Prebid in react native - reactjs

has anyone managed to use prebid within a react-native project?
I need to handle many bidders, and cannot fin any way to do it as prebid.js uses window variable

Though Prebid.js is written in JS, it must be used under web environment.
To use Prebid within a react-native project, you should checkout prebid-mobile-react-native or official Prebid Mobile SDKs (iOS / Android)


React native web support

I have project in react native and it was build in iOS and android successfully. I have not used react native cli for that project. Now I have to give support for web. So when I run the app all functionality should work in web same as in iOS and android. I have follow tutorial for that
But when I run in the web it getting blank page.
I have tried many ways but it getting blank page. It is possible to run the app in web without using expo?
Please help.
if you don't want to use expo, i suggest you to use this react-native-web

What is React Native Web?

As per the docs
React Native is there to Create native apps for Android and iOS
using React.
But I'm confused with React Native Web.
As per the github home
"React Native for Web" makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM.
I'm not getting!
Is this an officially supported library by React Native to compile React Native Mobile Apps, as Web Apps to run on the Web from the same code base, like we do in Flutter?
Ciao, you know that to debug a React Native project you have to run it on an emulator (Expo, Android emulator...). With react-native-web is no longer necessary! You can run your React Native project directly in your browser!

integrate atmosphere.js in react-native application

I want to integrate atmosphere.js in react native application . I know atmosphere.js will work without any browser browser involve .
expect josp I could port atmospher.js to react-native specific. Just replaced the dependencies with corresponding node packages.

Is there a way to embed a React Native simulator in an Electron app?

My friends and I are building an Electron app (a personal project) that helps you build React Native apps. We would love to have a live preview of the React Native app within the Electron app. Is there a way to do this?
I tried seeing if Expo would allow you to do this but seems like there is no documentation.
It could be interesting to look at react-native-web and try to integrate it to electron. It would be lighter to support than an emulator .
I have not tried yet but it seems that there is a library that provided an extension to react-native-web / electron.
I hope that it will helps you !

How to convert an existing AngularJS 2 web app to a Cordova app?

I have a webapp which I build with Angularjs 2.0, I want to convert it to android apk and install it on android phone and test.
I dont have any experience in building mobile native app or converting webapp to native app.
I have gone through How to convert an existing AngularJS web app to a Cordova app?
Any suggestion/guidance will be helpful.
The most simple explanation is you will need to put your angular files in the www folder, setup your configuration file, make sure the android platform is installed, then run the Android emulate and/or build command to see if it works. That's a very oversimplified version.
Once you've got it working there's a process to go through to prepare the apk to be uploaded to the Google Play Store. You have to be a registered developer for the play store, which is $25/year.
