Using an url in a gulp.src array - request

I am trying to load a css file from an URL into a gulp.src array because that project doesn't have a npm package but still I would like to include it into my vendor.css file.
I tried this using the 'request' and the 'gulp-download' package. Neither of them seem to do what I intent to.
/// etc...
const download = require('gulp-download'); // doesn't seem to work
async function vendor_css() {
return gulp.src(
await download('')
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(cssmin({ keepSpecialComments: 0 }))
So how to realize this?


Accessing file in public folder through capacitor

I'm using ionic-v5, capactior and react to build an app.
I have a file (data.json) stored inside of my public/ folder.
I simply want to be able to load that file in and store it as an object.
So far I have tried:
import { Filesystem, FilesystemEncoding } from '#capacitor/core'
let contents = await Filesystem.readFile({
path: "data.json",
encoding: FilesystemEncoding.UTF8,
import { HTTP } from '#ionic-native/http';
let response = await HTTP.get("file://data.json", {}, {});
ret =;
return ret;
I have also looked at but the documentation is poor to say the least.
Along with this I have tried pre-pending /android_asset/public to all of the paths but no luck (I know it would only work on Android, I just wanted to get something).
If you're using Ionic React (v5) and you just want to access a file in /myapp/public, you don't need Capacitor.
You can use axios (or fetch).
Folder structure:
Sample code:
export const fetchJsonFile = (fileName: string): Promise<any> => (
.then((response) => response).catch((error) => {

How to use "webpack.DefinePlugin" with React Gatsby and React-Bodymoving?

I am pretty new to React but I want to set
BODYMOVIN_EXPRESSION_SUPPORT in Webpack's Define plugin with Gatsby v1.
I followed the links below but I don't get what exactly I suppose to do...
I made the file named .env.development and put it to src folder. the content in this file is below.
plugins: ([
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
The folder structures is
|- public //where the build goes
|- src -- //where I develop site
What I noticed is there is a line said
in bodymovin library and I think I just need to change that. I could modify in library directly maybe but I don't think that a best way to get around this problem. Does someone know how to set this up right?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT 2019-09-02
To use environment variables from .env files I recommend using dotenv because it's so simple. Here's an example that creates an object of all the variables in the .env file and makes them accessible on the client side (i.e in React) through DefinePlugin.
// gatsby-node.js
var dotenv = require('dotenv');
const env = dotenv.config().parsed;
// Create an object of all the variables in .env file
const envKeys = Object.keys(env).reduce((prev, next) => {
prev[`process.env.${next}`] = JSON.stringify(env[next]);
return prev;
}, {});
exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({ stage, rules, loaders, plugins, actions }) => {
plugins: [
// Add the environment variables to webpack.DefinePlugin with define().
Here's an example of how I get the application name and version from package.json and using it in my service worker, I'm using Gatsby V2 though. Having the version in the service worker makes caching easier to handle. As you wrote, DefinePlugin is the way to go but it's a bit different when we use it in Gatsby.
We need to import the package.json file and add our custom webpack configuration in gatsby-node.js, with plugins.define() we tell webpack to use DefinePlugin:
const packageJson = require('./package');
exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({
}) => {
plugins: [
__NAME__: JSON.stringify(,
__VERSION__: JSON.stringify(packageJson.version),
The two defined variables __NAME__ and __VERSION__ are now accessible in my service worker sw.js:
self.addEventListener('install', function (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
console.log(__NAME__, __VERSION__);
e.waitUntil( + __VERSION__).then(function(cache) {
return cache.addAll(filesToCache);
Gatsby Reference:

How to check if asset was added from public/ dir in React?

Is it possible to check if a file exists within the /public/ directory?
I have a set of images that correspond to some objects. When available, I would like to display them using <img> tag. However not all of the objects have a corresponding image, in which case I would like to perform a REST request to our server.
I could create a list of files as part of build process, but I would like to avoid that if possible.
I am using create-react-app if it matters (if I understand correctly fs doesn't work in client-side React apps).
EDIT: I guess I should have been more exact in my question - I know client-side JS can't access this information (except through HTTP requests), I was just hoping something saves information (during build) about the files available in a way that is accessible to client-side Javascript... Maybe Webpack or some extension can do this?
You can do this with your axios by setting relative path to the corresponding images folder. I have done this for getting a json file. You can try the same method for an image file, you may refer these examples
Note: if you have already set an axios instance with baseurl as a server in different domain, you will have to use the full path of the static file server where you deploy the web application.
axios.get('http://localhost:3000/assets/samplepic.png').then((response) => {
}).catch((error) => {
If the image is found the response will be 200 and if not, it will be 404.
Edit: Also, if the image file is present in assets folder inside src, you can do a require, get the path and do the above call with that path.
var SampleImagePath = require('./assets/samplepic.png');
First of all you should remember about client-server architecture of any web app. If you are using create-react-app you are serving your app via webpack-dev-server. So you should think about how you will host your files for production. Most common ways are:
apache2 / nginx
but there is a lot of other ways depending on your stack.
With webpack-dev-server and in case you will use apache2 / nginx and if they would be configured to allow direct file access - it is possible to make direct requests to files. For example your files in public path so
class MyImage extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
isExist: null
componentDidMount() {
fetch(MY_HOST + '/public/' + this.props.MY_IMAGE_NAME)
() => {
// request status is 200
this.setState({ isExist: true })
() => {
// request is failed
this.setState({ isExist: false })
render() {
if (this.state.isExist === true) {
return <img src={ MY_HOST + "/public/" + this.props.MY_IMAGE_NAME }/>
return <img src="/public/no-image.jpg"/>

create react app Configuration file after build app

I want a Config File (JSON) in root folder after build to config my app.
like Translation and API Urls and ...
Can I do this with create react app?
Create config.js or json file outside src directory and include it in index.html like
<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/config.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
configure parameters in config.js
var BASE_URL = "http://YOUR-URL";
you can get paramenters like
const BASE_URL = window.BASE_URL;
You can store you JSON file in the public/ folder and it'll automatically provide this file when you host your Create React App.
Something like: /public/my-configuration-file.json
then when you restart your application:
will provide you this json file.
You could create a custom hook that reads a "public" config file using fetch.
// This path is relative to root, e.g. http://localhost/config.json
const configFile = './config.json'
export function useConfig() {
const [config, setConfig] = useState(initialConfig);
useEffect(() => {
(async function fetchConfig() {
try {
const response = await (await fetch(configFile)).json();
} catch (e) {
}, []);
return config;
Then use it anywhere in you app
function App() {
const config = useConfig();
return (
You'll always have an up to date non-cached version of it's data.
updating this topic with a brand new package that is available now that brings the joys of .Net Configuration to the JavaScript world: wj-config.
This package is pretty much an exact answer to what you need. Read this blog post for more information.
It is incredible to me how during over 6 years nobody filled in this gap in React (and JavaScript in general). Anyway, give wj-config a try. I think it will be a positive experience.

How to use CDN Imports in a React-Project

My project is based on create-react-app and now I want to use Here Maps. Their documentation recommends loading the modules with CDN and I cant find any NPM packages for it. My question now is: how can I load the CDN properly?
I know there is the possibility to just put the CDN link inside my index.html file but this seems not to be the right solution I think.
After trying some things out, I found a solution for this use case.
I installed this package "html-webpack-externals-plugin".
All you have to do is read the documentation for your use case. The "CDN-Use-Case" is also described.
For accessing the functions from the external JS-API you have to put a "window." in front of the function for example like this:
const map = new window.H.Map();
Hope this helps somebody!
You can programmatically add JS script tags. Here's an example
function loadScript( {src, id, callback} ) {
if(id && document.getElementById(id)){
return; // don't accidentally re-add
const script = document.createElement( 'script' );
script.onload = callback;
script.setAttribute( 'id', id );
script.setAttribute( 'src', src );
document.body.appendChild( script );
Usage example
src: '',
id: 'script-mapsjs-core',
callback: () => this.setState({mapsjsCoreLoaded: true})
