classes in typescipt

I am trying to create a Stateful class in which you can call methods such as createHeaderButton() where after calling it would update the state and re-render with these new updates in the component.
Im using Material-UI and so most of their styling utilizes Reacts hook API which of course classes cant use. Ive tried to get around this by using;
export default withStyles(useStyles)(HeaderBar)
Which exports the class separately with the Styles(withStyles(useStyles) useStyles as the defined styles) And the class(HeaderBar). Now the only issue is that i need to access the styles in my class. Ive found a JS example online that wont work for me because of the strong typed syntax of TS. Additionally When initializing my Class component in other places i try to get the ref=(ref:any)=>{} And with that call the create button methods when i get a response from my server, Which doesnt work because of this new way of exporting the class component!
Thanks for the help, Heres my component class:
And where i try to call it:
My personal opinion is that you should convert HeaderBar to a function component. The reason that it needs to be a class right now is so you can use a ref to call a class method to modify the buttons. But this is not a good design to begin with. Refs should be avoided in cases where you can use props instead. In this case, you can pass down the buttons as a prop. I think the cleanest way to pass them down is by using the special children prop.
Let's create a BarButton component to externalize the rendering of each button. This is basically your this.state.barButtons.forEach callback, but we are moving it outside of the HeaderBar component to keep our code flexible since the button doesn't depend on the HeaderBar (the header bar depends on the buttons).
What is a bar button and what does it need? It needs to have a label text and a callback function which we will call on click. I also allowed it to pass through any valid props of the material-ui Button component. Note that we could have used children instead of label and that's just down to personal preference.
You defined your ButtonState as a callback which takes the HTMLButtonElement as a prop, but none of the buttons shown here use this prop at all. But I did leave this be to keep your options open so that you have the possibility of using the button in the callback if you need it. Using e.currentTarget instead of gets the right type for the element.
import Button, {ButtonProps as MaterialButtonProps} from "#material-ui/core/Button";
type ButtonState = (button: HTMLButtonElement) => void;
type BarButtonProps = {
label: string;
callback: ButtonState;
} & Omit<MaterialButtonProps, 'onClick'>
const BarButton = ({ label, callback, ...props }: BarButtonProps) => {
return (
color="inherit" // place first so it can be overwritten by props
onClick={(e) => callback(e.currentTarget)}
Our HeaderBar becomes a lot simpler. We need to render the home page button, and the rest of the buttons will come from props.childen. If we define the type of HeaderBar as FunctionComponent that includes children in the props (through a PropsWithChildren<T> type which you can also use directly).
Since it's now a function component, we can get the CSS classes from a material-ui hook.
const useStyles = makeStyles({
root: {
flexGrow: 1
menuButton: {
marginRight: 0
title: {
flexGrow: 1
const HeaderBar: FunctionComponent = ({ children }) => {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
<AppBar position="static">
<HeaderMenu classes={classes} />
<Typography variant="h6" className={classes.title}>
callback={() => renderModule(<HomePage />)}
style={{ color: "white" }}
label="Sundt Memes"
Nothing up to this point has used state at all, BarButton and HeaderBar are purely for rendering. But we do need to determine whether to display "Log In" or "Log Out" based on the current login state.
I had said in my comment that the buttons would need to be stateful in the Layout component, but in fact we can just use state to store an isLoggedIn boolean flag which we get from the response of AuthVerifier (this could be made into its own hook). We decide which buttons to show based on this isLoggedIn state.
I don't know what this handle prop is all about, so I haven't optimized this at all. If this is tied to renderModule, we could use a state in Layout to store the contents, and pass down a setContents method to be called by the buttons instead of renderModule.
interface LayoutProp {
handle: ReactElement<any, any>;
export default function Layout(props: LayoutProp) {
// use a state to respond to an asynchronous response from AuthVerifier
// could start with a third state of null or undefined when we haven't gotten a response yet
const [isLoggedIn, setIsLoggedIn] = useState(false);
// You might want to put this inside a useEffect but I'm not sure when this
// needs to be re-run. On every re-render or just once?
AuthVerifier.verifySession((res) => setIsLoggedIn(res._isAuthenticated));
return (
{isLoggedIn ? (
label="Log Out"
callback={() => new CookieManager("session").setCookie("")}
) : (
label="Log In"
callback={() => renderModule(<LogInPage />)}
label="Sign Up"
callback={() => renderModule(<SignUpPage />)}
I believe that this rewrite will allow you to use the material-ui styles that you want as well as improving code style, but I haven't actually been able to test it since it relies on so many other pieces of your app. So let me know if you have issues.

When react perform componentDidMount and componentWillUnmount

I played with React for several years, still confused with mount/unmount mechanism in some case.
Since mount/unmount is the place to perform side effect, I do not want them to be invoked randomly. So I need to figure out how they work. As far as I can understand currently, when the virtual dom do not present in real dom, it tend to be unmounted. However, it seems not the whole story, and I can not reason it about
function TestMount(props) {
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
return <h1>Test content {" " + JSON.stringify(}</h1>;
function Update({ click }) {
return <button onClick={click}>Update</button>;
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const Component = name => <TestMount name={name} />;
return (
<div className="App">
<Component name="one" />
<Update click={() => setCount(x => x + 1)} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Component One is remount overtime the app render while Component two not?Why this happen?
Component is a new function each time App is rendered, so <Component name="one" /> is remounted each time too, they are considered different components.
The result of Component("two") call is <TestMount name={"two"} />, TestMount stays the same each time App is rendered, so it's not remounted.
Component is invalid component for what it's used for, to pass name string as name prop to TestMount component because name parameter is not a string but props object when Component is used like <Component name="one" />. name => <TestMount name={name} /> is render function, it's preferable to name it accordingly like renderTestMount for clarity because components aren't supposed to be called directly like Component("two").
In case a function is supposed be used as component or render function interchangeably, the signature should be changed to ({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />.
The expected behaviour could be achieved for <Component name="one" /> by memoizing Component:
const Component = useCallback(({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />, []);
But since Component doesn't depend on App scope, a correct way is to define it outside:
const Component = ({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />;
function App() {...}
For instance, this is the reason React Router Route has separate component and render props for a component and render function. This allows to prevent unnecessary remounts for route components that need to be defined dynamically in current scope.
The key to such issue is the difference between the React Component and React element, put shortly React is smart with element not Component
Component vs element
Component is the template used to create element using <> operation. In my prospective, <> is pretty much like new operator in OOP world.
How React perform update between renders
Every time the render method(or functional component) is invoked. The new element is created using <>, however, React is smart enough to tell the element created between renders are actually the same one, i.e. it had been created before and can be reused as long as the element is created by the same Component
How about different Component
However when the identity of the Component using to generate element changes(Even if the Components look same), React believes something new come though, so it remove(unmount) the previous element and add(mount) the new one. Thus componentDidMount or componentWillUnmount is invoked.
How is confusing
Think we got a Component and when we generate element using <Component /> react can tell the same elements because they are generated by the same Component
However, HOCComponent=()=><Component />; element= <HOCComponent />, every time element is generated, it used a different Component. it is actually a HOC constructed dynamically. Because the HOC is created dynamically inside render function, it can be confusing on the first glance.
Is that true
I never found any offical document about the idea above.However the code below is enough to prove
function TestMount(props) {
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
return <h1>Test content {" " + JSON.stringify(}</h1>;
function Update({ click }) {
return <button onClick={click}>Update</button>;
let _Component;
function cacheComponent(C) {
if (C && !_Component) {
_Component = C;
return _Component || null;
const CacheComponent2 = once(({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />, []);
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
// can be used as a HOC of TestMount or a plain function returnnung a react element
const Component = name => <TestMount name={name} />;
const CacheComponent1 = cacheComponent(Component);
const CacheComponent3 = useCallback(
({ name }) => <TestMount name={name} />,
return (
<div className="App">
{/* used as HOC */}
<Component name="one" />
{/* used as function returnning the element */}
<CacheComponent1 name="three" />
<CacheComponent2 name="four" />
<CacheComponent3 name="five" />
<Update click={() => setCount(x => x + 1)} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement);
Also the code above provide three different ways to avoid the undesired mount/unmount. All the solutions are cache the identity of the HOC somehow
