is only for React-native apps? - reactjs

Can I implement contents on my React WebApps? There is no where written on the website that I can use with React also.

No. You can use reactnavigation only in react-native apps. But if you are using Expo you can generate web-build from your react-native app which have implemented react-navigation and if you are using react-native-cli then you can use react-native-web.
else for building ReactJS Web Apps, you should use react-router-dom instead of react-navigation.


How to use react-router-dom in React + Electron?

I have problem to use react-router-dom for build desktop app with React JS and Electron. I want my App can move like single page application as my website that build with React. But after build React and Electron, the react-router-dom cant display, even i got white screen
pls help me to fix it
I hope:
i want to know how to use react-router-dom for build electron app

What is React Native Web?

As per the docs
React Native is there to Create native apps for Android and iOS
using React.
But I'm confused with React Native Web.
As per the github home
"React Native for Web" makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM.
I'm not getting!
Is this an officially supported library by React Native to compile React Native Mobile Apps, as Web Apps to run on the Web from the same code base, like we do in Flutter?
Ciao, you know that to debug a React Native project you have to run it on an emulator (Expo, Android emulator...). With react-native-web is no longer necessary! You can run your React Native project directly in your browser!

React Native Boilerplate template

I'm a ReactJS developer, and I'm learning React Native for an upcoming project.
With ReactJS, there is a great boilerplate which is widely used by ReactJS developer: (There are also many other great boilerplate).
However, after researching for a day, I haven't figured something similar to React Native. Please, can someone suggest to me a boilerplate for React Native?. Is there a standard project structure out there?
Actually there is not much difference from ReactJs. It really depends on navigation library you are choosing. The best options are:
React Navigation (JS based navigation library)
React Native Navigation (Native navigation library)
I suggest seeing example projects of both libraries.
You should try:
Also read documentation about React Navigation.
You can use the react native Ignite CLI Github which seems to be very similar, it's probably one of the most advanced Boilerplates for React Native and can be difficult to understand, thus when starting with React Native I would advise you to use none at all or just use your React structure
I recommend using the Handidev boilerplate since it only consists of the minimum library that every react-native project uses. And it has been used in many projects. This boilerplate consists of :
latest react-native version
react-navigation and its dependencies
redux-toolkit ( state management)
react-native vector icons ( for icons)
You can check it out here:
javascript version:
npx react-native init MyApp --template #handidev/react-native-boilerplate
TypeScript version:
npx react-native init MyAppName --template #handidev/react-native-typescript-boilerplate

Is there a way to embed a React Native simulator in an Electron app?

My friends and I are building an Electron app (a personal project) that helps you build React Native apps. We would love to have a live preview of the React Native app within the Electron app. Is there a way to do this?
I tried seeing if Expo would allow you to do this but seems like there is no documentation.
It could be interesting to look at react-native-web and try to integrate it to electron. It would be lighter to support than an emulator .
I have not tried yet but it seems that there is a library that provided an extension to react-native-web / electron.
I hope that it will helps you !

How to create a React app without webpack and Create-react-app

without using webpack and create-react-app how to create a React app
i would like to use following in my react application
2.react routing
You can simply copy the cdn and implement your component to the project. That is if you have already a web page and you want to implement a few components with reactJs. Check this page has your answer.
