Use existing e4 Part in legacy IEditorPart - e4

I have an implementation for a part in native e4.
The part's UI shall now also be shown within a MultiPageEditorPart which seems to enforce e3 style editors.
What would be the recommended approach for this? As far as I can tell, I could access all the menus and binding contexts from the EModelService and then manually process them in the e3 legacy part. Is this a good way to handle this?


C & X11 : how to use graphic contexts

I am confused about "graphic context"s, using the xcb library.
There are some examples around the www, they all show creating one single window with one single graphic context.
Of course when setting up several windows, each will have its own graphicx context, or perhaps several.
Could or should I create several graphic contexts for one and the same window? For example one for drawing flowers, another for rivers, a third for text labels? Or is it better to use only one and adapt it to the job at hand?
What is considered good programming style, in this respect?
You can create as many contexts as you want. The rule of thumb is:
If you draw everything in the same style use one context.
If you change the style, but not very often, use one context.
If you change styles frequently, follow your senses and either use one content (and change its attributes as needed) or create several contents. The latter approach is faster, but if you have too many GCs, you may run out of them (there is a limit on how many GCs a window may have).

Replacing 3rd party Windows Forms UI controls in a large codebase

Me and my colleagues are investigating how to replace 3rd party WinForms controlls by our new UI controls in our large legacy codebase. Practically we would like to replace the 3rd party controlls in the inheritance chain. The 3rd party controlls are used dozens of places by subclassing the 3rd party UI controlls. We d like to perform this change as safety as possible, with minimal code change all over the solution. Do you have any experience how to start? Obviously the inheritance means strong coupling here, so i d like to find the less painful solution here.
Is the "branch by abstraction" concept applicable here?
This is a pretty subjective decision based on your team's understanding of the code base as well as workflow. The bright side is that you've already subclassed all the controls, so you've already done the tedious work of being able to provide whatever properties the code is looking for to compile.
Given that this is WinForms, this should be much more straightforward, since the control sizes and locations are set on the Control level. You need to worry about mapping properties/methods that exist in the old vendor's controls to your new controls and not as much about form layout. This might be straightforward for some controls and more complex for others (i.e. grids).
The biggest roadblock IMO is going to be handling the current design-time serialized logic in InitializeComponent. If you've created a property to map from old -> new, you're going to have to be careful that when the designer re-serializes everything after you open the form and modify something, you might not want to serialize both the old property and the new. As an example:
Old Vendor
this.myOldComponent.Data = this.dataSource;
New Vendor
this.myNewComponent.DataSource = this.dataSource;
In this case, you may consider creating a new property called Data on your subclassed new component so that the old code works without changing anything. Let's say you open the form in the designed and move the grid a few pixels, causing the designer to serialize the data. You might now have:
this.myNewComponent.Data = this.dataSource;
this.myNewComponent.DataSource = this.dataSource;
You can prevent serialization with attributes (good discussion on it in this SO question, but this is just an example of something you might hit.
I don't think there's really a pattern here to follow, unless you mean on the source control level, in which case I would say to absolutely create a new branch apart from your regular development one; who knows what kinds of roadblocks you may hit and you'd want to shelve your work for a bit.
Ultimately, you may decide that it's just best to suck it up and rip out the old components and put in the new, but as mentioned this is very subjective. It's situations like this that make me really love WPF and the MVVM model, since you could entirely rip out the UI and keep the business logic intact.

Markup extension breaks on upgrading from Extended WPF Toolkit to 2.0

This is a problem I ran into after upgrading, for unrelated reasons, from version 1.9.0 to 2.0.0 of the Extended WPF toolkit. Despite some time spent bashing my head against it, I'm still not sure whether the problem is with it, with my code, or just something no-one thought of at the time.
I had, previously, a PropertyGrid style that set up type-based custom editors for several different data types, using the TargetType property of the EditorDefinition. This obviously didn't work under 2.0.0, inasmuch as EditorDefinition is obsoleted, so, per the warning messages given, I rewrote the style using EditorTemplateDefinition and TargetProperties, thus:
Here's the problem. If I comment out the upper two EditorTemplateDefinitions, those using the {arkane:Nullable} markup extension, the remainder of the style (the two definitions using the {x:Type} markup extension) works. If I leave them in, as soon as the window containing the property grid is shown, the application crashes with a XamlParseException, could not convert System.RuntimeType to IList.
The {arkane:Nullable} is a simple but pretty standard - or at least commonly seen - extension to TypeExtension to provide the ability to use nullable types in XAML:
But more to the point, it's a simple subclass of TypeExtension and worked just fine when applied to TargetType in EditorDefinition, and hasn't been changed since.
Any ideas as to what part of the change broke this and how to fix it, on either end?
Or, alternatively, is there any way to associate a custom editor for the Extended WPF Toolkit PropertyGrid with a nullable type without using such a markup extension?

WPF: What do you call dual windows where you select from one into the other?

OK this is a somewhat strange question but I've seen this often so I'm assuming it has a name and maybe some tutorials on how to do it.
Imagine two listboxes side by side with the first one full of items. You can select some items from the first press a button between them (often a arrow pointing towards the empty one) to select into the other. This usually is used when you are selecting a smaller SET from a larger one.
This is something you see on a regular basis and made me think it's supported in WPF in wome way.
I'm sure I could create it from scratch but don't wan't to bother if it's already available.
Anyone have any idea?
I'm not sure if this has a formal name, but I don't think it's supported in WPF as a native control, nor with the official Microsoft WPF Toolkit (which does have some interesting add-on controls, by the way). It wouldn't be too hard to build one with 2 ListBoxes and some buttons, as you say.
In our shop, we have a reusable (WinForms) control for this, and we call it a "double list". It's not a great name, but at least we know what it means.

WPF UI element naming conventions

Although Hungarian notation is considered bad practice nowadays, it is still quite common to encode the type in the name of user interface elements, either by using a prefix (lblTitle, txtFirstName, ...) or a suffix (TitleLabel, FirstNameTextBox, ...).
In my company, we also do this, since it makes code written by co-workers (or by yourself a long time ago) easier to read (in my experience). The argument usually raised against doing this -- you have to change the name of the variable if the type changes -- is not very strong, since changing the type of a UI element usually requires rewriting all parts of the code were it is referenced anyway.
So, I'm thinking about keeping this practice when starting with WPF development (hmmm... should we use the txt prefix for TextBlocks or TextBoxes?). Is there any big disadvantage that I have missed? This is your chance to say "Don't do this, because ...".
EDIT: I know that with databinding the need to name UI elements decreases. Nevertheless, it's necessary sometimes, e.g. when developing custom controls...
Personally, I find that WPF changes the rules when it comes to this. Often, you can get away with little or no code behind, so having the prefixes to distinguish names makes things more confusing instead of less confusing.
In Windows Forms, every control was referenced by name in code. With a large UI, the semi-hungarian notation was useful - it was easier to distinguish what you were working with.
In WPF, though, it's a rare control that needs a name. When you do have to access a control via code, it's often best to use attached properties or behaviors to do so, in which case you're never dealing with more than a single control. If you're working in the UserControl or Window code-behind, I'd just use "Title" and "Name" instead of "txtTitle", especially since now you'll probably only be dealing with a few, limited controls, instead of all of them.
Even custom controls shouldn't need names, in most cases. You'll want templated names following convention (ie: PART_Name), but not actual x:Name elements for your UIs...
In my experience - In WPF when you change the type of a control, you normally do not have to rewrite any code unless you did something wrong. In fact, most of the time you do not reference the controls in code. Yes, you end up doing it, but the majority of references to a UI element in WPF is by other elements in the same XAML.
And personally, I find "lblTitle, lblCompany, txtFirstName" harder to read than "Title". I don't have .intWidth and .intHeight (goodbye lpzstrName!). Why have .lblFirstName? I can understand TitleField or TitleInput or whatever a lot more as it's descriptive of the what, not the how.
For me, wishing to have that type of separation normally means my UI code is trying to do too much - of course it's dealing with a UI element, it's in the window code! If I'm not dealing with code around a UI element, why in the world would I be coding it here?
Even from a Winforms perspective I dislike semi-hungarian.
The biggest disadvantage in my opinion, and I've written a LOT of ui code is that hungarian makes bugs harder to spot. The compiler will generally pick it up if you try to change the checked property on a textbox, but it won't pick up something like:
lblSomeThing.Visible = someControlsVisible;
txtWhatThing.Visible = someControlsVisible;
pbSomeThing.Visible = someControlsVisible;
I find it MUCH easier to debug:
someThingLabel.Visible = someControlsVisible;
whatThingTextBox.Visible = someControlsVisible;
someThingPictureBox.Visible = someControlsVisible;
I also think it's far better to group an addCommentsButton with an addCommentsTextBox than to group a btnAddComments with a btnCloseWindow. When are you ever going to use the last two together?
As far as finding the control I want, I agree with Philip Rieck. I often want to deal with all the controls that relate to a particular logical concept (like title, or add comments). I pretty much never want to find just any or all text boxes that happens to be on this control.
It's possibly irrelevant in WPF, but I think hungarian should be avoided at all times.
I like using a convention (just a good idea in general), but for UI stuff I like it to have the type of the control at the front, followed by the descriptive name -- LabelSummary, TextSummary, CheckboxIsValid, etc.
It sounds minor, but the main reason for putting the type first is that they'll appear together in the Intellisense list -- all the labels together, checkboxes, and so on.
Agree with the other answers that it's mainly personal preference, and most important is just to be consistent.
On the need for naming at all, given the prevalence of data binding... one thing you might want to consider is if your UI is ever subjected to automated testing. Something like QTP finds the visual elements in an application by Name, and so an automation engineer writing test scripts will greatly appreciate when things like tabs, buttons etc. (any interactive control) are all well named.
In WPF you practically never need (or even want) to name your controls. So if you're using WPF best practices it won't matter what you would name your controls if you had a reason to name them.
On those rare occasions where you actually do want to give a control a name (for example for an ElementName= or TargetName= reference), I prefer to pick a name describing based on the purpose for the name, for example:
<Border x:Name="hilightArea" ...>
<Setter TargetName="hilightArea" ...
I prefix any user-interface name with two underscores, as in __ so it is sorted before other properties when debugging. When I need to use IntelliSense to find a control, I just type __ and a list of controls displays. This continues the naming convention of prefixing a single underscore to module level variables, as in int _id;.
You can use the official Microsoft website for Visual Basic 6 control naming conventions, and perhaps combine it with the recommended C# naming conventions. It's very specific, is widely used by developers in C# as well for control names, and can still be used in a WPF or Windows Forms context.
Visual Basic 6 control naming conventions: Object Naming Conventions
C# recommended naming conventions in general: General Naming Conventions
