I have two different routes that are using the same component.
<Route path="/produktai" element={<Products />}/>
<Route path="/produktai/:productId" element={<Products />} />
I'm using Link from react to switch between pages and get id's from
const pathname = useLocation().pathname;
to perform rest api's.
For example, when i change pages using Link from /products to /products/2, url changes but the problem is that page doesn't refresh as it should. Problem solves if i'm using a tag with href as it always reloads page unlike smooth react Link functionality but i don't think that's a good solution.
Even though the route path changes you are still rendering the same Products component. If you need to run some logic when the path changes, or more likely, when the productId route param updates, then you should use an useEffect hook with the productId route param as a dependency.
const { productId } = useParams();
useEffect(() => {
if (productId) {
// Perform rest api call and response handling
}, [productId]);
There is a better approach for this issue. Give unique keys like below.
<Route path="/all-reports">
<ReportsPage key="1" />
<Route path="/shared-reports">
<ReportsPage key="2" mode="shared" />
<Route path="/owned-reports">
<ReportsPage key="3" mode="owned" />
I am using a HashRouter to render different pages. The problem I am having is that when I visit
/service/app/sort, it renders <MainPage /> when I am expecting it to render <ChildPage />.
Here's similar to what my router looks like
<Route path="/service/app">
<MainPage />
<Route path="/service/app/sort">
<ChildPage />
Additional information that may help:
on my <MainPage />, I have a button to redirect onClick
const history = useHistory();
const handleSortClick = () => {
console.log('click me')
let path = "/service/app/sort";
When I click it once, I get the 'click me' console.log and the link changes to /service/app/sort, but it's still the <MainPage />. If I click it one more time, I get the warning
"Warning: Hash history cannot PUSH the same path; a new entry will not be added to the history stack"
You're probably facing this problem because the start of the URL is being interpreted as truthy by react-router-dom, and is letting you access the /service/app anyway.
For example, the /service/app route will not only detect this route, but will also detect /service/app/1 or /service/app1 just because it has /service/app in the path.
To prevent this, you need to pass the exact property to the route, so react-router will understand that you need to access exactly this route to render that component.
<Route path="/service/app" exact={true}>
<MainPage />
Consider this the main App component (imports left out for brevity):
const App = () => {
const [orderRoutes, setOrderRoutes] = useState([])
const updateOrderRoutes = (newRoute) => {
const renderedOrderRoutes = orderRoutes.map(route => {
return (
<CatalogPage />
return (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/aboutus" exact component={AboutUs} />
<Route path="/faq" exact component={Faq} />
<Route path="/register" exact component={Register} />
<Footer />
export default App
The challenge is that some of the routes are not known when rendering the initial App component. They will be known when an AJAX request in the <Header> component is responded to. The header will then update the new route to the orderRoutes state property, re-rendering the App component every time. The routes that are the result of the AJAX call (that is made in the <Header>) are then rendered to the <BrowserRouter> (in {renderedOrderRoutes}). In the <Header>, there is a <Link> for each route being rendered as a result of the same AJAX call, so that every menu entry (The <Link>s) will have a corresponding route.
This works fine, but when I access one of the URL's that this mechanism generates directly (e.g.: refresh the page), the <CatalogPage> component is not rendered.
So, for instance let's say that the AJAX call results in a bunch of routes and one of those is /t-shirts/tanktops. I will get a menu entry with a link to that path. When I click that menu entry the <CatalogPage> component is rendered. But when I access /t-shirts/tanktops directly, the <CatalogPage> component is not rendered.
How can I alter this code to make the URL's that are a result of the AJAX call directly accessible?
OK, I 'solved' this (don't like it) by forcing the <App> component to re-render when one of the <Link>s was clicked by creating an unused piece of state on the App component called activeOrderRoute. I passed the setter down to the Header as a prop and connected it as a callback to the onClick handler for each Link that was created in response to the AJAX request. This essentially forces the App to re-render and render the routes, which solved my problems.
Still, that does not seem like the correct way to do it so any help would be appreciated.
React router does not directly have routing support for all URLs. It catches the default domain only the remaining routing is done on client side and requests are not served.
If your domain is www.mydomain.com, you can not access the URL www.mydomain.com/info directly in the react router.
You can use a hash router but that makes the URLs unfriendly for SEO
You can set up a catch-all routes and route it yourself
This link would help you with the same
you need to modify your webpack.config.js and add the following lines.
module.exports = {
devServer: {
historyApiFallback: true,
Instead of trying to explicitly render a route for each asynchronously fetched route, leverage the power of react-router-dom and render a dynamic route path string that can handle any catalog page.
Instead of this:
const renderedOrderRoutes = orderRoutes.map(route => {
return (
<CatalogPage />
return (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/aboutus" exact component={AboutUs} />
<Route path="/faq" exact component={Faq} />
<Route path="/register" exact component={Register} />
<Footer />
Render a single dynamic route in your Router. Use a Switch so only a single route component is matched and rendered. Reorder the routes so the more specific paths can be matched before less specific paths. Now, when a URL has a path that is of the shape "/someClass/someOrder" it can be matched before you try matching any of the more general paths. You will see that the home path ("/") is matched last and the reordering allows us to remove the exact prop on all routes.
return (
<Header updateOrderRoutes={updateOrderRoutes} />
<Route path="/aboutus" component={AboutUs} />
<Route path="/faq" component={Faq} />
<Route path="/register" component={Register} />
<Route path="/" component={Home} />
<Footer />
You may need to adjust some logic in CatalogPage to handle possible undefined catalog data, whatever it is using from the route props/etc... to render catalog stuff.
In your Header component make the asynchronous call there to fetch the routes that can be navigated to so you can dynamically render render links to them (if that is even why you are passing the routes to Header).
From below code ,if i remove routes variable from code1 and go with code2 code than
i did not face any problem .but if i comment code2 routes variable and work with the code1
than i am facing problem that when i click on submit button of Auth.js file or /auth route
(without or with selecting any ingredient from /burgerBuilder route.
when user click on submit button of Auth.js file .it will dispatch auth action in redux store
than that will dispatch authStart than after receiving response from firebase than we dispatch authSuccess which changes token and some other data in redux.
than this changes will rerender all component who has auth object state in their mapStateToProps.but token is not updating in mapStateToProps in Auth.js file
where am i wrong .
complete code you can check on below link
[1]: https://codesandbox.io/s/goofy-kowalevski-mos8f?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark
but i am getting problem when i conditioned routes in App.js file. if i dont do that than it works fine more i have already described in App.js file with code as well.
class App extends Component {
let routes ;
routes = (
<Route path="/auth" component={Auth}/>
<Route path="/" exact component={BurgerBuilder} />
routes = (
<Route path="/checkout" component={Checkout} />
<Route path="/orders" component={Orders} />
<Route path="/logout" component={Logout} />
<Route path="/" exact component={BurgerBuilder} />
routes = (
<Route path="/auth" component={Auth}/>
<Route path="/checkout" component={Checkout} />
<Route path="/orders" component={Orders} />
<Route path="/logout" component={Logout} />
<Route path="/" exact component={BurgerBuilder} />
return (
componentDidMount() {
const mapStateToProps = (state)=>{
return {
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
onAuthCheck:() =>dispatch(authCheckState()) //when try to auto signin
export default withRouter(connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(App));
what i have already tried -> i have followed a question on stackoverflow that was telling that is because of unupdated react and react-dom .i am stuck in it from 12 hours .
thanks in advance.
i already mentioned that when i got the problem in question .when user was submitting the form it causes rerendering because of i received token from a server using an auth action.and i have conditioned my routes in such a way that it does not contain auth.js file (login/signup) page route. so that now it(auth.js) does not render because i omitted route of auth.js file(login/signup page).and even i have logged in and successfully received token but was still on the same url because the redirection code that i have written inside auth.js file does not execute.
some more information and refrence more clarity .-->
i known Link or NavLink component is related to Route .
but how it actually related
but actually what happening is .link component is internally an anchor tag when you click on that it changes your url .if your url changes mean it is changing your url property of match property of prop object.and in react we know if any prop changes it causes re-rendring.when it re-render the corresponding route whose path matches with the url render the component in its component props.
from react-router documentation .
Route Matchers-->
There are two route matching components: Switch and Route. When a is rendered,{*** it searches through its children elements to find one whose path matches the current URL. When it finds one, it renders that and ignores all others***}. This means that you should put s with more specific (typically longer) paths before less-specific ones.
If no matches, the renders nothing (null).
I am trying to implement a routing structure where a user goes to another user's page or their own when the path is /:username. I also want to render another page with a path /watch or /watch/ .. Facebook has a similar setup where /:username will take you to your page or another user's and /watch/ for example is a page. Is there best practice to achieve this with react-router?
As of now I have something like this..
<Route path="/" exact component={authenticated ? Home : Index} />
<Route path="/watch/" component={Watch} />
<Route path="/:username" exact component={({match}) => {
if(match.params.username === data.Username) {
return <ProfilePage match={match} />
} else {
return <UserPage match={match} />
}} />
Now if I got to /watch/ the profile component is being rendered aswell. So :username is going to match all my routes?
As you already deducted, /:username is matching at the same time as /watch/ because both patterns match the URL /watch/.
Thankfully, React Router provides a <Switch> component for cases like this one, where only the first match is rendered:
<Route path="/watch/" component={Watch} />
<Route path="/:username" component={...} />
Now, with the URL /watch/, only the first route is rendered, even though the second one matches too.
If you are using react-router-dom v6, do these:
instead of Switch, you should use Routes
instead of component={<SomeComponent />} property, use element={<SomeComponent />}
Just in case, you can Read this article about upgrading from v5 to v6
I'm reading about static vs dynamic routing in React Router, and I'm struggling to identify the advantages of the latter (and why v4 chose to go with it). I can see the advantage of listing out all the routes for an application (static), as well as the component that each route maps to, allowing you to trace what would be rendered given a specific URL. But I'm not seeing any clear advantage to dynamic routes.
If anything, I can only see disadvantages, because there is no clear way to see what state a URL will map to, without starting at the root app element and working your way through the routes (though I might be mistaken).
What situations does dynamic routing address? Why is it preferable to static routing (maybe specifically in React apps)?
Dynamic Routing
From the react router docs:
When we say dynamic routing, we mean routing that takes place as your
app is rendering, not in a configuration or convention outside of a
running app.
Think of routes as components
The earlier versions of react-router (pre v4) used to have static routes. This led
to a centralized routing in apps like:
<Route path='/' component={Main}>
<IndexRoute component={Home} />
<Route path='about' component={About} />
<Route onEnter={verifyUser} path='profile' component={Profile} />
However, this is not exactly the React way of doing things. React focuses on composition using components based logic. So, instead of imagining our Routes as a static system, we can imagine them as components, which is what react-router v4 brings in and the primary philosophy behind it.
Therefore, we can use Route as we would use any React component. This lets us add Route components as and when we build different components. One advantage of doing this is we can decouple the routing logic to the components needing them.
Nesting routes
The About component can handle all the routes and conditionally render parts of UI based on the url (say /about/job or /about/life etc).
Another thing to note is that a Route component will either render the component for a matching route or null. Example, the following Route renders the About component for a route /about and null (or nothing) otherwise.
<Route path='about' component={About} />
This is also similar to how we're used to conditionally rendering components in React:
route === '/about' ? <About /> : null
Now if we need to render some other components inside the About component for routes /about/job or /about/life we can do it like:
const About = ({ match ) => (
<Route path={`${match.url}/job`} component={Job} />
<Route path={`${match.url}/life`} component={Life} />
Dynamic imports and code splitting
Personally, I've also found this approach works better for me in case I'm using dynamic imports with code-splitting, since I can add dynamic routes in any of my components. For example,
import Loadable from 'react-loadable';
const Loading = () => (
<div />
const Job = Loadable({
loader: () => import('./Job'),
loading: Loading,
const Life = Loadable({
loader: () => import('./Life'),
loading: Loading,
render() {
return (
<Route path={`${match.url}/job`} component={Job} />
<Route path={`${match.url}/life`} component={Life} />
Responsive routes
Another great use case for dynamic routing is creating responsive routes which is explained beautifully in the react router docs and a recommended read. Here's the example from the docs:
const App = () => (
<Route path="/invoices" component={Invoices}/>
const Invoices = () => (
{/* always show the nav */}
<Media query={PRETTY_SMALL}>
{screenIsSmall => screenIsSmall
// small screen has no redirect
? <Switch>
<Route exact path="/invoices/dashboard" component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path="/invoices/:id" component={Invoice}/>
// large screen does!
: <Switch>
<Route exact path="/invoices/dashboard" component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path="/invoices/:id" component={Invoice}/>
<Redirect from="/invoices" to="/invoices/dashboard"/>
Summarizing the docs, you'll notice how simple and declarative it becomes to add the Redirect to large screen sizes using dynamic routing. Using static routing in such cases would be quite cumbersome and would need us to put all the routes in a single place. Having dynamic routing simplifies this problem since now the logic becomes composable (like components).
Static Routing
There are some problems which are not solved easily with dynamic routing. An advantage of static routing is that it allows for inspection and matching of routes before rendering. Hence it proves useful especially on server side. The react router team is also working on a solution called react-router-config, quoting from which:
With the introduction of React Router v4, there is no longer a
centralized route configuration. There are some use-cases where it is
valuable to know about all the app's potential routes such as:
Loading data on the server or in the lifecycle before rendering the next screen
Linking to routes by name
Static analysis
Hope this provides a good summary of both Dynamic Routing and Static Routing and the use cases for them :)
According to the React-Router docs:
When we say dynamic routing, we mean routing that takes place as your
app is rendering, not in a configuration or convention outside of a
running app. That means almost everything is a component in React
Its clear for the explanation that, all you Routes are not initialised at the start of your application,
In React-router v3 or below, it used static Routes and all Routes would be initialised at the top level, and nesting used to be achieved like
<Route path='/' component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Dashboard} />
<Route path='users' component={Users}>
<IndexRoute component={Home}/>
<Route path="users/:id" component={User}/>
With this API setup, react-router was reimplementing parts of React (lifecycles, and more), and it just didn’t match the composition logic that React recommends on using.
With Dynamic Routes the following advatages, comes to be foreseen
Nested Routes
Nested Routes with Dynamic Routing are more like
const App = () => (
{/* here's a div */}
{/* here's a Route */}
<Route path="/todos" component={Todos}/>
// when the url matches `/todos` this component renders
const Todos = ({ match }) => (
// here's a nested div
{/* here's a nested Route,
match.url helps us make a relative path */}
In the above example, only when /todos matches the route-path, the Todo component is mounted and only then the Route path /todos/:id is defined.
Responsive routes
The React-router docs have a good use case for this.
Consider a user navigates to /invoices. Your app is adaptive to different screen sizes, they have a narrow viewport, and so you only show them the list of invoices and a link to the invoice dashboard. They can navigate deeper from there.
However on a large screen, navigation is on the left and the dashboard or specific invoices show up on the right.
and hence /invoices is not a valid Route for a large screen and we would want to redirect to /invoices/dashboard. This may so happen, the user rotates his/her phone from a portait to a landscape mode. This can easily be done using dynamic Routing
const Invoices = () => (
{/* always show the nav */}
<Media query={PRETTY_SMALL}>
{screenIsSmall => screenIsSmall
// small screen has no redirect
? <Switch>
<Route exact path="/invoices/dashboard" component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path="/invoices/:id" component={Invoice}/>
// large screen does!
: <Switch>
<Route exact path="/invoices/dashboard" component={Dashboard}/>
<Route path="/invoices/:id" component={Invoice}/>
<Redirect from="/invoices" to="/invoices/dashboard"/>
Using Dynamic Routes with React Router’s, think about components, not static routes.
Code Splitting
One great feature of the web is that we don’t have to make our visitors download the entire app before they can use it. You can think of code splitting as incrementally downloading the app. This is made possible with Dynamic Routing.
The advantages it brings is that all your code need not be downloaded at once and hence it makes initial rendering faster.
Here is a good article that helps you setUp codeSplitting for your application
Writing Composable Authenticated Routes
With Dynamic Routing its also made easier to write PrivateRoutes(an HOC that does authentication) which allow for authenticating users and providing them access to specific Routes and redirecting otherwise. This call all me made very generically
A Typical Private Route would be look like
const PrivateRoute = ({ component: Component, ...rest }) => (
render={props =>
fakeAuth.isAuthenticated ? (
<Component {...props} />
) : (
pathname: "/login",
state: { from: props.location }
and can be used as
<PrivateRoute path="/protected" component={Protected} />