Updating production database via DACPAC upgrade [closed] - sql-server

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Closed 12 months ago.
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Using a DACPAC to upgrade a data-tier application database is an 'in-place process' as per the documentation.
My question is, how do you go about updating your production databases?
Do you just apply the DACPAC directly to the production database, and then roll back if anything goes wrong?
Obviously you would test this first in a dev, test or staging environment but I'm wondering if there are any other options?

We used dacpacs, but always tested the rollout against a nearly identical dev/test/uat system first. For really sensitive prod rollouts, sometimes I'd generate the change script/report first to make sure it was going to do what I expected. If that looked good, I'd let it run. (sometimes the process needed advanced permissions from the CICD engine that I didn't have with my account)


Azure is hanging when creating databases [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm recreating my development databases in Azure. I have been able to delete/create new ones for over 100 times in the past 3 days with no issue. Small amount of times until the database is fully created, but not too bad.
Today, Saturday, the database is not created and it is not updated probably. So, if I start the DB creation like this: (see pic1)
it says that it is validated and then gives me the message that Deployment has Started, but no DB is created (see pic2)
so, I check the audit log and it claims that the DB deployment has succeeded per (see pic3)
but still my database list is still empty (see pic4) and the darn deployment started is still spinning
I have already tried signing out/in and different browser, but no luck, Is there anything else I could do!? I need my DB.
I ran into similar issues. This is an issue with azure. All you have to do is wait it out.
I remember I had this issue on a sunday night, then monday morning it was working perfectly fine.

access sql query logs from audit file [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In standart edition there is a file which has some info about sql queries logs . and i can access these info with running this query
SELECT * FROM fn_get_audit_file('C:\Audit\PCI_Audit*', default, default)
this is file name
and you can download it from here.
What ever i did i could not read this file and access info.
any suggestion will help too much
thank you very much
There's an SSIS package available that we used once to consolidate the audit logs for many servers into one central repo. Or one can use powershell to manipulate them. Check out two possible solutions below. But we never were able to read the file directly from the OS.

what is COB Environment? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I often come across terms like COB Server or COB Database. Can anyone please explain what is COB environment and how is it different from production or UAT environment.
I've found this, I think is useful to have it in mind. Cheers!
Dev-> Development environment. Only used for coding and developers can access.
SIT-> Software Integration Test environment, Integration test group that verifies initial integration tests, (not functionality test) should be application managers or technology project testers. Also may be developers but not preferred.
UAT-> User Acceptance Test environment. Functionality test, is done by dedicated UAT groups or end users. Environment should be identical with production env. Developers or other technology staff should not access to UAT. Only functionality testers have access.
COB-> Continuity Of Business environment for disaster recovery. Highly advised to be identical with production environment. Also user rights/access should be identical with prod. Also first production release may be tested here before actual prod implementation with an appropriate change management process.
Prod-> Production environment. Final release, after UAT approvals received and an appropriate change management process, release can be implemented here by dedicated implementers.
COB environment is a production like environment and if production environment is down then it is pointed to this environment

SQL Server 2008 hosting recommendations [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am currently working on a project that is hosted at GoDaddy and it has a large database. (Periodically inserting millions of rows). It keeps filling the transaction logs and since GoDaddy sets the SQL user up without permission to basically do anything, I cannot truncate it. The 200mb database max is not ideal either. A VPS isn't in the cards for this company just yet, so I am stuck trying to find a shared hosting provider that office SQL Server 2008 only hosting.
Soooooo, my question is, does anyone know of a hosting company that does SQL Server 2008 hosting that they can vouch for and give high marks?
Cheers guys & gals!
To make a long story short, the more resources you use, the less likely you will be able to use a shared service provider to meet your needs. If you run a Google search, you will find numerous :) However, at some point you will need to get some dedicated resources if you plan on using SQL Server.
It sounds like you are trying to save costs, which is totally understandable, but as the old saying goes "you pay cheap, you pay twice".
DiscountASP.NET looks like a good option for a problem I'm working on at the moment which has similar requirements. They start you off with 500MB of space (+1GB TLog), and you can sign up for more.
Disclaimer: I haven't signed up with them yet, but I've been looking at some of the alternatives, and I keep heading back...

Database change management tools? [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 7 years ago.
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We are currently in the process of solidifying a database change management process.
We run MySql 5 running on RedHat 5. I have selected LiquiBase as the tool because it's open source and allows us to expand its functionality later if needed. It also seems to be one of the few free projects that are still active. Has anyone here had any experience using LiquiBase or other Db versioning tools?
Company Background: We are an SaaS company providing a 7/24 hosted application. There are dozens of instances running different versions of the same database and we need a way to manage the deploy process as it's starting to get out of control. The databases have hundreds of tables and we typically do releases once every 3 months.
I may be biased since I started LiquiBase, but I have been using it in production environments for several years and there have been many, many times where releases would have been a nightmare without it. LiquiBase has evolved to be very flexible and powerful and I have not ran into a situation that it was not able to handle (in one way or another) for quite some time.
The last code release contained of a project I am working on using LiquiBase contained a major database refactoring with hundreds of database changes and needed to be applied to a variety of installations that had different starting points for the database. When we did the release, the databases updated without any problems.
Doctrine, a PHP ORM/DBAL offers Migrations, doing what you want.
The Doctrine migration package allows
you to easily update your production
databases through a nice programmatic
interface. The changes are done in a
way so that your database is versioned
and you can walk backwards and
forwards through the database
