Phishing Training without a Campaign in Windows Defender - o365security-compliance

Using O365 I deployed the Report message button out to my organization for Outlook. I want to send out the phishing training before I start a campaign but I am not sure how to send that out. It looks like each training has it's own unique ID so the system can track if you have completed it which means I can't just send out the URL. Is there a way to assign training in Defender 365 without having to do a campaign first?


Unlicensed User without Office Plan with PowerBI license

I work for a company where we started to share the PowerBI license for users without the Office plan. They started asking us to give them access to the Outlook to be in touch with newsletters and other reports from PowerBI. Our organization is not allowing to supply an Office license to PowerBI users.
I have a few questions :
Is there a chance to forward emails to their private mailboxes without converting them to SharedMailbox?
if I add a PowerBI license with Office plan and convert it to shared the PowerBI will be disabled on that account? If not is it possible to take it off or do I need to convert it to the regular mailbox to take it off?
I know about Mail Flow rules, are they safe to use? They are global rules either way.
I am excluding here a Contact user with one reason PowerBI license cannot be added to a Contact user.
Thanks for any suggestions
Found an answer,
Create AD account synch it with O365 move it to correct OU,
go to the user created earlier -> Attribute Editor -> Attribute: targetAddress add:
Wait to synch and test. All emails should be redirected to the target address without having the license.

Gmail API supports a UserID param but how do I setup a Google account with access to multiple mailboxes?

I have an application which needs access to mailboxes for an organization but likely only needs access to the mailboxes for the sales teams and not the mailboxes for the rest of the organization.
For Office 365 we create a service account and get it delegated access to each of the mailboxes it needs to read emails from.
It seems like the Gmail API supports a "userID" parameter.
How can I configure a service account user thru the Admin portal to have access to multiple mailboxes?
Unfortunately this is not possible because a service account acts on behalf of a user who runs the script and does not have the authorization to access other mailboxes.
As a workaround, in the Admin console, the administrator of the domain is able to set up the routing settings for Gmail in a such a way that a copy of all emails addressed to the Sales Team (Organization Unit “Sales Team”) will be delivered to an additional recipient - who will run the API.
When you set-up the routing settings as explained here and add a recipient to whom to deliver a copy of the messages, you can use the option “Advanced”, which allows you to decide to for example to forward attachments or Spam messages as you can see in the image below.
Furthermore, if you don’t want to forward all messages, you can set-up content compliance rules for the inbox of the additional recipient to whom a copy of the messages will be delivered.

Google Data Studio Scheduled Email doesn't work for Additional Recipients

As described at, there is now the Scheduled Email feature for Google Data Studio Reports.
We tried to set up a scheduled email in my organization and we noticed that the emails do not work for anyone except the person who set up the schedule. All emails have been verified to be correct and all users receiving the email have access to the underlying data source(s) (not sure if that matters though).
What do we need to do to get the scheduled email working for additional recipients? Even if it was only 1 other email, we could set up an email group and handle getting it to everyone that needs it.
This isn't actually an issue, after further investigation these emails were being caught by my company's spam filter. Once I whitelisted, I was able to receive the messages.

Azure AD Multitenanted Apps How to get user emails from IssuerID and clientID

I have a SaaS system using Azure AD and multitenant access. This records the issuer, in the format and an objectidentifier ID.
The portal I'm using insists on seamless trials, so for trial users I can't show a box to collect emails etc. When people later sign up this is collected.
In the initial version I screwed up and didn't collect user names/emails addresses, so I can't warn such users their trials are terminating. I've now fixed this and record the Principal.Identity.Name, which contains an email, every initial sign on.
This leaves me with a bunch of people I have no emails for.
Using what I've got, and maybe powershell or the Graph API, how do I get the names/emails?

Submit Approval Process in Lightning Mode

I Created an Approval process which is working properly in Salesforce Classic, but in Lightning whenever I'm clicking on "Submit For Approval" it is giving an error message "Please log in to the full Salesforce site to complete this approval request, which requires you to select the next approver."
Why this error? Did I miss something to configure??
For approval processes that require manual selection, the submitter needs to log in to the full Salesforce site to submit a record for approval.
Process Builder and Workflow are fully supported. Visual Workflow and Approvals are also supported but have some limitations.
Approval Requests:
Users can see approval requests from either their notifications or through the Approval History related list on the record that needs to be approved.
Lightning Experience users can’t see approval requests in Chatter or in the activity timeline on records.
To see the complete list of requests that are waiting for a user’s approval, the user must switch to Salesforce Classic (or use the Salesforce1 mobile app).
This might be the issue causing here.
